is this happening with you.......if yes then think twice......

@ritzz07 (788)
February 1, 2012 10:08pm CST
HI FRIENDS friends i saw very few,in fact countable people love their partners truly. many girls pursue their boyfriends just for money....let me make it very clear-girls/boys who comes in metro cities to complete their studies,need money to complete own needs-that can be of any type of....for example fashion freaks cannot control their expenditure and need money to stay update,some are not getting sufficient pocket money due to bad financial condition,some are persuading relationship just to enjoy physical all this they are using each other and just because of that there has been drastic change in the roles and expectations of men and women in society in short we can say a lack of cash can put a major strain on relationships,so decide before mingling with girl/boy
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12 responses
@msh2207 (51)
2 Feb 12
hi ritzz what you have said here is true....this is the fact of today....i saw some are tying the knot with somebody because they have lots of money.......but such kind of marriages are not log term marriages........
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@swirlz (3136)
• Philippines
2 Feb 12
I'm sure the rich party already has an idea of what his/her spouse is up to. I'm sure they already had a prenuptial agreement prior to the ceremony.
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@sumatix (257)
• United Arab Emirates
2 Feb 12
ell your statement and your outlook is right to certain extent and it applies mainly to the urban or metro population as they have exaggerated their needs so much..But if you go for the small areas there even today you will find true relations which are not dominated by money but by love..and care for eachother..In urban areas people have turned to be more materilistic..
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
4 Feb 12
As has been said, "For the love of money is the root of all evil..."
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
2 Feb 12
In this modern era, I can say that many youngsters are becoming materialistic and only taken love for granted. Staying in a relationship and using their partners for advantages (physical/material whatever) So,it seems that true love is hard to find in this time.
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• Philippines
2 Feb 12
Yes that's true.. Some also sell their GF just to get some money.. Some married couple also do that just to have some money...
@emilytd18 (114)
• Philippines
2 Feb 12
That is so true. In this generation, it seems to be a rare thing so witness a genuine love between a couple. Maybe we should first reflect on ourselves and see what we really want in our life. This is only a one life time, and wasting it with just filling your needs and not the things that would last even when you're an old grumpy person won't be so worth it. Think about it....
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• Netherlands
3 Feb 12
In this generation? Already for ages families are looking for a good, wealthy partner for their kid! All these arranged marriages there were and still are. There is no parent looking for a poor basterd living under a bridge for his daughter. It's the same with men. Many men, all over the world marry rich women, even elder rich women just to get a better future. This has nothing to do with this generation. It's what people did since ages and still do. A poor marriage can survive if you really love eachother, but only less people will still love eachother if there is no bread on the table!
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
2 Feb 12
TOO sad, ritzz! A relationship based on "MONEY" is about as volatile, AND dependable as the STOCK MARKET! More crashes..insider trading..and superficial highs! Seems like these relationships are investing their money...NOT their heart! ONLY love and respect can be a decent foundation for an everlasting relationship! Money, more often than not, introduces panache and deceptiveness! Leave it out of the mix, for honesty! cheers!
@celticeagle (164984)
• Boise, Idaho
3 Feb 12
There are alot of people who have to be in with the in crowd and won't even hang out with men or women that are not dressed in name brands. I think such people are contemptible. There is so much more to life. And, after all, it is only material to cover our bodies, adorn our feet, etc.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
2 Feb 12
People who marry for money will be having a very miserable marriage!!! I've NEVER had a relationship based on money. I learned at a really young age that people who have lots of money LOVE that money more than life itself!!! And that means they don't have room in their lives for loving you!!! My last hubby was unemployed when we met. Once I fell in love with him, NOTHING else mattered!!! There is soooo MUCH MORE to love than what money brings to it!!! Most people don't understand that money can buy almost anything EXCEPT happiness!!! You may feel a temporary euphoria by having money, but it's NOT true happiness!!! Money can buy you a doctor to try & cure an illness, but it won't stop you from dying when your time comes!!! I feel really sorry for those who think money will cure all their problems!!!!
@joy4you (641)
• India
3 Feb 12
I think anyone entering into a relationship needs to step back and think properly about the "reason" why they would want to enter into a certain honest to your self. A life long relationship is like two people rowing a boat, one can not paddle without the other and if one sinks the boat you both drown. speaking of reasons, LOVE is not the only reason to be considered for a relationship, there are other factors that one should also consider to ensure a harmonious and long lasting relationship. Speak what's in your heart and listen to your mind.
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
2 Feb 12
many girl persue their boyfriends just for money? How come I only meet men who do these things to women? How come I know woman/girls who are paying for men/bf's, even let themselves manipulate by men? I would really like to meet these girls/women so I can learn from them! I have a lack of money, I always had but I stil payed for my bf's and ex husband although they had a great income. The thing is men find it normal a woman has to share but they don't share themselves. They find it normal to have something for themselves. So I think I live in the wrong part of the world.
@Luciano63 (157)
• France
2 Feb 12
I totally agree with you, this is sad or even making me mad but it is reality and it is a product or result of our stupid society in which appearence is more importanto of content and quality. I was lucky because I married the right person....but I did it at the age of 37! before I just had fun protecting myself and my wollet!