How do you handle your finances?

United States
February 7, 2012 7:40am CST
Do you handle your finances well? Are you good at saving? I'm not good at saving at all. It would be great if i was. It's just often I don't make a lot as it is so when I have an extra five dollars instead of putting it aside I buy myself a shake or something. I'm working on it though. Because I know that in the end every little bit helps and that it does add up. And it's always nice to know that if an emergency comes up we don't have to pull our hair out trying to think about where we are going to get the money from.
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16 responses
@dodo19 (47361)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
8 Feb 12
It's not always easy to save. I'm not that bad at saving money. However, our financial situation isn't in the greatest of states, which does make it difficult for us to have any kind of savings. But we are hoping that this changes for the better very soon. Fingers crossed.
• United States
7 May 12
Yeah I'm not a big fan of saving. I wish it were easier for me. Then I would be able to save as much as I could and I would be tight with my spending. I use to do better but for some reason it seems as time as gone on I've become more interested in buying things for myself these past year. Yeah it would be nice for our financial situation to change for the better.
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
8 Feb 12
I work a full time job and a second job just to make ends meet. I have to juggle my bills and pay one this time and the other next time. I manage to just tread above water most times. It is very hard to save money, especially with 2 teenagers in the house and being a single mom.
• United States
7 May 12
That is definitely a lot of work you have to do. I remember when I had to work two jobs to keep up with everything. It was a very demanding time in my life. And during that time I really didn't have very much money left over. I can imagine how hard it is for you being a single mom and with two teenagers. Hopefully in time they as well will be able to help you out. Hopefully though they are helping you out now though by contributing with the house work.
• United States
8 Feb 12
Now that I look back I realized that when I was single I never handled my finances all that well, but now that I am married (have been almost 5 years) I handle them much better. It is hard to save because I am not working and neither is my husband, but when we finally get to file our taxes I am hoping to save most of the money. I do have 25.00 that is taken out of my husband's VA check every month and that goes into our savings account. I am also starting to save my coins and am hoping that once my bank gets full I will put that money in my account. I am also saving the money I make online in my paypal account and am hoping to save enough for Christmas this year. I am hoping to make some money online so I can build up my paypal account.
• United States
8 Feb 12
I'm glad that you are better able to handle your finances now that you are married. It is a good thing to be able to do. And when we save and are able to see our finances grow we are happier about it. Keep saving and you will be happy with the results. It is hard though to save especially when you have limited amounts of money coming in. So penny pinching becomes a great thing.
• Philippines
8 Feb 12
hello dominique25, actually i handle all my finances because i had a discipline to my self, especially we need to stint all your budgets and when i had the extra money, i save it to my bank so if i need a money, i have.
• United States
7 May 12
Yeah it is good for us to be able to discipline ourselves. It's not an easy thing to do but we have to do it if we want to be successful with our finances. Yeah continue to put your savings in the bank. This will help you be prepared for emergencies should they come up.
@zaahro (748)
• Indonesia
8 Feb 12
Hello Dominique... Yeah sometimes I am good at handling my finances, mommy taught me to save some of my pocket money. Till now I still like saving some buck from my pocket money but I never show it to my mom, you know, to get more extra money But when my desire to buy some stuff come, I can't handle it and just let it be completed, I don't mind to use my extra money.
• United States
7 May 12
I'm glad that your mother taught you how to be responsible. It will help you for a long time as you make different decisions throughout your life. It's important that you work hard and do your best. This will do a lot for you in the long run. Keep saving your money and you will have a good amount saved up for emergencies or when you may need to use it for purchases. Yeah it's nice from time to time to buy ourselves something. I love to buy myself little things every now and then.
• Philippines
8 Feb 12
i could say that am not as good as u maybe...sometimes i was short with my daily expenses in my family...if i have my my money for that to be used for the expenses, then i buy it without my knowing that it almost consumed..i cant kept it for a long time in my hand...can u give me any advises on how to handle carefully?
• United States
6 May 12
I think that perhaps when you are out and about you should perhaps take only the money you need for expenses, no more. This will prevent you from spending important money. Also writing a budget and sticking to that will be a good idea.
@aman1981 (793)
• India
7 Feb 12
Well in today senora its is difficult to save, as almost every thing is become costly where the items is going costly same the earning is not much increase, so saving is very difficult, but i say you have to save some money because it will useful for your future because no body known but will happen in future, so secure your future you must saving every day or every month...
• United States
6 May 12
I agree with you. With everything that is going on around us it is very difficult to save. Everything cost a lot and yet we aren't able to make a lot. Which equals out to not having much money left over after necessary business is handled. That can all be very frustrating to deal with. When we save it will be very useful for us in the future. It will help us a lot if emergencies come up or if there are things that we would like to buy.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
8 Feb 12
I can't say that I am really good with handling my finances because there does come a time that I do get broke. But I do always have something set aside so that when such times come, I have something that I can spend. I tend to save on small amounts, coins mostly. You may not realize it but one day when you open the coin bank, it is a significant amount and can be a real life saver. When I was still working my hubby and I have an emergency can where we put about five percent of our salary. We would sometimes get money from it, but we would need to "pay" it back on our next salary. I am not working right now, so I don't contribute to our savings. But what I do is that I make sure that we spend within our means and this means that I don't spend on luxury items like I did before when I was still working.
