does first love really never die?

@eunife (165)
January 27, 2012 5:44am CST
i am now married but when i look back to all the relationships i had, my first love makes me smile. i know i love my husband and even if there is a chance to get back with my first love, i won't take it. there is something about first love, isn't it? what do you think?
6 responses
• Kenya
28 Jan 12
First love never goes away, it's always kept in a special place in our hearts. I guess this is because it was our first real emotional encounter.
28 Jan 12
what u said is very much true:) we cant forget our first love till our last breath and it is very sweetest memory that we enjoy through out the life:) people after marriage remember their first love more like you:)
@mammots (3209)
• Philippines
27 Jan 12
i completely agree with you eunife...there is something about my first love that makes it a very unforgettable moment in my life. when i fell in love for the first time i became very conscious of how i looked and i made every effort to be physically and mentally attractive to my boyfriend. i gained more experience and matured as a person. when i look back at my first love experience i realize that i don't have feelings of regrets at all only fond memories.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
27 Jan 12
I strongly agree with you. When i wasn't with my first love I often thought of him. And wondered how his life was going and how he was doing. I did miss him dearly. Even when I dated other people. Fortunately we got back together and are married today. I know that if I would have married someone else I would have thought about "what if" often. I'm happy that I'm with him.
@areskya (398)
• Indonesia
27 Jan 12
First love has strong memory on almost all human mind cos it is the first time how to face and enjoy this strong feeling, So it will give strong impression, either good or bad impression. The experience of first love will give new view in facing the next love to be better. No matter how is the first love exist, but it is better to enjoy our present love cos it is the most real love
@zaahro (748)
• Indonesia
27 Jan 12
Hello eunife... I think.......YES. Because we learn to love, to care, to be hurt, to get jealous, to be worry, etc in our FIRST LOVE. First love introduce us to the sweet and bitter conditions with our partner. First love will always stay in our heart as a sweet memory no matter how it was ended. First love is the key to open the gate to the next relationships :)