I know I’m being difficult but…

just being very difficult - difficult to deal with
@bounce58 (17387)
January 25, 2012 5:16pm CST
It is/was another stressful day at work today, wherein I had to give out instructions to the guys on the floor. Instructions which are not particularly liked as it meant more work for them. A few even thought that I was just being difficult! I would like to apologize for just being difficult, but I can’t do anything about it, as it’s just part of the job. Have you ever found yourself being difficult? At work? Or in your relationships? Have you ever had to apologize for being difficult?
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17 responses
• United States
26 Jan 12
No. I'm a Capricorn And a stubborn one at that. I was born to be difficult. I only apologize when I do something that I'm sorry for. But you were doing your job, not being difficult. you can feel sorry for they And Even say Sorry Guys but... and then give them the orders.You my friend are not difficult so do not beat yourself over this. Do me a huge favor? Do something fun this weekend.
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• United States
28 Jan 12
Bounce, the X games is on this weekend! I'm good!
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
27 Jan 12
Hey I think I will do something fun this weekend! The Superbowl isn't on yet, and I could skip the NHL all star game anyway. Hopefully the weather will hold up so I could get my bike out and do some riding. Hopefully you do something fun too Sarah! Thanks.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
28 Jan 12
I was riding my bike the whole summer. Just gave it up after it started raining. Oh yeah! The X-Games. I did see their tribute to Sarah Burke. It was really touching.
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@maezee (41988)
• United States
26 Jan 12
When I am put in charge..Sometimes it gets like that, where the people who have to listen to me are probably annoyed by the fact that there is so much to do..In my eyes, I just see it as doing the job right (and it comes as a no-brainer to me) but for some of the newer employees at my shop, they might not understand why it's important to do and therefore dislike me when I'm in charge. HA HA. Who knows. It's always tough being a supervisor, isn't it? I can't imagine doing that all the time...
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Mar 12
hi bounce when I worked in the library I worked under two branch managers,one was tho ughful and when she asked us to do things it was no problem as she would in a pinch if we were short handed work right alongside us. the second boss was so different to begin with she had mood swings she was bi polar and half the time she was down and we were the worst crew she ever had and she just barked orders right an left that at times made no sense, then she would be sweet and happy again and we were the best crew. she had medication but she refused to take it. but in a pinch she bragged that she would never shelve a book she was the branch manager okay but the first one had our respect and we sometimes had to do things we might not like to do but we understood she had bosses too from headquarters. So we did not mind when she seemed difficult as we need she was just doing her job. so think along those lines that if the ones under you respect you they will understand if you have to seem difficult as you are doing your job.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
30 Jan 12
Yeah, it is always going to be tough (being a supervisor). Most specially if you don't have the personality for it. And then it becomes difficult on the supervisor's part. Thanks maezee!
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
29 Jan 12
I don't think I would ever want to be in a work position wherein I had to be difficult. I just don't like to have to be the boss. I don't mind giving advice, but if I am going to be the boss it's going to be my own self. Out in the working field I'd rather be the one taking orders, but then again not too many hefty ones. Retail isn't the best life but it's good either way.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
1 Feb 12
I guess it's just a personality trait. Some are just meant for it, and some are not. Honestly, I am not meant for it, that's why it's really difficult for me too, when I have to be 'difficult'. But sometimes, I just have no choice. Thanks SCG!
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@shibham (16977)
• India
29 Jan 12
It will be difficult if you are supposing otherwise everything is easy. I have not found anything difficult regarding my job even i am attached with other activities of my college than my colleagues. In relationship, sorry i am not involved. lol have a nice time.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
1 Feb 12
Hello shibham. Great ppoint of view! If you accept that everything is not easy, then being difficult wouldn't be out of the norm. Thanks for the response.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
31 Jan 12
Though I try to be a person that isn't difficult, I do find that there are times and places in my life where I am difficult. For me, the place that I find that I'm the most difficult is actually in my relationship with my husband. The reason that I think that this is the case is because of the fact that he is the adult that I spend the most time with. I've been trying to not do that as much these days though.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
1 Feb 12
I think your hubby deserves a pass these days! I think that with what your family is going through, you both could use being less difficult with one another. And I think that's good. Thanks.