• United States
6 May 12
Yeah I know that feeling. I'm glad though that you have a little savings set aside. I'm sure that helps you when things do get tight. With the way the rising cost of everything is it will continue to be that way for awhile. Yeah when we aren't working that much it is best to live within our means. I only work part time a few hours each week. So I don't get to spend money on luxury things either.
• United States
8 Feb 12
You know, it's funny, but when I was making plenty of money, I couldn't save any. At least, I didn't think I could, but since I went through a hard patch and now am bringing a fraction of what I used to, I amaze myself at what I have learned I don't need and how much I can actually save.
• United States
6 May 12
Yeah that is interesting. And although i don't make a lot i often feel that when i have extra i can spend it. When i don't have extra i know where it all needs to go.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
7 Feb 12
You are right, we have to think about the rainy days come. I would like to put aside some extra money for future use. That is why so many Americans neglect such idea. They should know they can't spend more than they make. That is unhealthy habits. I would recommend people come up a saving plan. Even though they are in debt at the moment.
• United States
6 May 12
Yeah and usually the rainy days come when most of us aren't prepared for them. That should motivate us to start saving right away. Yeah it is a very unhappy habit to spend more than we make.
• Philippines
7 Feb 12
Yes, I am really good at saving and I am also good in wasting my money. Good thing that I joined a forum that taught me on how to budget my money. Every time I look into my wallet,I've been wondering where the heck did I put my money. I do record all of my expenses.
• United States
6 May 12
LOL. Yeah I know what you mean. I on the other hand am just good at spending it. Not that great at saving it. So I'm continuing to work on that. I know that saving money would be a great thing for me to do. It will really help me out in the future when there are things that need to be taken care of. What forum did you join that helped you with budgeting.
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
8 Feb 12
Hi there dominique, Me too ive always been a bad spender but now i am trying to pay all of my debts and be more productive when it comes to my finances, now i have more responsibilities and i have to b more sure that i spend my money on more important things like food health , investments and savings and of course again paying off my debts.
• United States
6 May 12
I'm glad that you are trying to pay off your debt. Paying off debt is a big thing. Especially if we have a lot of it. I hoping that with time I will be able to get all of my debt paid off as well. Yeah there are a lot of worthwhile things that we should use our money for.
@indi15 (888)
• India
8 Feb 12
Savings are really very important for all of us. I can control my expenditure to save some money , but what ever i save goes in so me or other unexpected expenditure and i could never use my savings on myself. But still i will continue to save.
• United States
6 May 12
I'm glad that you continue to save and that you use it wisely for what it needs to be used for. For a lot of us that is hard to do. But I'm glad that you have mastered this and continue to save.
@Basika (5)
• United States
7 Feb 12
Three basic rules of investing: Start early. Buy low, sell high. Diversify I'm 18 and I have $2k in stocks right now. Another 2k in bonds. Not much I know, but if you have cash on hand and really have a mind to save then wealth growth can happen. The markets got quite puffy lately and my assets increased by $250. Aside from saving, most people are risk averse so they do not trust investing. People store there money in treasuries or CDs. The real money is not there in my opinion. The income from my job and pocket cash from does not hurt either.
• United States
6 May 12
Thanks very much. I will keep these ideas in mind. That is great that you have that much in stock at such a young age. Glad that your assets has grown. That is what we want when we have invested our money in these stocks. I think that high interest savings account and cds are a good thing especially if you don't want a risk and yet still want your money to grow. But it just depends on a person's preference.
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
7 Feb 12
Yeah, it's really hard to save when you have too little left from what you make. But it's a good thing though that you're aware why you're having a hard time saving. That's actually the best start in handling your finances - knowing where you financially stand. But the next important thing is for you to actually start saving. If you have an extra $5 next time, make sure that you keep at least $1 of it :)
• United States
6 May 12
Yeah the majority of us don't have a lot left over after we pay all the bills. I too am glad that I understand what areas I'm having a hard time in with saving and that I'm learning new ways to overcome this. Yeah even starting small with savings helps.
@Matpunk85 (1066)
• Italy
7 Feb 12
I'm quite good in saving money. I'm still studying so my earning comes from some little jobs and money are few, anyway I try to save what I earn. I only buy what I need or what I really want. Unfortunately sometimes it's difficult to save money as example when you need to move for work and you have to use public transport or the car (with fuel cost). About my earning from internet I hope to reach soon a minimum amount for having some shopping.
• United States
6 May 12
I'm glad to hear that you are good with savings. That is such a great advantage. I hope some day to be really good at saving. I'm continously working at it. I think when a person is good at savings they know how to use their resources in the best way. They don't spend money needlessly. And when there is something that they want and that they can afford then they are able to get it because they have saved up for it. So it is advantageous for me to strive to aquire this skill of saving.