"Twilight: Breaking Dawn", boring movies
By kingparker
@kingparker (9673)
United States
February 7, 2012 3:22pm CST
I just don't see it how come this movie can make it to series 4th. I didn't enjoy the first one, nor the 2nd and 3rd. Even worse, the 4th, breaking dawn part 1 just disappointed as well. Pretty boring beginning with the wedding party and all the jealousy going on between Jacob, Bella and Edward. Then the ending she has a vampire child born. What is the next? I meant the second part, would the wolf pack and the vampire group starts a battle sooner or later? I might not interest in them. I still don't understand how come those teenager girls love such stories?
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18 responses
@ladysilver (370)
8 Feb 12
You see, it's all about different needs and different tastes.Just like men prefer action movies and women romantic dramas, these teenage girls prefer Twilight Saga.There are exceptions in each group, of course,for example my niece who is 16 now likes war movies and I will never figure out why.Even some men dislike them because they hard to watch, sad and violent.I think we're happy that we can still choose what to watch like we can choose what to eat.If you dislike the movie, don't waste your time, find something you could really enjoy.
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@parascevi (313)
• Greece
8 Feb 12
I totally agree with you. I know many people who like these kind of moovies and they are not teenagers, boys or girls, but grownups aged 28 and more who adore to see such soapteen opera movies. I know a man aged 29 or so who cries.... when he see this moovie!
@stelalouis (42)
9 Feb 12
Twilight movies are always good and i really love the genre that movie having in it. This part of the twilight movie was really good and superb to watch.
@Arianna88 (3)
• Italy
20 Feb 12
I totally agree with you, I can't understand why a lot of people like this movie. I think that the actor are absolutly unables to act. I tried to read the book, and I was'nt able to finish it because I find it boring. In my opinion Bella is the tipical Mary Sue ( a character full of stereotypes).
@egdcltd (12059)
7 Feb 12
I missed the first one in the series when it came out at the cinema, so when it came onto television I decided to watch it, and then I planned to watch the rest of the series.
After the first hour, I switched it off because it was boring.
There's a quote from Stephen King where he compares Twilight to Harry Potter.
"Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength, and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend."
@MissPiggy (1748)
• Indonesia
8 Feb 12
I love Stephen! I prefer to watch Harry (although I'm not a fan) and still enjoy the story than watch Twilight Saga. :)
@egdcltd (12059)
8 Feb 12
I will usually watch almost any type of film, but I haven't been able to get into any of this recent vampire rubbish, including the television programs and books, and I've been reading urban fantasy since before it was even a genre.
There's something in the book, The President's Vampire, where the vampire says the idea of vampires being attracted to humans that's been popularised in recent fiction is about as likely as humans being attracted to cows, and for the same reason - they're both food sources.
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
9 Feb 12
Vampires and WereWolves are all the rage. I have not seen this movie yet. I don't know that I will. The first two are boring. I think Jacob is so much hotter than Edward. Ahh that is just me. I think that teenage girls are so in love with the stories for the actors that play Jacob and Edward... I don't really think it has to do with a story line or anything of that nature, just the hot actors.
@sinnedsejatnom (1311)
• Philippines
11 Feb 12
Of the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn Part 1 is just the lousiest and worst film. When we are going to summarize it, the film only give a little story. It's like they intentionally prolong the movie series to earn more money. The entire wedding and planning alone is almost an hour of talks. This movie is just bad. Unlike Harry Potter last 2 films, the story really is interesting every part of it. I think they are following Harry Potters success that's why a story which can be presented once is still divided into 2 parts and it brings lots of boring and nonsense scenes.
@lilblondiemjd (856)
• United States
8 Feb 12
I never got into Twilight. I never understood why other people were such fanatics about it either. I boycotted the books at first, but then since everyone RAVED about them, I caved in and read one. I couldn't even get through the first book. I saw the first movie hoping it may spark an interest in me, but it didn't. I feel like the movies and books jump around to the point where they're hard to follow. I just don't feel like they're SO uniquely amazing.
@cash4cards (140)
• United States
8 Feb 12
Ive always loved vampire books an stories. i havent seen this one yet but ive whatched the first
few. they can b corny i agree more of a teen flick...probably cause the boys are handsome that
always helps...lol
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
8 Feb 12
Because the storyline has every element that teenage girls find romantic. Hunger, forbidden romance, following your heart despite the reasons why what they want is foolish and dooms them to a life of hardship for their forbidden love, etcetera, etcetera and yackety schmackety. You are obviously not a member of the demographic (12-19 year old girls) that fell in love with the charachters in the book series. Half the people over 18 who go and watch the movies probably are unaware that there even is a book series, unless they have a teenager in their household.