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• United States
25 Jan 12
I am never, ever difficult. In fact, I am the most passive and easy-going person you could ever hope to meet. Well ... maybe when I am sleeping at least? Yes, I have had to apologize for being difficult, especially when I was in the wrong ... or at least could have been a little more subtle in the way I did things. However, when it comes to work I would not apologize unless I thought that the rules or instructions were more complex than they needed to be, but since it is work I would still enforce them.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
26 Jan 12
I feel the same way with work. I still need to enforce them however difficult it may be, or however difficult I may seem to be. But I also believe that people are just different. One way may not work the same for another. And sometimes I feel like apologizing for being difficult may just do the trick (make them do whatever I want, that is). Thanks.
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• United States
26 Jan 12
You make a good point here - sometimes apologizing, even when it is not your fault, does go a long way towards people being more open, friendly and cooperative. It is not like you are being false or anything but rather admitting that the rules are not necessarily the most pleasant or easiest, even though they do need to be followed. Sometimes all that people need is that acknowledgement and a little appreciation for the effort they are making, especially if you need them to do even more work.
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@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
26 Jan 12
I've expressed sympathy and awareness of the fact that I am being difficult, but when it comes down to it, the work needs to get done and I do my share.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
28 Jan 12
There are just people who recognize that! That even how difficult a few things are, specially in a job environment, it has to be done, and they all do their share. But you can't deny that some try to avoid. And they themselves become difficult, while calling you (or the boss) the difficult one for giving them more or hard work. Thanks cutepenguin.
@GreenMoo (11834)
26 Jan 12
There's little you can do when work causes you to hand out instructions which aren't welcome. You can do so with an apology, but you can't apologise for just being difficult when you weren't! An explanation of why you had to give the instructions that you did might go more towards fostering an understanding. I'm difficult quite often, not in a work environment, but when I'm in a bad mood. I'm afraid to say that I rarely apologise.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
29 Jan 12
Often times that's my only recourse, to explain why things have to be done. It's the only way I could level down the perception of being difficult. It doesn't go well all the time, but I try. Thanks GM!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
26 Jan 12
I think we have all been "difficult" at one time or another. I like to think of it as "spirited" though..lol. Now as far as work...well..that is one of those cut and dry things where if there are responsibilities to tend to, it is my job to over see that they get done. Everyone understands that about me and I am not one to choose favorites so they all get the same treatment. At home..I guess..maybe...kind of..that I have been difficult. My youngest daughter thinks I am being difficult at this very moment because she has no cell phone service..but I told her if her room wasn't clean by the time I got home that it was going to happen. I thought it was fair warning and she thought it was me being difficult. Perhaps it is a perspective thing too.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
29 Jan 12
What a coincidence! I've also been threatening my son that I would cut off our internet service if he also didn't clean his room. Today he played on line for several hours without even picking up his dirty shirts from his room. Thanks Jen!
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
26 Jan 12
I am in management and can agree with what you wrote. Many times we have to deliver hard messages, direct orders, or changes to what was the standard process for years - people do not like to be told what to do or to make changes - it's a part of human nature. I usually will preface it with, I have to discuss something with you that came down from upper management about our processes. I do not agree with all of it but I do believe that some of it will be a benefit to us. Let's work on it for the time now and see how it goes. If it does not work I can then let upper management know that we tried our best. If it is telling someone to extra work, that happens a lot, since we are short staffed. I usually let them know that either it will be rotated so that one person is not always doing it or that it is assigned to everyone in their group. That way it is fair to all. If we want one person to do it we usually call them in and let them know we need one really good agent to work on a project and your name came up. We would like you to work on it. Sometimes the person is not responsive or says no. Then I can be difficult, especially if it is in their job description. This has recently come up for me and I just said if you feel you cannot fulfill your duties I will allow you to step down and become a regular agent. They were in the VIP pool. You cannot believe how quickly they became productive after that. I hate having to be like that but at times it is a necessity.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
29 Jan 12
I guess you're right that it's just part of human nature. Even I am guilty of this when my boss or gives me new direction. And then I think of him as being difficult. But That example you gave is really funny! People can be productive if they just choose to be. Sometimes all it takes is a veiled threat! Thanks.
• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Jan 12
In my relationship I definitely have. I have had to for begging my husband to be more romantic with me. I have let it go now because I know that is asking too much from him. I am hoping since I let it go maybe one day he will figure it out. =) Usually I am pretty easy going and don't push too much but with that I used to a lot...
