Little girl almost kidnapped at local Walmart

United States
February 9, 2012 1:36pm CST
My sister posted this on her Facebook. Although I wasn't shocked by this because sadly this happens every day I was impressed by how this little 7 year old girl fought off her kidnapper. It was all caught on Walmart's security camera which later on led to the capture of the kidnapper. Here is the link for the story: The mother of the little girl said that she stepped away from her daughter to get some fruit while her daughter played in the toy aisle & that's when the kidnapper grabbed up the little girl & tried to leave the store w/ her. I'm not a parent, but I'm an Aunt. I would die if anything like this happened to either my niece or my nephews. You really have to keep a close eye on your children nowadays. All it takes is that split second for you to look away & their gone. I hope that all the parents on MyLot both read this discussion & watch this news clip because it could just as easily have happened to you & your child. Even the best parent in the world can get distracted just long enough for someone to snatch up their child.
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11 responses
• United States
16 Feb 12
The point has been made in an earlier post Wal mart's have distant between food and the rest of the store.To leave your child in the toy section while your over in the food section is asking for trouble at least for a unattended child.This little girl was a very lucky little girl to say the very least. I hope this mother now understand the dangerous world her and her child live in.
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• United States
7 May 12
Yes hopefully after this the Mother will keep a closer watch on her child or else next time she wont be as fortunate.
@shibham (16977)
• India
11 Feb 12
Hi there... As Rickie has said that the mother is responsible for the kidnap demo. I am agree with her, here in today's world all full of some nasty and barbaric people and thats why as a parent she had to stay around that girl. have a nice time.
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• United States
7 May 12
Yes as a mother she really should. Nowadays especially you should never allow your child out of your sight.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
10 Feb 12
I know a lot of people do this. It is good that the girl fought and things turned out well. I hope it opens the eyes of a lot of parents.
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• United States
11 Feb 12
Yes I do too. Lesson to be learned here is this: DO NOT EVER TAKE YOUR EYES OFF YOUR CHILD Maybe if parents watch this news clip they will realize that this could just have easily happened to them
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
10 Feb 12
I sure hope they're investigating the mother. Who in their right mind would think it's okay to leave a kid playing in the toy aisle while they went to a different part of the store for something? Walmart is not a playground. First of all it's disgusting that she'd let her kid "play" in the toy section like it's a free for all. Second, children should never be left unattended for any reason what so ever. If the child is that much of a burden while shopping.. she should just be left at home next time. Shame on the mother!
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• United States
11 Feb 12
I want to say that she is a good Mother, but I think she is one of those parents that just doesn't believe that this could happen to her or her child. The thing is your right, the toy section at Walmart is not a playground for parents to drop off their kids while they go off shopping. I used to work at Walmart for almost 8 yrs. & this is one of the things my managers used to complain about w/ the parents leaving their kids in the toy dept. Aside from it not being safe they would make a mess of the toys which us cashiers would then have to go clean & straighten up afterward. Now don't get me wrong I didn't mind cleaning it up at first because it was part of my job & it kept me busy which I really liked, but what frustrated me was after I cleaned up the mess & had the shelves all strengthened out & looking nice I would come back maybe a half an hour later to find it a mess again. That's when I started to get angry. I used to think, "Goodness people, keep your children w/ you & stop allowing them to run around the store making a mess that someone else has to clean!!"
• United States
11 Feb 12
That is half the reason why she is such a bad mother. Her child is her responsiblity.. she should not expect the toy aisle to babysit her kid while she runs and grabs things from another department.
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• United States
7 May 12
My thoughts exactly
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
10 Feb 12
That really just underlines the fact that you cannot even take an eye off of your child even for a second this days. The child and mother was extremely lucky to really not have this end badly. There are rather many more situations out there where all it takes is one minute and no one would know. It is scary, how many kidnappings can happen in a blink. It only takes one minute. I know that at age, I would never really be left alone in that matter for merely a second. It is scarily getting to the point where you have to have your children shackled to you at every moment. There are just going to be a lot of times where you just turn on the news or read a story and it makes you paranoid about mostly everything. All kinds of twisted people out there.
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• United States
11 Feb 12
Yep I totally agree. That Mother should've never taken the chance that her daughter would be alright while she went off to get some fruit.
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@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
10 Feb 12
I know that even in Toy shops and playground it won't be good to just leave kids unattended. Sadly I have observed how my friend is to her daughter when we were outside. She would be busy on the phone talking for hours while her kid is freely roaming around the toy area and she would be sitting while talking on her mobile phone. I am the one who keeps following her daughter; I tried to move away from them to see how she takes care if no one is with them... I see her still on the phone and letting her baby walk around the area.. but good thing is that she keeps her eye on her. But still I think it is better to focus and be beside or behind the baby always. By the way, I admire the courage of the little girl there.
