Your Wish is My Command....
By timetravel
@timetravel (1425)
United States
February 5, 2012 11:42am CST
Have you ever dreamed of being able to have one wish granted? What if you could have one, and only one wish granted...and as the genie in Aladdin said, "No wishing for more wishes!". So, one wish only. It could be anything - wishing for a billion (legal!) dollars, or a cure for cancer, or an end to homelessness in your country....what would be your wish? What future consequences for yourself, or others, do you foresee coming from the granting of this wish?
6 responses
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
10 Feb 12
hi dear timetravel, my one wish would be getting just enough money to pay the monthly expenses without having to go to the office. May sound selfish but my husband is disabled and was diagnosed with heart problems almost one year ago so sometimes I ask myself whats the point in me going to the office every day instead of spending more time with him. Allright one of us has to make money to pay the bills and this one of us is me so thats why.
Having just the modest sum we would need for rent, food and some bills would not only enable me to stay at home but also to do more for my local church...... so not only my husband would benefit from me being at home.

@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
18 Feb 12
dear timetravel thanks so much for your kind comment on my post. I hesitated writing that down here but then thought why not tell as is....... hope you have a blessed weekend.
@timetravel (1425)
• United States
19 Feb 12
I hope your weekend and all future weekends go better for you. It is so difficult to split ourselves in half, isn't it?
@timetravel (1425)
• United States
13 Feb 12
that is not a selfish wish, RitterSport! You want to do it not to stay home and be lazy but in order to spend quality time with your spouse who needs you, and your church which would benefit many others.

@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
5 Feb 12
That would be an easy wish for me to ask to have granted. I would wish for the homeless, hungry, jobless, poverty stricken people in the world to have the food, clothing, homes, jobs and necessities they need fulfilled. I would hope that through the granting of the wish that wars, disease and other problems caused by hunger and poverty would become extinct. With all the needful people in the world, I couldn't possibly think of wishing for something for myself!

@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
13 Feb 12
I have had all my wishes fulfilled. I have a wonderful fiance who adores me and will move heaven and earth to make me happy. I do the same for him too. I have a great home, filled with cats and dogs. I have the challenges that one needs to make life special and complete. There are great people around me that I can call friend. My health is fair, but it is good enough for me to be able to do what I want. I am able to donate to my local animal shelter (I am currently working on stuffed acrylic collector cats for them to sell in their gift shop. I want to finish ten of them - I am a teddy bear artist and have won awards for my creations so they can make some pretty good money for the cats by selling the "toys") And my home is in the country by a lake where if I want to I can go fishing for dinner. What more could a person want? My wish was so fulfilled by a wonderful "wish granter"! To say the least all the money in the world wouldn't bring me the happiness I have now.
@timetravel (1425)
• United States
19 Feb 12
Your life does sound wonderful, Loverbear! And here's wishing for continued health and happiness in your future.
@timetravel (1425)
• United States
13 Feb 12
I think by wishing for so much for others, you have fulfilled a wish for yourself, too!

@egdcltd (12059)
5 Feb 12
You would have to think the wish out really carefully; a popular fiction device is for someone to make a wish and have that fulfilled, but not in a way they intended. eg, wishing to live hundreds of years, and they get turned into a tree, wishing for a lot of money only to have it be stolen from a bank.
@timetravel (1425)
• United States
6 Feb 12
I always love twists like that! It goes with that old saying about being careful what you wish for!
@majorroald (454)
• Netherlands
5 Feb 12
I would wish that everyone have a happy life. So no one have to suffer or something, that was the first wish that up into me(after wish more wishes but when i had read your whole post i could not wish that anymore). But someone ask it before to me and it is really hard what to wish but i think that my wish is a good wish and i hope it come true. What is your wish?
@timetravel (1425)
• United States
6 Feb 12
It is a wonderful wish majorroald! A very giving wish. I would wish for everyone who desired a fulfilling career to have the means to have one. I think wishing everyone was rich would be useless because then it would be a boring world. But if everyone had the opportunity to do what it takes to fulfill their career dreams - that is different!
@timetravel (1425)
• United States
6 Feb 12
That is fine, Bluedoll - and a very encouraging wish at that!
• India
6 Feb 12
If i will be offered with a wish,i will not go for being richest person in the world,i want fame,i want to be the most successfull physicist of all the times,i want to be the first one to come up with the theory of everything(dream of every theoretical physicist)......................
A great man once said that its the curiousity of a person which leads him to his goals..........
@timetravel (1425)
• United States
13 Feb 12
Oh my goodness - I have often wished to be able to discover something great, too, like find a way to break through when peering back in time through a telescope in order to witness the creation of the universe - which we can't now because there is no light in the universe going back so far! A wonderful wish, harkamaljotsingh1996!~