Do you wear high heels?

high heels - high heels, heels, pumps, dress shoes
United States
January 29, 2012 8:15am CST
I do on certain occasions, I used to have a job where I needed to dress up some of the time and I wore them to work. But now that I think about it I really don't have many high heels. They do hurt my feet because I don't wear them that often. but I've seen some that are sexy.
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8 responses
• Philippines
19 Sep 12
Hi, If you do not wear high heels all the time, there is a possibility that you need to know how to walk them right especially stilettos.You can try to use wedges, they're more comfortable to use. You have to get used to wearing and walking and that needs practice. You can do that gradually by starting on 2 inches heels then higher every month. Another thing you have to consider is the quality of the shoes that you are buying. Do not settle for style only. You have to buy a pair that is really comfortable and you could walk for hours. before you buy, you have to have a walk test and compare. Save up for a comfortable pair.
@512771751 (1096)
• China
24 Jun 12
Yes,I can't agree with you more, High heeled shoes could make us feel tired and harmed but girls can't help but buying them and wearing them. They are so charming.
• Philippines
23 Apr 12
I only wear high heels in special occasions like parties, birthdays, and whenever I have to present at school. At school, I only wear flats because it's really hard to wear high heels everyday. It also makes my feet ugly. I think wearing high heels always makes our feet look ugly and more calloused.
@dodo19 (47268)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
2 Feb 12
I may wear heels on occasions, but it is really very rare that I actually will wear heels. I'm just not really comfortable in them, which is why I don't usually wear them. There is also the fact that I now have a two-month-old daughter, and I don't think that it's practical to wear heels with a baby around, but that's just me.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
6 Apr 12
I do not wear heels period. I am already 5'9 without them and I think that would just be too tall - I would hate to be towering over people any more than I already am! Plus they seem uncomfortable!
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
20 Apr 12
hi there, i like wearing high heeled shoes but that's only on special occasions. i don't go out that much to party. i know it hurts a lot if you wear it the whole day. like when i was in college, my shoes were 3 inches high, what was i thinking that time? pffft LOL
@youless (112358)
• Guangzhou, China
2 Feb 12
I don't wear high heels since they are not comfortable. Although I accept that females look better with high heels. But the comfortable feeling is much more important for me. And you have to dress well when you wear high heels. Whereas I prefer to wear in casual. I love China
@5mahi05 (666)
• India
29 Jan 12
High heels always looks sexy when they are worn for the right dress. I do have a couple of them, but they are used only when they are needed. Using high heels tone your leg muscles. But at the same time, they cause some problems during pregnancy. It is always better not to use it so much. Good luck:)