what do you do when you are nervous?

January 25, 2012 6:09pm CST
I will be called upon to do a presentation in my class using a projector and power point and my lecturers are going to be there asking questions,the presentation will last for about 45 minutes and these professors will be asking questions.am so nervous, have u ever been in such position?
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27 responses
• Philippines
26 Jan 12
Hi bibispark! I just recently learned that we have to wiggle our toes when we are nervous. It will send message to our whole body to relax. That is what my trainer advised me. It is hard to wiggle your toes when you are wearing closed shoes but you have to. It will lessen your anxiety. Also if the place where you will be presenting is very cold, make sure to bring jacket because the chilliness will add up to your nervousness and it will be hard to control your shaking.. Good luck to you and have fun with your presentation!
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
thank girl, what u said is actually true, i was suppose to present to the class on a particular day and the room was cold, i find my self shaking and so nervous, but thats just introduction....thanks for that...
• Philippines
26 Jan 12
No problem, I know it because I also experience nervousness even when I just have to introduce myself in a large group. I cannot stop shaking and it always seem that the AC turns even colder when my turn to speak is nearing.
• Indonesia
26 Jan 12
I am a student in once of institution. Since 9 years ago when I was a junior high school student, I often do a presentation. You need to do it more so it will help you overcome your nervous. Sometimes I still feel like that, I must convince myself that I can do it. Keep it in my mind... Breathing and be assured that you can do it. Good luck
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
26 Jan 12
you are success rin. thats one way for reducing your nervous.. and keep practise if you had to make presentation..
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
thanks a lot but you know presentation comes once in a while
@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
26 Jan 12
Its a normal thing to feel nervous so just relax. Breath in breath out before starting. Its just for start you will feel it but once you are already comfortable you will overcome it. Goodluck with your presentation, you can do it! Go go go
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
thanks a lot for everything
@jordq7 (576)
• Philippines
26 Jan 12
Hi there Bibispark2 Well during my college days we have to defend our thesis and face the panelist.It's very scary coz we can fail on our research and that means we can never graduate.When I am nervous my voice is shaking but I have learn to overcome it through practice.If you are always facing this situation like being in an interview or presentation you'll definitely be going to be used to it.
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
ok thanks for everything, but before i get use to it, what happens?
@zaahro (748)
• Indonesia
26 Jan 12
hello bibispark2... Yes I have, but my favourite things to do to reduce my nervouse are drink a glass of mineral water, checking my stuff and update to my Facebook. It will help me to be more confident. Sometime I call my parent before doing presentation :) A friend of mine always push up for fifty times to reduce his nervous :D lol. We have many different ways to reduce nervous. Hope it helps you.
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
alright, thanks for the information zaahro
26 Jan 12
yeah right all you have to to is relax take a deep breath and stay focus most important is enjoy the moment...chilax.......
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
alright...thank for that
@Amanda81587 (3042)
• United States
26 Jan 12
Usually when I get nervous I bite my nails and get a little sweaty and my gut wrenches. But since I am trying to let my nails grow out I am not really sure. I am sure the perspiration and the gut wrenching feeling is still going to be there.
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
so what do you o now when you are nervous since you need your nails to grow
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
26 Jan 12
Nerves are never good, especially in front of a crowd. I have rather been in that situation before. Even if you are rather prepared and have been prepared for a couple of weeks, there is a difference between doing a dry run with no crowd and then doing the actual presentation in front of a crowd. The nerves really do tend to set in at the worst possible time. I think that I just don't waste any time, just take a nice calming breath, and launch right into the presentation, doing the best I can. If I get into it, its almost like the crowd might not be there, which does tend to do wonders with easing my nerves. Hopefully things go well and there are no questions asked of me that I am unable to answer. That is the most embarrassing thing, way beyond giving the presentation.
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
hmmmm....thanks a lot megamatt
@tiina05 (2317)
• Philippines
26 Jan 12
hello, As a student we always expose in every report that we need. Me too I faced that kind of situation and the outcome is not really nice because I was really nervous that time because whenever that I felt my body is shaking I cant no longer speak clear and elaborate my report. So, If you want to be perfect in this report you should practice and know your report more and more. Practice until you success and memorize everything because in this way you will not experience mental black in front of your classmate. good luck!
