Gurr! There are days you shouldn't talk to people!
By Loverbear
@Loverbear (4918)
United States
February 6, 2012 8:55pm CST
Yes, another "friend" story. I have swallowed a lot of crap from this woman, and I have vented a lot here on the lot. I've been working at dissolving the "friendship" because this woman is doing things that a true friend wouldn't do.
It starts with borrowing my jewelry to pawn and then making me wait for two years to get the stuff back, and who is going to have to pay to get it back? You guessed it, yours truly. I can't let it go as it is some valuable pieces, including heirloom and pieces that my Mom gave me that cannot be replaced. Yes, DUMB ME, but I have learned a valuable lesson from this situation.
Secondly, I have a booth space in an antique mall and I go to the local auctions to get merchandise to sell. I made a huge mistake of taking this woman to the auction with me. She wanted me to get her tons of stuff, which I managed to shine on. I wanted a box of jewelry for several reasons. The biggest one was the fact that the stuff could be resold. I won the bidding and the box of loose jewelry cost me $100. The woman grabbed the box immediately and started digging. I told her not to, but she continued. This went on several times. When I finally got all the purchases loaded she handed me a handful of jewelry and told me that "This is what I WANT . I almost flipped out on her, as the box wasn't sturdy or totally taped around the bottom so it would be very easy to lose pieces, which she did. Secondly it was the guts she showed to disrespect my wishes and go through the box anyhow. The only reason the woman has been in my life since that episode is that my jewelry is still in pawn under her name.
When I do yard sales to sell stuff that hasn't sold in the shop, she goes through the stuff and picks out what she wants and tells me she will pay me on "pay day"; which is a fictitious date somewhere in the distant future. The last batch of linens I finally delivered to her last week.
Today I spoke to her and I was informed that one of the bed spreads had "urine streaks" on it and that the cats peed on her stuff. Of all the guts a person can have, to tell me that my cats peed on her stuff. I could have reached through the phone and throttled her!!! Fortunately I did collect my thoughts enough to tell her that the stuff hadn't been anywhere near my cats, and that my cats are clean and wouldn't pee on the stuff anyhow. She has implied through that statement that I am not a clean person, that I don't keep a clean house, that my cats are dirty, that I am a big slob (she should talk, she wears stuff to school that have serious food and grease stains on it).
She apparently felt that I should clean all the stuff specially for her because she is so friggin important!!!
I got informed that she took all the stuff to the laundromat to clean it and she couldn't get the cat pee stains out of the one bed spread (which would resell for over $200!) I will be so glad to get my jewelry back and have her out of my life. I am tired of the games, snide remarks, borrowing, and total inconsideration shown towards me. Today was the straw that broke the camels back!!! While I am not the worlds greatest housekeeper, to have someone accuse my cats of peeing outside the litter box is a bit much.
A while ago, when she didn't have ANY food and I gave in and gave her a turkey that I had saved for myself. It was frozen when I bought it, frozen when I got it home, it went straight into the freezer when I got home and it stayed there until I took it out to give to her. It was still frozen when I delivered it to her. I got a nasty call from her about the turkey. "What is wrong with the turkey you gave me? Did you thaw it out and refreeze it? Did it sit in the fridge for a week? I had to throw it out, it smelled dead". (I sure wouldn't want a turkey that smelled alive! I about lost it then. She was going out of her way to put me in my place, which was well below her on the social scale. I got pissed and let her know how the turkey was handled and that darn it she should have saved it for me to take back to the store. Well I got informed about that she didn't want anything that awful in her fridge and she threw it out because it smelled dead and she was sure that I gave her a rotten turkey.
Sigh, I do feel a bit better now. I needed to vent that before I blew up. Accusing me of giving her stuff that the cat's peed on...especially since they didn't have access to the stuff. And then she wouldn't even apologize. I won't be missing much by eliminating her from my world.
Have you had that rude of a person in your life? I'm still reeling from the accusations about what my cats have supposedly done (at least in her feeble little mind). I would love to get a hold of her and throttle her fat neck for being so rude and insulting. Have you gotten to that point of losing it totally? Now's your time to fess up and get it outa your system!

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6 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
7 Feb 12
I remember that episode where she went through the jewelry box after you bought it, and I still am shocked that she would be so bold as to do that.
There is no one in my life like that, because I'd loss it on them before it got too out of hand, the only vent I can give is the 380.00 I got from the extra grant money, I had cashed the check Friday, and then came home to add that money into paypal so I can put it on my credit card so when it is time for spring classes to start, I can easily pay for the one class and textbook. Instead my husband is wailing because I had started the transfer and he needs gas money and guess what????Today is my son's first play practice and now my husband is calculating the gas money it will take to pick him up afterwards!!!

