why do you answer questions?

January 27, 2012 9:55am CST
i heard that it is a standard operation of the brain to answer whenever you hear a question. for me, it's true. even if i don't really intend to answer a question, i'll be thinking of an answer. what do you think?
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9 responses
• United States
27 Jan 12
You are correct about that. Usually when im reading a discussion sometimes im already thinking about the answer in my head. Not sure why this happens but i know im not the only one doing this as well and its perfectly normal. I answer questions after reading the discussion someone started because i already have the answer in my head so if i can type down what is inmy head that that is one response done for me for the day and i have a goal everyday to meet so i can keep answering if that keeps hapening to me. It doesnt happen all the time when i read questions on here because some i dont know what the people are even talking about so i leave those ones alone of course because i have no answer for it.
27 Jan 12
but even if you don't know the answer, you still think of it and try to find one, right? and then you say "i don't know" or "whatever" (which is also an answer for me) if you cannot think of an answer to the question.
• India
30 Jan 12
Welcome to mylot I agree with you, a healthy brain is active, when we read a question or some one asks us, the brain instantly gets ready to search its answer, well one may or may not tell it to others. Best of luck. Professor
@maezee (41988)
• United States
28 Jan 12
Ha ha, me too. If I see a question that catches my eye...Automatically my brain seems to start forming it's own answers. That's why I love MyLot - it's kind of one of those brain games (I can't remember what they're called). Plus it's a nice time to just to escape from the day to day thing.
@marguicha (220215)
• Chile
28 Jan 12
I think we all learn to ask and answer questions since we are infants and that is one of the ways we learn about the world. I agree with you that sometimes a question starts a response in our brain automatically, even if we are not interested in answering
• Philippines
28 Jan 12
i guess its the same as why do we think of a question if we dont intent of having an answer so we normally find solution to every question coz theres answer for everything. if we have question without solution we cant sleep and be at peace without having the answer. now if w have the answer to our mind we normally want it to be heard so that people who have the question will know the answer. anyway that one of the uses of our brain, to think and to think a lot til we get the answer.
• Kenya
27 Jan 12
It is hard not to think of the answer to a question even if was not meant for you. The brain is wired to respond to internal and external queries.
@eunife (165)
• Philippines
27 Jan 12
i answer a question because i believe that my answer is correct. and yes, you're right that my brain automatically search for an answer whenever i hear a question though i don't say them always.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
27 Jan 12
If we know the answer to any particular question, we automatically answer it. Like for example, we are watching tv series or any tv reality shows and the host ask a question. if we know the answer-we answer it unknowingly.
• Netherlands
27 Jan 12
Brains are things that are very difficult to understand for me, because you have to use brain to think what brains do:) But to anser your question if someone asking something also if he ask it to someone else i give an answer if i know it. And i think it is jsut good that you always think is someone ask a question, because it could be usefull for you too.