Allergies when eating

@dongjr (80)
January 30, 2012 7:12am CST
I really like eating different kind of foods. Different delicious foods but there is one that i like the most but is harmful to me. I like seafood very much for it has many benefits and also delicious. But when i eat it, i get allergies. My body itches a lot that i couldn't settle down. I have chest pains but only mild. But even though i get allergies i still eat, cause some says that in order to get immune you constantly expose to it. For me, i think its working though. do you have allergies also to food?
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19 responses
• Philippines
30 Jan 12
I don't have food allergies (none that I know of at least) so pretty much I can eat whatever I want. Oh, I do have gerd so I stay away from too much soda and coffee. But that's not allergy so.. I have a colleague who have so many food allergies and I find it amazing how she seems to know or memorize the food that she can and cannot eat. There are plenty of foods she cannot eat and I feel sorry for her for that. She says that she looks at her allergies the positive way- she make sure that what she eats are good for her body and nothing more. I think that's good- being aware of what we eat!
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• Philippines
31 Jan 12
Yeah if only I can be responsible all the time even without allergies.. The thing is, I don't really mind what I eat as long as I like the food, I could really get myself so full!
@dongjr (80)
30 Jan 12
Having allergies makes you more responsible for your health. You really want to avoid what make you uncomfortable. It its really good to be aware of what we are eating. Its good that you have no allergies, you have nothing to worry about food eating. :D
• Philippines
30 Jan 12
Having allergies is difficult specially allergies to food. Try taking over the counter antihistamine meds like benadryl before eating foods that may cause you allergy. This will help lessen the side effects if you can resist eating sea foods :) I have allergies on chicken and crabs too.. I think if you expose your body to your allergies is good. I have tried that and the result is positive to me. Now I can eat all the foods i'm allergic with, without experiencing any allergic reaction :)
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@dongjr (80)
1 Feb 12
Your body maybe immune to the foods that your allergic with. What did you do? could you give me tips and suggestions? and also our fellow mylots' who have allergies too.. :D
@LadyDD (515)
• Romania
1 Feb 12
I have some food allergies but not always. This is a sign that allergies appears when the immune system is low, in my case. In fact my allergies are not caused by food but by what chemicals it contains such as synthetic colorants or preservatives. You must check what substance is causing your allergy to seafood by making some tests. It might be caused not by the food itself but by a chemical preservative.
@dongjr (80)
3 Feb 12
For me, its really the food, the seafoods. My body's kinda sensitive with it, i dont know why but i get irratations. Chemical preservative have side effects though. I agree to that.
• United States
30 Jan 12
Many people get allergies from sea food. When I was 4 I had that same problem. Do you have red bumps on your chest? This is the ultimate sign of allergies. I got them too. The doctor told my dad not to feed me shrimps, hilsa, beef and so many other things. For a few months, my dad honored it. But then we totally forgot the list and I began eating all of that. Once more the allergies came back. But now in my 20s, I don't see it happen anymore. However, I do get allergies from walking near long grass and furry pets. This is new to me.
• United States
31 Jan 12
Doesn't the nose start burning in front of pets? This is what happens to me. I really like cats. But now I cannot even go near them. Asthma from this sounds dangerous. In my family, everyone has it. That is why, we are not allowed to have pets in the house.
@dongjr (80)
30 Jan 12
Yes i do have that red bumps, makes my hairs stand when i look at it. Fortunately havent experience it now. I do have allergies in pets also, cats to be exact. There furs triggers my asthma.