@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
7 Feb 12
To start with, check with your school bookstore for the text book. Then check online for the book. I got the books for my classes at half the bookstore price. I usually get them for between 70 and 90% off. Let me know what book you need and I'll see what I can do.
It's like I said about Willy. He hogs the blankets and snores when he sleeps with me at night, so why do I need to get married?
I think that sometimes the men are really special and great people and then when you least expect it they (like during the full moon) they turn into these slobbery, pointy toothed, hairy beasts that are inconsiderate and demanding. Later, when the full moon wanes they go back to normal.
Now, about the pawn. The owner of the pawn shop is really great. They keep the stuff in pawn as long as you pay the interest. The jewelry is worth keeping up the payments on and redeeming. One of the items is a turquoise bear head bracelet set in solid silver that is now worth well over $1200. The one 14K ring is worth over $1000, so you can see why I am anxious to get my stuff back. You all will hear about it when I do tell the "friend" off. It's going to bring great joy on my part as it's been brewing for a long time. When we first started the friendship she was so sweet and giving, now she has turned into the kind of person who HAS to do you one better, whether it's with an illness or a "find" at the thrift shop. She has busily put down the shop I have my merchandise in ("have you sold anything at that shop, is that shop still open?" The woman who owns the shop is so sweet and so kind. She is offering to loan me the money to get my jewelry back, which I'm not about to take as she is in a leaky boat too. Then the recent put down about the bedspread.
She was with a group of people that felt it was fine to put down people, things and situations. She hated the group but she learned well from the people. She has become one of the snooty people that has to have everything her way and everyone has to kiss her rosy huge fat blubbery a$$. If someone sneezes at the wrong time she gets upset and doesn't want to see them again.
Oh, I do have to say the latest "complaint". She called to let me know that she was having heart testing, that she had had several heart attacks. She was worried about the testing that was coming up because she couldn't manage the tread mill (No kidding, she weighs in at nearly 400 pounds- don't get me wrong, I am not prejudiced against large people, but she has really gotten to me in a negative way. Like she eats 4 tacos, 3 burritos, an order of nachos, and an enchalada and a coke in the time it takes me to eat a half a burrito...and she can't figure out why she can't lose weight?) so they had to use medication to raise her heart rate. Turns out that she didn't have heart attacks (DUH!!! no kidding, if she had had heart attacks she would have been hospitalized, at least with the size of the ones she claims she has had.) I think she was disappointed because she isn't getting the huge amounts of attention that she needs every day.
Anyhow, she is fine, she just needs to lose around 250 pounds. Which ain't gonna happen in this lifetime.
But, I am keeping all this to myself and Bill until I get my jewelry back, then I am going to tell her off. She has gotten too full of herself, especially since she has found that college group and since she has found family. Bill won't even talk to her, let alone go near her house or near her. He hates the way she has used and abused me.
I'd better stop venting and let you start venting more.
I have class tonight and I need to deal with dogs, cats, litter boxes (I may save the big chunks to moosh in this "lady's" face) and get myself ready for class. We leave at 1p.m. to get me to class on time. Thanks for venting!

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Feb 12
Hi Loverbear,
This girl doesn't sound like a friend at all but just a user and a mooch. That jewelry that you let her pawn? Are you sure that the pawn shop still has it? They only hold stuff for just so long that can be bought back for what they paid for it which is way way below it's value. After that time period, which isn't very long usually, they sell it. Thats how they make their money. SHE may not even be able to get it back at this point for what they gave her. I'd be calling the pawn shop and find out their policy on these things.
With all you have told us, I am very puzzled as to why you are giving her until the end of March before ending the friendship which truthfully already sounds over. You really need to learn to say "NO". I can't imaagine having a friend that inconsiderate, and rude and so willing to take advantage. I know you want your jewelry back before ending the friendship. I'd be dragging her in there and even if I had to pay myself to get it back, I would. And then I would return her dog and be done with her.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
7 Feb 12
The only reason I am giving her to the end of March is because of the jewelry. Fortunately the pawn shop owner is a friend and she has extended the time, plus I have been paying the interest on the jewelry. I wouldn't normally be this way about "things" but there are several important items that make it worth the money. One is a solid silver bear bracelet that is now selling for over $1500. I had to save for a year to be able to buy the bracelet. The other is a heavy solid gold ring that is worth another $1000 that I bought 20 years ago for a lot less.
