How you Participate in your own Discussion!!

February 10, 2012 3:38am CST
Hello! Mylotters in here We are making lots and lots of discussions that we are need Answers and we responding lots of discussions we know answers and sharing our thoughts everyware. But in our Discussion how FAST we participate and how FAST you respond and comment your Discussing responders to keep your Discussion Alive and Stay tuned here.
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8 responses
@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
10 Feb 12
MyLot is not a race game! It's a place for good quality discussion. It doesn't really matter how quickly you reply to the responses you get, so long as you do. Many of my discussions are over a year old and I am still getting responses. When I get a notification that someone has responded, I usually go back and comment on that response as soon as I can. Every time something happens in a discussion (either a new response or a new comment), that discussion appears again at the top of the 'Recent Discussions' list and is therefore more likely to be noticed and to get more responses.
• India
10 Feb 12
I agree With you owlwings, that's real. But if we commented in Quick time the Discussion is in hot position and recieve more response and we got our answer for our query with in Small time from lot of People. Just that's the point from my side.
@Olleenz (3398)
• Indonesia
10 Feb 12
I though this discussion talking Mylot as F1 Monaco race
@nyang1984 (464)
• Philippines
11 Feb 12
if i have some idea about the topic i'll write back to share my knowledge bout the topic... but i could say that i'm also slow in responding... :) but i'm trying my best to make my discussion/topics alive... :)
• India
11 Feb 12
That's good. We need to comment if we know or not, that's make the responders honor and Keep it alive. Also without some knowledge we can't able to make the Discussion lol.
• Japan
11 Feb 12
What I do is check all my discussion started if I had a response then I do write back to those responses I get from my own discussion. As long as I am not tired and fell asleep I make sure that I respond to those members who response my discussion in that way I can keep my discussion alive and making it more interesting
• India
11 Feb 12
I appreciate that one. Really we must need to comment all our Responders to make the topic alive. And that's also make the responders honor. Thanks for the nice comment.
• Valdosta, Georgia
11 Feb 12
I cannot always respond right away to my discussions because I am not here every single day or I am busy with my kiddos. There is nothing I can do about that. I don't think it matters when you respond as long as you do respond. I don't usually let it go more than a few days but sometimes it cannot be helped...I think people here understand that we all have lives outside of here and sometimes things happen in life.
• India
11 Feb 12
This really hard to having spent their hole time here in Mylot. But some how it's possible if we spent our full time here lol. Thanks for your Sharing.
@Olleenz (3398)
• Indonesia
10 Feb 12
I gonna open my email and wait for notification. After I see it, I gonna answer it soon as I can. But all action above depend on my connection net.
• India
11 Feb 12
Slow internet connection will always frustrated here in busy time. It's great to check the mail notification and responding. Thanks for sharing.
@yaso4u (502)
• India
11 Feb 12
Hi Kasiviswanthan, Welcome to mylot ! Happy to see one more Indian here(By name I guessed). About starting discussion here and participating in discussion purely depends on time and interest. Here I used to see the latest discussion and try to answer those first then search for some old post which are interesting to me at that moment. Have a nice day !
• India
11 Feb 12
Also Nice to see my nation man here. Cheer dude. Yes perfect point really in this busy machinary world all are working hard for money. So we have no time to the old things. And people eye on for the new one to the time persume. So why we need to comment fast. Nice Point thanks to participate here dude.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
10 Feb 12
Usually when I started a topic, I do responded back to make the topic alive. But, there are times if I am in a hurry, I just posted my topic and wrote in the end that I will come later. And soon as I came back I do respond to all responses as long as I have the time to do so.
• India
11 Feb 12
Hope fully the mark of your Sign "i will come later" will make your responders keep their eye and satisfied. But if we responded in time to time it's the hot topic right here that's i want keep hot as possible our topic will get more response faster. Anyway Thanks a lot for share your good idea to keep the people we will come later to our topic.
@sjvg1976 (41244)
• Delhi, India
10 Feb 12
Hello Kasiviswanathan2k, I don't start much of the discussions these days as i hadly keep my discussion active due to lack of time. But when i start i take my time to comment back to the responses.Sometimes i comment back to the responses after a week's time that really depends on the time availabilty.
• India
11 Feb 12
I agree with you sjvg1976, in our busy world no having the time to take rest of all. So it's hard and difficult to keep our discussion alive and Hot. Thanks to share the thing.