Too many projects at once?

United States
February 1, 2012 7:25pm CST
I love to crochet. Since I don't have TONS of money to shower gifts on those that are close to me, I take better enjoyment out of making something with my own two hands and giving that to them instead. For last Christmas I made people small simple things. This year, I'm moving onto Christmas ornaments. But along with that I'm making a table runner that's at least 80" long and 12" width. There's the foot of the bed cover as well as curtains and a valance I want to make. many things and there are more things on top of that I want to make. Have you experienced "too much is WAY too much" in terms of projects or are you someone that can exercise self control and pace yourself? ~Stjarntydarna
4 responses
• United States
9 Jul 12
I always experience the "this is WAAAY too much" crunch time right before the holidays. Last year, I had PLANNED on making everybody in the family (grandpa, mom, both sisters, and boyfriend) a special scarf with its own special pattern and each in a certain color that they like. Well, I started late, and a week before Christmas, I was only half done with mom's scarf... Needless to say, I gave up on that route and just went and bought cheap, but meaningful, gifts for everyone. The only person that actually KNEW I was making the scarves was my boyfriend, and he wasn't too offended anyway.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Jul 12
I do lot of different crafts. And have found that I do them better if I have more than one project in the process at the same time. I find that if I get kind of bored or things aren't working right, just stop... and pull another project out and do that one for a day or so and then go back to the one that was giving me problems. Odds are... I'll see the problem right away and fix it quick and easy. But for me...variety helps alot. I get bored seeing the same color thread or always doing this same thing... so I just change from time to time. I was recently making quilts.. lap size. I had 4 of them going at once. Why?...I just liked the part that I was doing and was so "into it".. I just cut more and did them one right after the other! I enjoyed it that much! And if you enjoy it, you know your work will be good. Then I had four quilt tops ready to layer and quilt. That went fast to as I used the same color thread on all of them and just went assembly style! And was done with them all in no time!
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
4 Feb 12
Nah, I start new projects all the time. I usually manage to finish about one a week, but sometimes a newer project distracts me and then I might never finish. I made an afghan that took me 7 years because I just got bored of it partway through and stopped working on it for a few years.
• United States
1 Jun 12
Too Many could be my middle name. I also love crochet and beading. Right now I have a crocheted top with granny squares started, a thread motif bedspread going, and a beaded necklace going. These three projects pretty much take up my sitting area so I take turns working on each one daily. Then we I get bored I go to raverly and look at all the eye candy there and then I've got a bunch more patterns of things I want to make. I really think I need to start making a "to do list" but I would much rather have to many projects going and more in the waiting then being bored and have nothing to do. I can easily entertain myself, I don't need tv, radio, or phone. But I do need the internet.