I Think Everything Happens For A Reason

@KrauseHome (36445)
United States
February 9, 2012 4:38am CST
Regarding the Chronic Wound, my Health issues with being Diabetic, having Fibromyalga, etc. There are many days I know I feel quite discouraged. Then I end up allowing it to give me added stress which in turn is not good, and does not help the situation either, especially my Blood Pressure for sure. But thru everything I have been experiencing and going thru I am learning to deal with it all easier, and that God is always in control. There are days that are better than others. I know in time some of the things will be easier. Then I look back and see where I have come from and know it was worth it, and know it will continue to get a lot better from here. No, some of you I would not want to trade places with, and no many of you would not want to trade places with me, but I know everything happens for a reason, and one of these days soon when I walk into the Wound Clinic they are going to be like "WOW!!" "Look at her leg, the wounds are finally healed." Whether it be this month or a few months from now I continue to remain strong and do what I can to get it there. Thanks for all the Prayers!! ~~TINA~~
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15 responses
@GreenMoo (11833)
9 Feb 12
I envy you your faith Tina.
2 people like this
• United States
10 Feb 12
I do too, I think life would sometimes be much easier that way!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
17 Feb 12
Thanks for the compliments. No, it is not always easy, but it is something that I have learned, and slowly working to always keep positive no matter what comes my way.
• United States
9 Feb 12
Hi Tina. In troublesome times we have to stay strong that God IS. He just IS. God is God in good times and bad. Whether you are healed in this life or not has no bearing on the omniscience and omnipresence of The Great I AM. You are living your eternity now as an adopted daughter of God through Christ the King of Kings. It seems that we all, who are kin through Crist, have some kind of cross to bear. We may have to bear that cross until we are freed from our eartly bodies. No matter how much we suffer in this life we could not suffer as greatly as Jesus suffered to save us. I believe attitude is everything. Keep a steady mind about your situation and take care of your body as best as you know how and God will carry you through the dark times. Yes you may get depressed, but during those dark times know that you are healed through Christ even if the EVIDENCE of that healing is not SEEN. That is what faith is all about. We have a tendency to complain about our situation because God hasn't healed us. I go through health problems too, and it is HARD to hang onto the claim that I am healed. Every time I whine or complain I am showing DOUBT that God is God. In some circles it is a blessing to suffer through things because suffering brings us closer to Christ. We could never suffer as much as he did and live, but we know that when we get our new bodies you won't be suffering. It will have all been worth it. I've often wondered if the people who suffer so much will get jewels in their crown. Maybe with all the suffering you do on this side of eternity will be worth it when you finally get HOME. I don't know why I'm saying all this Tina, but I feel you will understand exactly what I mean. I feel we have to accept the things we cannot change as part of God's will for us. If it wasn't for the bad times we wouldn't appreciate the sweet times when things are going well. God made us. He knows how our bodies work because he knitted us together in our mother' womb. If he has not answered your prayers it's for a reason. Your faith may be what saves someone else. I know people watch us. Sometimes we are the only 'bible' they read. Your sores may not be healing for a greater purpose. When you are remembered it won't be fir the sores you have. You will be remembered for your faith, your love and your compassion. This life is temporal. We are just passing through. You will be well in eternity. I felt lead to say all of that to you Tina. Your friend always, Sally
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
19 Feb 12
Thanks for these words and advice my friend. I know there are many times I might start feeling down and discouraged with everything that I am going thru, and just have to remember that God is God and he is in control and in his time everything will be OK.
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• United States
20 Feb 12
Yes, and the Word tells us that there are seasons for everything... God is going to heal you one way or another... if he heals you on this side of eternity it will be to His glory... if he doesn't... you will be healed when you open your eyes in heaven. We just have to keep our eyes on the Prize, which is Jesus and everything will work out how it is supposed to. I believe that God puts the right people in our path at the right time. I do believe God will heal you, and something greater than your healing will come from it. Maybe God will use your healing as a testament to what God's grace can do.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
9 Feb 12
keep up the good work and beleif energies going to you to hel fast!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
19 Feb 12
It has been a while, but I am continuing to think positive even the days I might feeling Frustrated as well.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
20 Feb 12
just have to keep that soirit up all ya can do hugssssssssssssssssssssss
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
9 Feb 12
Yes, things do happen for a reason, as long as it is His will..I will continue to pray Tina, and you take care of yourself..