The other reason I have to wait until the end of March is that I have to buy the jewelry back. She has promised time after time to buy it back and it hasn't happened. Now it's up to me. She does keep testing the water to see if she has perverbally torn the rag off the bush. I'm working darn hard to keep my cool until I get my jewelry back. Then, when the jewelry is in my hands, I can blow my top and tell her off big time!
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
7 Feb 12
I tried to go to bed, but I didn't realize how angry that stupid comment she spouted made me. I would like to take a cat box and moosh it in her face. (Gee, I'm really pissed!!! I have large cat boxes so they have plenty of room to pee and poop...I can hardly lift them but I would be able to lift them with one finger right now if I could smash them in her face!!!) I'm not that kind of person, but with the put downs she has been firing at me has really had tattooed "B-ITCH" on her!!!
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
7 Feb 12
If the pieces are in her name at the pawn shop, why is it that you can't go pick the stuff up at present time? Also, I realize you said that there are pieces that cannot be replaced due to sentimental value......but, is the sentimental value worth your mental health??? You might just have to take the loss and get her out of your life. All I can say is, you are better at biting your tongue than I would be in this case. I would have told her off a longggg time ago! and she would no longer have been in my life. I can't stand people that take advantage of others, and that is exactly what she is doing. Good luck with getting her out of your life!
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
7 Feb 12
Unfortunately in California the law states that only the person who pawns the items can pick them up. I wish that the laws were otherwise. The one thing I will say is that by redeeming the items myself, I can be angry but it will also prevent me from making the same mistake. After I bail the stuff out, she is going to get a chewing out that she has long deserved. She will sit and blubber like a baby from it, but it won't change her a bit. But it has changed me, and I am just as happy without her being in contact with me. There won't be a problem about getting her out of my life, as I can't have the kind of upset from her constant putting everyone down and being angry at the world. It's going to be a vast relief!!!
@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Feb 12
I think you met the most rude person in the world!!! I am sorry you met such a terrible person! I really hope you get rid of her soon for your sake.
I have had a few people in my life that were rude but no where near that. How can she be SO rude when you did so much for her? That just blows my mind.
I can totally understand you needing to vent about that one. I do not like when you give someone something and then they complain about it! Beggars cannot be choosers! People should learn that. And to lie and say your cats peed on things, your right shes implying that your not taking care of your house. So so rude. I hope I never meet someone like her!!!
I hope she disappears soon so you can lose some stress!!
And we are all here to listen until she is out of your life!!! 

@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
7 Feb 12
I hate to tell you how many times I have helped her out. It's either been food or money. Mostly money! I also ended up with her dog (it's a pit/lab mix which I have been paying for the food for-for the past three years! She was supposed to help out with the food. She also is hinting that she wants me to take care of her "new dog" while her husband goes to see his father for a week. She weighs in at 360 pounds and can't walk the dog herself. So, let some stupid person like me take care of the dog. Which is impossible as the dog hates cats and other dogs, and I have both.
Anyhow, shortly she is going to be rude to herself. I can't handle the snide comments and put downs any longer. I hope by the end of March she will be informed that the friendship has come to an end.
@pebblez8989 (321)
• United States
7 Feb 12
wow your friend is very ungrateful you seem like a real good friend that helped her. well i had a friend that was so rude and that didn't appreciate anything i did for her i would let her borrow my new clothes and she would never bring them back i would never seen them again or if i'm not home she would just take my clothes and not tell me. or every time we go out i always buy her food when we go out and eat. i remember when i was pregnant i was so hungry we where at a restaurant i didn't have money but she did she bought herself food and told me that she can't buy me anything because he needs to save her money i was so mad.i always help her and she could never do a favor for me but i told her i was mad because of that she just ignore me.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
7 Feb 12
Sometimes it is for the best that you tell a person off. I have finally realized that. She has used me, abused me, and ignored my wishes. I was diagnosed with serious gastric problems and she isn't helping them in the least. But, I will have the pleasure of telling her off and letting her know what she has done is wrong.
People that do what your "friend" and my "friend" has done aren't friends. They should be willing to share and care for the person who has been at their side through thick and thin. Somewhere down the road we will find a true friend that will treat us with the love and respect that we deserve. Friendship is giving to the other, whether it's food, love, loans, or whatever. But a true friend will return the same or even more. Come to think of it, I have driven them all over and they wouldn't pay for the fuel, yet she has the guts to complain when someone else does it to her!!!
I send you love and hugs. I wish you would have had better luck with your person, I know what it's like to be hungry and have someone eating and not willing to share or offer to buy you a meal. It hurts!!!