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
27 Jan 12
In behalf of most guys, I would like to apologize for us guys not being so romantic. Or sometimes being oblivious to romance. Some guys are just like that. But I agree with stowyk here, when you get your place together, it would make it easier for you LMB, and hopefully for your hubby. Thanks.
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@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
26 Jan 12
I have experienced that in my relationship right now. And I always say sorry for making it difficult. Though it is just about time, a time that I could spend with him, still he thinks it is not enough. If only I have a lot of time, I would love to spend it with him. But I have other things which I need to take care like my studying which is very important.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
30 Jan 12
Hello cearn25. Even though your relationship is already having a difficult time right now when you're still studying, you should be prepared for it to get even more difficult when you finish and start working. The good news is, it's not impossible though. Thanks.
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@yahnee (1243)
• Philippines
28 Jan 12
It is how you give out the instructions that will elicit their cooperation. Don't give out the instructions like an order but say please. Even if it is a part of the job, you have to understand that workers also want to be treated well. They can be rather sensitive especially when it means longer hours and more work. However,I understand that you also need to fulfill your responsibility but perform it in a manner than will enhance work relationships and not destroy them.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
31 Jan 12
Although I always try to be respectful of others, I can't help that some just make it rather difficult. I do say please, but when all things are said and done, it would come out as me as the one being difficult. Sometimes it's hard to please everybody. Thanks.
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• Philippines
26 Jan 12
We sometimes cant help being difficult at times might it be in a relationship or at work. we are only human, we do feel stressed, bored,etc.,, but whats important is that at the end of the day we find time to approach the person and say sorry for being difficult to them. It is our way of making them feel that they were important to us and that we value them and the relationship we have for them whether as partners or co-workers. we should also understand what they feel the moment we've been difficult to them, but by approaching them and letting them know that we are sorry for what happened they will seem to understand us also. this will lead to a more harmonious relationship with them.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
27 Jan 12
I wish it were that easy post2sawa. I guess for relationships it can, because you have to live with each other so it makes sense to apologize at the end of the day. But in a work environment, it's always a choice. Even a choice of not being there anymore. Thanks.
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
16 Mar 12
There are many times, especially in my relationship with my husband I have had to apologize for something. Especially when it seems to be over a misunderanding where I feel no one seems to understand. But lately it has been that way with me at work as well, and it can be quite difficult. Finding a way sometimes to ever be appreciated seems like always the hardest thing to do.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
23 Mar 12
I think that we don't particularly want to be difficult. Like you said/wrote, sometimes it just feels like no one understand. And others may see it as just giving them a hard time. Thanks for the response!
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Mar 12
hi bounce I think a lot of employees when their boss is known to be fair always can handle some difficult times with their bosses as its their job to guide the workers and they have rules that they must abide by even if they do not always like them their selves still they must enforce them.Good employees can usually understand that a good fair boss also has a boss she has to work under bosses too and rules.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
13 Mar 12
You're right Hatley! There are some workers that understand the business enough. And know that even their bosses/supervisors have someone to answer to. Thanks.
@much2say (54804)
• Los Angeles, California
28 Jan 12
I think most people would find me "not" difficult - especially in a work situation. At my last job, as I was the only technical employee, I never had to bark orders at anyone in the shop, but I did have to deal with the people we outsourced with. We were at their mercy when it came to hitting our deadlines . . . so I did apologize to them for some of the stuff I had to throw at them. Seriously, some of my requests were ridiculous - and I was the "diplomat" of the company - so I had to do whatever it took to be able to get the job out for the client. I know if I was being difficult, they'd never be doing the favors for me. My bosses were not so good at being "diplomatic", so people were not so willing to do favors for them as they did for me. But my hubby will tell you I can be difficult - ha ha. I'm the stubborn one - the analytical one - always overly questioning things. It's not like we fight over it - but sure I will apologize - when the timing is right - ha ha!!!
@much2say (54804)
• Los Angeles, California
2 Feb 12
There is no "after" being difficult because I remain being difficult - ha ha!! I will apologize to hubby for being just that - but I don't apologize for my view - ha ha!!
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
31 Jan 12
Haha! I wonder when is the timing right! Is it just right after being difficult? Or do you let people simmer first before apologizing. Thanks much2say!
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