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• United States
11 Feb 12
Yes I agree that your friend definitely has to do more then just keep an eye on her child. Once when I was little my Mom took us all to the beach. While there my mom wanted to go take a swim in the ocean so she asked me (I was the oldest)to keep an eye on my baby brother. The sun was making me so sleepy that I thought to close my eyes for just a second since my brother was only a few short feet away from me playing in the sand. Next thing I knew my Mom was screaming that my brother was missing. He disappeared for four hours that day. Turned out he was in a cop car the whole time eating ice cream & playing with the siren while we walking up & down the beach looking for him. My Mom, sisters, & I all got sun poisoning as a result. We were fortunate that time, but I tell you what, none of us ever took our eyes off each other when we were told to look after one another ever again.
• United States
7 May 12
Yep. It's up to the parents to keep a close eye on their children because if they don't these kids will just wander off by themselves which is not at all safe especially nowadays.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
11 Feb 12
That experience gave each one of you a big lesson... We really should guard the small ones as they love to go roaming everywhere.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
9 Feb 12
Wow! What a brave little girl...she could have had a lot different story to tell today couldn't she....I hope parents share this with their kids so they also can fight off an abductor!
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Feb 12
That's exactly why I decided to post this discussion on MyLot. Parents need to be aware of the dangers that are out there & be made to realize that this could just as easily happen to their kids as well.
• United States
10 Feb 12
I'm not a mother but I am a big sister and when I go out with my sisters, especially with my six year old sister, I make sure she is ALWAYS holding my hand. I do not let go of her hand, and If I have to (maybe she wants to play with a toy) I make sure that I am right next to her. In the world we live in today you can not, just leave your child for one second, especially a little girl as young as that. My brother is fifteen years old and I even pay attention to him because you just never know what will happen with all these freaks in this world. I'm just glad this little girl was able to get away and I'm glad that the guy was caught.
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• United States
11 Feb 12
Sounds like your a really good big sister, not to mention a very smart one
@marguicha (225701)
• Chile
9 Feb 12
I´m so glad this story ended well as do many don´t. But I go to supermarkets often and I see all the time children unattended you say that the girl was at the toy aisle and the mother was buying some fruit. I ask myself why do the ghildren have to be somewhere else? I have heard a lot about all sorts of parent abuse towards children, but I prefer to have to spank my child if he won´t stay near me than have to have him taken. I agree that it is not easy to keep the child with us all the time. But it´s easier to succed if they respect us.
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@marguicha (225701)
• Chile
12 Feb 12
I´m sure a pat on the butt is healthier than all the sorrows people have now with children who do whatever they want. It is dangerous for them even if they are not kidnapped.
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• United States
7 May 12
Yes my thoughts exactly
• United States
11 Feb 12
Sadly nowadays parents are no longer allowed to spank there kids here in public. At least that's how it is in the United States, but it wasn't always like that. Growing up my sisters, brother & I knew better then to walk away from my Mom when she went shopping. If we did we got a good spanking.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
9 Feb 12
I'm with Ricki here, I'm visually impaired and hearing impaired so I know it'll be harder for me to locate anyone, including my kids, so I always make sure they stick right with me and I also talk with them to kinda engage them into my shopping trip, just a stragety I use to keep tabs on my kids without being overbearing. But the minute I don't see my kids I'll freak out and look everywhere until see them and call their name. Sometimes that happened outside on a trail or walking home from school and another parent would point me where my kids are and man I'[m more than grateful. Sorry, Mom, you really shouldn't have left your daughter to get some fruit. May this be a lesson well learned. And to Britany, you're one brave girl putting up a fight like that. Noise will attract attention, and you did the right thing!
• United States
11 Feb 12
[b]"Sorry, Mom, you really shouldn't have left your daughter to get some fruit. May this be a lesson well learned. And to Britany, you're one brave girl putting up a fight like that. Noise will attract attention, and you did the right thing!"[/b] Well said & I couldn't agree with you more
@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
1 Mar 12
There has to be more to that Walmart story. I have been in a lot of Walmarts and never saw a toy aisle next to the fruit and vegetable aisle. toys are like on the other side of the store. I watched a show on Lifetime this past week and they said sextrafficking in the US averages 1200 kids disappearing a month I think it was. really sad what the world has come to. I had 5 kids and I made them all stay with me. But that was back when kids could not throw fits in a store because they knew their mom or dad would use their hand on their backside. I had really good kids. Or else they were darn scared of me LOL.
• United States
7 May 12
My Mom had four & she was the same way with us. She warned us before we even left the house that we were not to wander off, but we had to stay by her side at all times. If we threw a fit in the store we got a spanking right then & there. Nowadays unfortunately you can't do that because they call it child abuse. Sadly the children know this so more & more they start to get out of hand at a young age.