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
thanks a lot
@sanofer (525)
• India
26 Jan 12
every student face this situation in student life. Everyone get nervous in doing presentation,eventhough he is a good orator. To ovwrcome the nervousness,relax yourself. Take a deep breath.Think people before you dont kmow anhthing about what you are going to speak and you are the one going to make them understand. Face the situation with full confident level. All the best
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
yeah...thanks alot sanofer
@masang (295)
• Philippines
26 Jan 12
In order to be calm instead of feeling nervous is first and foremost pray that you will be guided and then mentally say the word "together" 27 times. I did it many times and it really worked.
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
waow...thats a new logic am learning, thanks a lot
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
26 Jan 12
Yes but most people don't notice. They even say I am shameless. But the fact I have so much allergies and eczema attacks says enough. We all have different ways to show our nerves. Some are stottering, others get a red head, some forget what to say and others start vomiting or have stomach pains.
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
waoow, i guess that is strange, i mean such things to do
@goodgurL (92)
• Philippines
26 Jan 12
i experienced that before. what i did was i pray before the situation and take a deep breath...asking God that He will do the rest ^_^
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
yeah, thats actually true, it works that way too, praying to God to lead....thanks.
@Harsus44 (26)
• Indonesia
26 Jan 12
I've been there. To avoid a nervous, firs you must master the material. If you have mastered, then you believe will arise.
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
okay, but do you know that no matter how much you master the material, at the end of the period when u start being nervous, u tend to forget almost all of it
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
26 Jan 12
i think everyone which college student had a same experience like you implant in your mind a prover like this "if your friend can do it, why i can`t do it". and i think it can motivate you..trust me
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
but we have different things to say, so even if i have such thought in my mind, i still cant imitate them cos i will be having the feelings that theirs is more easier than mine...
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
26 Jan 12
Yes,I've been to such situation many times. I am not getting use to talking in front of many people. I am one of local officers in an organization and as an auditor I need to make reports and present in front of the committee. This is monthly regular meeting- and still I am not used to it. Each time I stand infront I feel so nervous. I took few deep breaths and smile. That helps me though.
@josegund (60)
• Philippines
26 Jan 12
i drink a lot of water...because its takes my nervousness away...try also inhaling and exhaling heavily...or shout...i also experience that...during our thesis defense...
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
thanks a lot...
@Jhovarie (1168)
• Philippines
26 Jan 12
Just pretends as professional think just relax imagine that all in front of you are your friends and also imagine that you are only playing with your friends dont look at their face because you will get nervous.
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
thanks a lot
• Indonesia
26 Jan 12
Yes, of course it's so hard to do especially if it's our first time to do a presentation. But you'll get much comfortable to do that by the time goes. I once also had a feeling like you did in my first time, but I didn't think it's that scary. I tried to deal with my nervous feeling by thinking that I can do my best, like the other does. And it made me easier to do my presentation and my interview tests. The point here is building a positive mind. It's important not only in doing presentation, but also all activities that include social interactions, like performing on the stage, interviewing, and also giving speech. So, you can do it! :D
• Nigeria
26 Jan 12
yeah... thanks
• Philippines
26 Jan 12
I am the type of student that excels more in written tests/reports than done orally. Whenever I try to voice out my ideas in class, I always find my self stuttering thus derailing my train of thought. That is one reason why I do not like oral recitations or reports. When I was in high school, my biology teacher asked me to do a report about the excretory system. Just like you, I would have to provide a power point presentation and discuss the topic for not more than one hour. This was so much of a challenge for me since I have to convey my message in a way that will be understood by my classmates so they will be educated. Long story short, I screwed it up. :D My report went terrible. I was stuttering non-stop and I cannot seem to answer any of my teacher's questions. The only reason I could think of why that happened is because I did not prepare myself hard enough. I knew it would be difficult for me and yet I did nothing to brace myself up.