additional points
@naelahfaisalmasacal (16)
January 31, 2012 1:12am CST
TOPIC #1 : Quality of our Slippers
Well, even though I don't buy the Havaianas products, still I am affected about the issue. Because there are many people who prioritize their products without knowing that some of their products can affect their health. Well, it's good that the US Consumer Safety Commission have recalled the Havaianas Kid's Style to voluntarily pullout from the US market,even though there's no one yet complained about the slippers or any injuries and incidents happen because of that products. But, still the company must always make sure that the products that they produce to the market won't exceed the quality standards, and also, they must be more careful in producing slippers. The company must always think or must always prioritize their customers, because without them the company won't be successful.
TOPIC #2 : Buying Bags --- do you consider quality over price
In buying bags, I consider much the quality over the price. Although the bag has a price that is expensive, I buy it as long as it has a good quality. But not all bags are expensive, sometimes it has a low cost but it has a good quality than the other bags that is much higher in prices. Well yah, branded products are most well known for its quality than the others that are not branded, but sometimes there are also products that are not branded that has a good quality. So then, I go first to a products that has a good quality whether it is expensive or not.
TOPIC #3 : What Product and Brand have you used since you were a child until now?
We buy products that we are loyal to since we were a childhood.
Some of these products are: BABYFLO PETROLEUM JELLY because I am more comfortable using it than the other brands of petroleum. The COLGATE TOOTHPASTE because since I was a child that was the brand that my family and I are using and because we think that it is more okay than others. NIDO FORTIFIED MILK is also one of the products that until now I drink. That's all I can remember that I am using until now.
TOPIC #4: Are your pictures in Digital or Printed Copies
All of our pictures are printed. We want it printed because my family and I are fun of putting it in the albums and decorating it. And also, we want it because if instance there are relatives that want to see our pictures since childhood, we can provide them an album. But, of course we chose only to be printed the good ones. And the other pictures that are no printed, we only store it to the laptop or in USB.
TOPIC #5: Do you Prefer Quality or Price of a Product?
I prefer more in the quality of a product than its price. Quality is more important than the price, because although the product is expensive at least I have a product that has a good quality. And I pay more attention to the quality because it is the one who make us feel that are money is worth it and also it is the one who makes us satisfy and happy. But we can never say that if it is low cost the product is not a good quality. There are sometimes cheaper products but has a good quality.
TOPIC #6: Do you keep your Shopping Bags
Every time I go shopping with my family, we kept some of the shopping bags that were given to us or where the products that we bought are placed in. We kept the bags that are still okay or can still use. But there are times that when we got home some of the plastic bags that we brought home got destroyed, so we only throw them away. And there, we chose from the other bags that were not destroyed, the one that we will kept, for us to use in the future especially the paper bags and the others will be use for trash bags. But some also of this paper bags are only kept at home especially the nice one because I was afraid that it will destroy :D
TOPIC #7: Do you recycle gift wrappers? gift bags?
Well, not always especially when I'm so excited to open the gift I always seem to destroy the wrapper or the bags. But when I see that the wrapper used is nice, I open the gifts so carefully, so that the wrapper or the bag won't destroy. And some are only thrown because nowadays some of the wrappers used in wrapping a gift are so thin, so even though you're carefully opening it, it will be destroyed. But in gift bags, I always kept especially if it is good looking for remembrance. I don't throw gift bags if I know I can still use it in some purpose.
TOPIC #8: The Prince of Quality
The company(General Motors) have done a work that can cause a lot of incidents that can happen anytime. They only think of how to get a higher profit without thinking the customers that will buy their cars. And because of this, their customers will be lessen or the worst all of them might be gone and just transfer to their competitors. They must first check their cars before producing it to the market because if anything happen they will be the one who will blame. And so, this company must always be aware on the policy and rules of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration so that they can prevent errors in their operations.
TOPIC #9: Quality based on Features
Well, it is true that the features of the product that attracted us to buy that particular product. Although it is expensive or not, but we are attracted by that product, we will buy it as long as we can afford it.
For me, sometimes I tend to buy a product because of its color and design. I buy a product that has a design that is good looking even though it is not unique. And sometimes, I buy products that is dark color or if not white because that's the one that attracts me.
Well, all of us don't have the same taste.
TOPIC #10: How conscious are you of the toys your children have?
The Mattel Inc., must have some research first before making such toys products.
Although I don't have any children, I have a younger brother and sisters that are fun of playing toys that are especially made in China. Well, it is because almost toys in the market are made from China even clothes. So, even my parents always chose the toys that have a good standard, we can never tell that it has a good quality.
So, the company must produce again a toys that are not hazardous to the health of the children, or else their customers will all gone. They must always make sure the safeness of the products that produce in the market.
TOPIC #11: Another Issue of low quality cellphone batteries
We can't always blame the company who produce that counterfeit batteries. We must also take into considerations that we users are also one who will be blame of because we're the one who buy that counterfeit batteries. Yah, it is not expensive, but in the long run it can cause us more than what we expect. We also must always aware of the precautions and how to properly use the product for our safeness.
And therefore, the company must voluntarily pull out all that products in the market and just improve their products.
TOPIC #12: Are your cellphone batteries safe?
Well, as of now, I don't have any problems with my cellphone batteries because it is original. But nowadays we can't tell what is original or not. So, it is also our responsibility to take into considerations about this matters, of course for our safeness.
It is good that this counterfeit batteries are recalled and out in the market.
The LG Mobile Phones has still responsibility over this issue even though they are not the one who manufacture those batteries because it is still under their name. And also, they are the one who will be mistaken by their customers.
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