@digidogo (444)
• Philippines
30 Jan 12
Hey, add me to the party. I am allergic to seafood but not to that extremity wherein you would start ot itch and look like fresh chicken skin? I itch but only at areas around the mouth including my throat. It is a horrible feeling and it makes me really moodless. Good thing for me, I hate seafood. The smell of it and its taste makes me want to vomit. The only seafood I eat is fish. Plain fish that is broiled, steamed, fried, etc. What I suspect is that I am allergic to food with shells and most seafood do have shells. Lobster, crab, prawn, shrimps, squid, clams, etc. They say I missed a part of my life because I do not eat seafood but I wish to differ because I enjoy staying away from it
@dongjr (80)
30 Jan 12
Welcome to the seafood allergy party. lol.well, I get only that chicken skin when i scratch the areas that itches which is always on my arms. Some seafood can make me vomit as well especial when there are cook very unsual. Good thing for you that you hate it. Bad for me. :( but its still okay there are still more food to eat! nom nom nom
@viju0410 (2286)
• India
1 Feb 12
Hi, Though I am a vegetarian and I find most of the food suiting me except for one that is eggplant/brinjal. . I get itching sensation around mouth. But when it is cooked adding tomato or tamarind, this allergy seems to fade away… though personally I do not like this vegetable, i avoid them.
@dongjr (80)
3 Feb 12
Ive experience that too, the shrimps are mixed with other, i dont get irritations. I wonder what its like to be a vegetarian, i dont like to eat veges but maybe i dont get allergies from it. lol
• Philippines
31 Jan 12
I definitely had that allergy when I was in 6th grade. I don't understand how I suddenly got it, but it came to me for almost the entire year while I was in grade 6. I became allergic to chicken and seafood especially shrimps. I hated it so much because those are my favorite food! When it was still new for me I kept on eating and suddenly I would itch all over my body and then the rashes came. I had to be rushed to the doctors several times. But my hardheadedness continued and then I suffered, but I succeeded in overcoming my allergies. It's dangerous, so I don't suggest it to everyone who has allergies. Make sure to consult the doctor and get proper medication of your symptoms if you have allergies. To date, I can eat my favorite chicken dishes and seafood, especially shrimps, I just have to make sure that I also secure it's freshness. (^_^)
@dongjr (80)
1 Feb 12
Wew, never had that before that due to allergies i have to rush to the doctors. We should really take care of our selves. Allergies could be fatal, worst case scenarios. Good for you, now you can eat your fav stuffs without getting sick :D
@ankit_620 (496)
• India
30 Jan 12
Normally i don't get allergies from eating a specific kind of food but i do get upset stomach when i eat a lot of junk so then i have to turn to homemade food a while then back to square one.
@dongjr (80)
30 Jan 12
Eating junk will really make our stomach junky. i got sensitive stomach so i dont eat much junk foods. Good thing you have no allergies.
@watergirl (567)
• Philippines
30 Jan 12
I feel bad for people with food allergies. I consider myself lucky for having none. I can eat whatever I want whenever I want. I have heard of people allergic to chocolates, eggs, and milk! Don't you have medicines you can take so you can take the foods you're allergic to? Also, I've heard of shock therapy where you are administered the allergens to make your body immune. well, goodluck!
@dongjr (80)
30 Jan 12
You really are lucky . Its so hard to have an allergy. You wanted the food so much but you cant eat because of allergy. errrrr. I take medicines like, anti allergy. Better to be cautious that to take that shock therapy. Its my first to here that. Shocking. lol
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
31 Jan 12
Sometimes I am allergic to these foods sometimes they are fine with me and those are legumes-this will make my face get itchy and then pimples will coming out,seafoods-I will get the same as yours- rashes and itchiness and I will feel dizzy for some instant foods. I rarely have them so the allergic symptoms sometimes do affect me.(^^)
@dongjr (80)
2 Feb 12
I feel you fellow allergiant. haha. Allergies are really a nuisance. Makes our faces ugly if it affects our face, especially in the mouth. We should really be careful in what we eat, for sensitives bodies. lol :D
@globaldoc (858)
• Philippines
31 Jan 12
Allergies are actually the signs wherein there is the weakness of the body. It is not good to have allergies. This is the reason why we should have balance diet and enough rest and exercise. Allergies are really signs of the bodies that show that there is already something wrong. It is therefore wise for us to check whether if we have allergies or not. There is actually no consideration as to what kind of allergies we have, as our bodies react differently from each other. As long as there are allergies, then there are allergies.