To adults if you have read te novels and fallen in love with the charachters too, then I am sure that you get a lot more to interest you in the movies. It's the same thing with Stephen King novels, they're so long and go into such detail that when they are converted to movies most of them lose something in the process of relating the same story on film. The writer also has a much broader canvas to work with when writing than when trying to budget an overblown over budget Hollywood Production. Guys want action, explosions, graphic violence, foul language, not sweet stories about a vampire in love. It's a chick flick dude, probably didn't look like on the face of it but the universal uniting theme for all the twilight movies is romantic love and doing anything and everything in your power to have what you want.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
8 Feb 12
Like you, I never shared the enthusiasm of my friends when the book and the movie came out. I never really liked the movie and tried watching it once when it was on cable, only to change channels by the middle part of the movie. My brothers are even amazed that I am not interested at all with the Twilight series because every female they know are so hooked into it. But they understand because they know that I don't like to go with the herd. My dislike is not just because I want to be different from everyone else. I just don't find anything romantic with a vampire whose skin is more flawless than mine. Or a wolfie that has great abs.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
8 Feb 12
These movies aren't for vampire lovers out there. These movies weren't made for people who want to see werewolves tear things to shreds. These movies are about teenage girls checking out handsome boy hairdos and ripped muscles. They're teenie chick flicks. Pure and simple.
The Twilight series is huge with a lot of teens. It's like if Justin Beiber had a movie about vampires. That's it.
I don't turn down vampires and werewolves. I watch most B-movie vampire flicks. I check out any old movies dealing with this horror genre. So I watched a few of the Twilight movies. I seen the one were Jacob discovers he's a wolf, and I've seen this latest breaking down. I don't recall seeing the one in the middle.
I'm not sure where they go from here, but it doesn't matter where they go. The storyline was always secondary, even in the books. It's a love story that happens to involve vampires and werewolves; it's not a vampire and werewolves story that happens to include a love twist in it. There's a huge difference.
This isn't like expanding on Dracula's love and search for Elisabetta. It's nothing like that at all. This is a story that was built around the premise that a teenage girl falls deeply, madly, painfully in love with someone, while someone else, whom she doesn't love, feels the same about her. The only reason there are even vampires and werewolves in this story at all was to separate it from every other love story exactly the same.
@rafiholmes (2896)
• Malaysia
8 Feb 12
comparing to the part 1 2 and 3 ..
yes Breakng dawn is too mellow..and can be said boring too.. just cant wait for Breaking dawn 2...to end all this.. to get it over with.! lol
@otakumarie (48)
• Philippines
8 Feb 12
I don't greatly detest this movie although I don't really like it at all. In fact it has been tagged as one of the worst movies of 2011. I couldn't agree more! The plot isn't just as solid. the movie adaptation is just so lame that all you get is a sappy love story that leaves out character impact and growth. they all leave out the juicy parts(if there was even a juicy part).
@MissPiggy (1748)
• Indonesia
8 Feb 12
Have you read the novels? Because my friend told me that Twilight Saga is awesome. Well, I don't feel like it. I agree with you. First, I don't like the actors. All of them (I don't like Kirsten the most). :( Then, the first movie is boring, so I didn't watch the next. And it's too complicated. I mean, I enjoy Harry Potter the series much more than Twilight. I don't think girls really follow the story. They're enjoying the actors. :)
@zaahro (748)
• Indonesia
8 Feb 12
Hii KingParker....
Well the first, and the third waere good in my case. But the second and the fourth part one are not as good as the novel. I love the novel than the movies.
In the fourth series they skip so many good parts, but yeah that's the story. Marriage, jealousy, new baby born and be a vampire. But it is not good enough. I prefer to read the novel twice than watching it twice. 

@shimi18 (98)
• Philippines
9 Feb 12
the movie may be boring for you, but for some its exciting. we have different opinions, tastes and likes. so we might just have to respect them. I know you are only expressing your opinion too. we better mind our own, and let them mind theirs. Sometimes movies appear so boring because we don't understand the real essence of the movie. but, well, the point is, whatever movie it is, let the watchers watch they want and ignore what we don't like. It shouldnt be a big deal for us if a movie we dont like is a box office. :)
@teufelskind (813)
• United States
8 Feb 12
LOL oh were do I even start on these films?? I can not stand them with a passion. I think it sucks the life out of how real vampires should be portrayed as (yes pun intended) Vampires are so different from what these films show and it is a shame they have killed Dracula in the essence of film with glitter! Long live Bela Lugosi..
@ayumitakashi (4462)
• United States
8 Feb 12
I really don't understand how these movies have become so popular. I read the books and the books themselves are so boring! The movies are even more so boring! A good series would be Harry Potter, not to sounds bias, but Twilight can not hold a candle to Harry Potter. Harry Potter is an entitiy within itself. Twilight in content and in acting does not hold up to the talent and the people that we saw grow in the Harry Potter series. It's all these teenage girls going crazy about a stupid vampire fantasy. I will always prefer the original vampire, you know the ones that come out at night only. Or even better than Twilight would be The Vampire Diaries.
@yanzalong (18987)
• Indonesia
8 Feb 12
When the first one was a success, they tend to make the second, the third, and so forth. This kind of business is adopted every where in the world, I think. I seldom watch such movies.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
8 Feb 12
I guess you would have to be a teenage girl to understand that.
Much like sometimes they don't get how adult men like certain kinds of movies. Of the 4 movies, I think I liked only the first one because I felt it was a vampire movie. Somehow I felt the "cold". The succeeding movies were all about the cheesy triangle between the vampire, the wolf and the mortal.
Maybe you guys don't see it, but for us girls, Edward (in the first movie, at least) and Jacob are hot!!!!