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
19 Feb 12
Thanks for the Prayers. It has been a long road, but I know things happen for a reason and God is in control.
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Feb 12
You're welcome, and here are some hugs to go along with those prayers..
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
9 Feb 12
Hi KrauseHome You know, I loved reading this discussion. Thanks for being so very optimistic and positive. I wasnt this positive in 2008. But after those horrible 8 months of 100% bed confinement and seeking help to even sit on the bed, today, I am much more positive. And I learned that the best fight for any ailment or illness is not the Medicines but the right attitude, the positive thoughts and the willingness to live. I see this here on this discussion again and it does strengthen me I am quite sure and certain that with these positives in your arsenal you are going to recover and heal sooner than many others... the doctors are surely in for a surprise. Prayers and Best Wishes to keep going the way you are...
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
19 Feb 12
Yes, I feel thru everything that I go thru this helps show me that no matter what happens God is in control and that even if it is not always as quick as I would like, in time I will be able to do more. It has been a long road as I am sure yours to recovery was a long one as well, but with God anything is possible, and it is truly worth it in the end.
@myzhian (584)
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
The faith you have is a strong instrument to face all the test in life. God will give the best grace and blessing to the people who are not tired of giving him love and faith. God can do all miracles to his children!
@1corner (744)
• Canada
9 Feb 12
I know how that feels. Like you, I've been facing a long-term disease, without much help from doctors for a long time. So, apart from strength sapped, constant pain, & failure of medical personnel to extend help, I have known great discouragement indeed - for a long time. Yet, at the same time, I held hope in my heart that I'd eventually be COMPLETELY healed, mostly by God, as promised in His Word. To date, it's not over yet, but I've come a long way from where I was at onset of this illness. The staggered courses of antibiotics, and other prescribed meds, have helped some, but the Lord's power kept me alive & thoroughly unsinkable. I'd like you to remember that the Spirit that is in you is greater than that which caused the wound. There's healing in God. You WILL heal. Keep your hopes up, your trust in Him. There's a praise testimony just round the corner, waiting. (Also know that people are praying with & for you).
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
9 Feb 12
Well I hope it happnes for you sooner then later....I do hope someday you wake up and its all behind you! We'll all keep you in our prayers~!
@celticeagle (172606)
• Boise, Idaho
10 Feb 12
I believe in fate. Things certainly do happen for a reason. For us to teach others, or for us to understand and be able to cope better in our lives. I am glad you have seen a difference and that your wound is healing. Slow but sure. And all in good time. Patience is definitely a virtue.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
9 Feb 12
you are very welcome my dear. and thanks for your prayers. i to have been getting better some days. mostly because of the quiting smoking has helped me a whole lot. im hoping also that some day i will be right as rain and some day you will go to the doc and he will say, wow, its healed.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
11 Feb 12
Yes Tina! One of these days, everybody would just be surprised! At how everything is better. From all the ailments that you've been experiencing. And everybody would be a witness to how your positive attitude and how your faith had a big hand in healing you. I can't imagine how tough it has been, but I'm glad that you're keeping strong.
• Philippines
9 Feb 12
Things really happens for a reason. You may not know what are those reasons but it will come at the right time. You might be experiencing something in regards to your health but I do believe that you can cope with it.
@nat1_ong (150)
• Guam
10 Feb 12
God is always in control with our lives. There is always a reason behind everything. I am a registered nurse and got a chance of working but then I lost the job. God has a purpose of everything because of what happen I knew there was something different within me. I have a personality disorder. But was now treated and now lives a life normally. If weren't for the failure in life I wouldn't see success in my future
• Philippines
10 Feb 12
It is really hard to live to have diabetes especially when it is chronic, but you need to have a strong faith with that and always think to live normal. Worrying too much added more stress as it elevates blood pressure in no time. It is really hard to live like that, and witness how a diabetic struggles to live a normal life because my relatives and families of the father side, all them were diabetics and they are all in medications.
@AmbiePam (96725)
• United States
9 Feb 12
Good for you for being positive.