@dongjr (80)
1 Feb 12
Exactly. But in order to know our allergies we experience it first and be cautious. But sometimes its hard to avoid or sometime you just dont know your eating that causes allergies on you.
• United States
30 Jan 12
I don't have allergies. But my fiance does. He is allergic to lama beans. One time my mother when I use to stay with her she fixed some mixed vegetable and they had lama beans in them. My mom didn't know. My fiance was eating them and not paying attention he ate the whole entire plate along with the pork chops. In a matter of minutes he started breaking out in hives and itching and his stomach started flipping and turning. His face was so red. So I know what you mean. I don't feed our son lama beans because of this either.
@dongjr (80)
1 Feb 12
You should take care of that lama beans it could really harm your fiance. Wew, im not really alone in this allergy thingy. :D take care !
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
30 Jan 12
I like to eat also.I do allergic in corn.It cause itchiness and irritation.It also make my stomach feel back that lead to loose bowel movement which is really hard to deal with.
@dongjr (80)
30 Jan 12
Maybe you should avoid corn so that you will not be uncomfortable. LBM is really annoying, and so as allergies. God bless with the allergies mate.
@Heixyin (175)
• Malaysia
30 Jan 12
Hmmm, not that I recall. Im not allergic to seafoods though. But I have a few friends who i are allergic to seafood. May God Bless you: D is there no medicine for this?
@dongjr (80)
30 Jan 12
I heard of a shock therapy, i dont know how is it done. I dont wanna do it. Prevention is better than cure. haha. the medicine i know is just anti allergies. God bless you too. :D
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
30 Jan 12
i think i do have some allergies, with chickens but that is when i do eat a lot of chicken skin. ha ha i used to be allergic to shrimps before but i kind of outgrew it already...
@dongjr (80)
30 Jan 12
lol. me, im still allergic to shrimps. my skin will some kinda look like a chicken skin the fresh one.. haha. i hate it.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
30 Jan 12
I don't really have allergies with food...but yeah, that's what my friends have been saying. Eat what your allergic at in order to be immune with it. I do hope your allergy gets better. Seafood is really good to eat. Its one of my favorites as well.
@dongjr (80)
30 Jan 12
I hope so, but i think im not getting immuned. but maybe in time. haha. seafood really is yummy.
@bhonti (1246)
• Philippines
30 Jan 12
Too bad you got allergies with seafood. They are my favorite specially crabs and shrimps. As far as I know, I don't have any allergies with food. I do not want to have one because I love eating soooo much!
@dongjr (80)
30 Jan 12
Good for you. i dont want to have allergies also but unfortunately i have. i love eating sooo much too! high 5 to that! *pak :D
@stringer321 (5644)
• Kiryat Ata, Israel
16 Feb 12
Having alergies for certain food element can make life challenging for some people. I have a relative who has an allergy for gloten , think about all the serials she can't eat , all the bread ...flour...Those are basics that make many foods. There is even a familiar conditor (a cook who makes cakes and cookies) that his daughter has an allergy for gloten so he made a whole line of products without gloten. I personally don't know about allergies that I might have. On rare cases , if I eat a fruit , my appendix might hurt but it's not always repeat itself.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
14 Mar 12
I do have them, after I eat some bread, I start to sneeze about 3-5 times in a row. And other times when I don't even eat anything. I get some reaction from things like peanuts and maybe chocolate at times, as I have eczema on my hands mostly. Lately I noticed a rash on my face too now. I try to stay away from the foods that give me the reactions but it is just so difficult, it is impossible actually, for me anyways. i wish there was a cure for allergies, so we wouldn't ever have them. I have been plaqued with them for awhile now.