how will you say its true love or stupidity

January 29, 2012 7:13am CST
I love my ex and wanted him for me in my entire life, we had huge problem in the past, problem that makes me hated him so bad that he left me pregnant and he left me without any words nor any help and support and now his back again and his willing to settled things out. when i saw his face even just through cam i just come to think that i still love him and that his still the same guy i wanted for the rest of my life with and whatever hate i had with him was totally gone when we started talking. i know he felt sorry for everything though he didnt say he still love me but he said he also wanted to see me. am i just being stupid or this is true love as what they said that never fade. does love will only last during good times or its already goodbye during bad times.
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14 responses
@tatzkie23 (770)
• Philippines
29 Jan 12
ok i don't want to say this but this is what i think. You're kinda half stupid, opps sorry i just want to be honest with you my friend. You forgave him because you love him. You will accept him again because you love him. Wow, that is love. In the first place, why did he even leave you when you got pregnant? and without any words or support from him? and now he's coming back to you? Ok i don't want to judge you or something, why don't you make it a try and see if that works. As you said, he is willing to settle things out. I hope that your relationship will still work. Best of luck my friend.
• Philippines
29 Jan 12
it was actually my fault why he left and he also had so manyproblems that time. there was third party involve that time though and we donthaveproper closure nefore as we just lost contact, i also change my number and house so i know im no wher to found that time coz i was angry and hated him that much. we had fight the night he left but he did come back and comfort me but i forced him to g, i was pregnant that time an so many change of mood and bemotion though he might not get it so he left me and from then i never heard any words from him so i also left and go back to my family thinking he did totaly left me.
@inemboy (23)
• Kuwait
29 Jan 12
There you go. You are not stupid at all, you're strongly in love. To me, if love only remains when everything is good, then that's not love. True love must withstand any problems in a relationship.
• Philippines
29 Jan 12
and there you go, you make me feel great now thinking im not really stupid with what i feel for him after all he did. im glad to hear your words and yes your right love isnt last for good times only as love also includes understanding and acceptance. like what they said only great warrior will stand in the battle field after the war so do love is, it will only be real love if its stay after all the things happened though the other half must feel the same too and not just one so it will become pure love and not selfish love.
@youless (112358)
• Guangzhou, China
29 Jan 12
I don't know what to say since I think this is really too difficult to forgive your ex since he left you without saying anything when you needed him the most. This is really unbelievable since you were already pregnant at that time. No matter what he should say anything clearly. I can understand your feeling. I don't know what to do when I was you. Love is complicated and we can't judge it by the common sense. Yes, it sounds stupid but it is also true love in my opinion. I can only say that you are very kind and generous. I wish he could cherish you in the past and didn't leave you alone. I love China
• Philippines
29 Jan 12
yes i know, its really complicated accepting someone who once hurted me too much which whom i expect that someone who supposed to protect me. but then we will not know what real love is without having those roller coaster ride, i know that what happened to us is not acceptable and i even hated him so much but then if you really love someone and you know its pure and real i guess it will really comes from within as what they said love will move every mountain just to get it sounds crazy but its true for me now.
@Harold_ks (1673)
29 Jan 12
Maybe he just got scared before for the consequences of what he has done, and he was not yet ready that time. But now he already realized the real situation and he is now ready to face it. It's good news that you are now communicating again. Open your door, accept him again. Good luck to both of you. May your family be together forever. Just always pray. God bless!
• Philippines
29 Jan 12
yes your right its good that we talk again i will just looking forward for the day to come that we finally meet again and lets see what will happened.
@neelia_lyn (2003)
• Philippines
29 Jan 12
Sometimes it could be both. You said you had a huge problem in the past. If that problem is no longer there, and you're sure he still loves you and both of you can overcome problems together in the future no matter how big they'll be, then go for it I just hope that that he'll not take advantage of you being okay now and that he won't leave you again when there's a problem. Good luck!
• Philippines
29 Jan 12
actually im not sure if he still love me coz he didnt say it though his willing to see me and talk thing out though im not sure if his trying to fix things with our child or his also interested to me but lets see and find out.
• Kenya
29 Jan 12
People we love most are the ones who at times take us for granted and do stupid and hurtful things to us before realising that we trully loved them. Love overcomes all.
• Philippines
29 Jan 12
yes, we will not know how much we love someone until we hurt and lost them and only thenwe realize how we need them in our life, we will not be hurt too much if we didnt love them as we can just simply ignore them and jump to someone else again if we have no feelings from them coz we are not affected.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
29 Jan 12
I don't know...I mean, it's good to give people second chances but sorry or not, he's still the type of person who would leave his partner pregnant and not give any help or support. I don't think I'd take him back. Obviously, each relationship and person is different so you have to decide for yourself, but is love enough? He doesn't sound reliable.
@krkavsy (191)
• India
30 Jan 12
You are very lucky to get back your ex. It is very depressing when the person you love suddenly disappears from your life. This is a second chance for you in life so I suggest you to forgive him and accept him, if not for yourself at least for the child. Child needs both mother and father. Keep him happy and don't quarrel with him but at the same time don't be too submissive. You should maintain the balance between the two. Best of Luck!
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
29 Jan 12
through good times and bad times i'll be by your side forever more,if this person is treating good though he is doing bad,in a way u would consider bad towards your feelings,the choice of u staying is truthfully up to u.
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
30 Jan 12
Hi homeshoppers, Wow he is really back huh, well i think you should give it a shot see what his real intentions are because for all we know he is back for real and would like you and the kid to be a family but still be cautious and set some boundaries so that you don't get disappointed in the end.
@lekhya (819)
• India
30 Jan 12
He might have had some strong reason to abandon u earlier.I feel in the mean time he might have settled all the issues which might trouble your relationship."HE IS BACK AGAIN".I feel u are lucky to have him.Its definitely "true love".He might have felt your loss all those days and realized your importance.He will never ever dare to leave you again.In true love,"mercy" and "generosity" go together.One can never be harsh or even pretend to be harsh with their loved ones.The reason can be anything but the end is marvelous like a happy ending story.Im happy for you babie..I just want to hear one more line "and they lived happily hereafter".All the very best!
@cruride (66)
• United States
29 Jan 12
Remember, problems are always there unless they are resolved by both parties. This problem will eventually come up again if it is not resolved. Trust me it has happened to me and I would make sure that you are aware of what your going into. Do you think people can change over night?
@dongjr (80)
30 Jan 12
Love really is unpredictable, you hate him and now its gone after what he had done to you. Maybe if he is now more serious about you and your family maybe its worth a shot. A second chance. But bare in mind if he left you once, there will be a time or instance that he will do that again.
@zetkie (9)
30 Jan 12
a true love is when the man can sacrifice all to achieve her love a stupidity is when he ir she have intension..