Do you like working in a team or on your own?

February 2, 2012 6:55am CST
Someone like working in a team , as the proverb goes" two heads are better than one ", in a team he/she can learn from others , get help from them when she/he is under pressure. And the most important thing is she/he can learn to communicate with all sorts of people.And others people prefer to work on his own . In a team , you have to give up some individuality in order for the team to function as a whole. It doesn`t allow you to have independent thinking. And as group decision-making usually takes longer time , working in a team is not necessarily efficient. What do you thinking?
1 response
@hqlp84 (11)
• China
2 Feb 12
i think working in a team is confirm better work alone. more ideas,more hands,and less work. but there are also need to see how is the team member and what kind of work.
• China
3 Feb 12
You are right! And i think the central leadership is also very important. In a team , you need someone with managerial skills to lead within the team : he is able to see the big picture of the work going on , to engage others , coordinate interpersonal relationship and organise resources effective.