Price of groceries and healthy foods GOING UP!!!!!!
By coffeebreak
@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
February 10, 2012 6:06pm CST
Went to the grocery today..usually this store has good prices...reasonable on most. And with coupons..helps alot. But today... their prices were up since 2 months ago when I went last (for stock up stuff) I go once a month for stuff like dry goods, TP, canned stuff etc. Then about once a week just for milk and fresh produce. But boy, they have raised their prices a fair amount since last I was there. I know gas has gone up a bit, but it has gone down a bit to (diesel) and I haven't heard of anything being the problem. I just wonder...they are moving to a location just downt he street to a larger store....are they raising the prices on this stuff now to pay for the bigger store and this will be their regular pricing? I hope not as it is the only store in town..there are 4 of them, but only this one!
I was getting hamburger meat for burgers this weekend and 80/20% was $3.99 a pound! That is normal, often it is on sale, but then I see in the fresh meats...6 small burger patties with cheese and onion already in the meat and then meat made into little patties...$5.09 a pound! And there was only 6 LITTLE patties in the package...for $5.09 a lb!!! I didn't look at how much it weighed, but I can get a full lb for 3.99 and make probably 8 small patties and add my own bit of cheese and onion and for less! Are people really that lazy (or that money handy) to buy them premade like that for that price? I looked at it and said.."$5 a pound! It's hamburger for crying out loud!" the lady next to me started laughing and said "yeah, I know what you mean...I'm passing it by too!"
I looked at the "nutrition", "healthy" snack bars like Fiber One and Nutri Grain etc....$4 for 6 bars! Last I bought them they were $2.99 for the same box! I looked at fresh veges...I just can't afford $1 an apple! I looked at multi grain flat bread instead of regular bread...$2.99 for 8... I gave in and tried them and they taste like cardboard...and I mean that literally. It was so dry and tasteless...I just had to throw it away (and I throw NOTHING (hardly) away!). I went back to a regular tortilla...10 for $1.99
Not only are groceries going up, but I can't afford to eat healthy!!! What's this world coming to!!!!!
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17 responses
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
11 Feb 12
You are so right....this last week when I went to the store I found reduced salt soups....well almost $3.00 a can? Because they left out the salt...and fresh produce? Out of the question when you live by yourself as you end up throwing half of it away! Oil prices per barrel went down this week....gas went up??Crazy world we are living in!
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
12 Feb 12
I know. I don't get how they can raise the price as they take away ingredients!!!
@cash4cards (140)
• United States
14 Feb 12
Doesnt make sense does it? I dont buy much healthy
food stuff but my son has add so i have to limit
his sugar intake. i thot id treat him with the sugar free oreos
getem home there is only like 10 tiny tiny oreos
an i paid more than if you woulda purchased
a big pack of regular oreos....i was tempted
to take them back. what a rippoff.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
11 Feb 12
i agree, everything is going up. even the thrift store i was frequenting has had higher prices. i'm just so disappointed in it all. i'm not sure how anyone can live like this anymore, things just have to change. the govt isn't helping us much either, anymore. we need to have reasonable prices for the so called healthy way of living they want for us but yet the prices are so high not even someone with a decent job can afford it. crazy.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
12 Feb 12
I know. It is hard. Govt is to busy supporting every other country in the world..there isn't anything left for the USA. All these jobs Obama is saying have been created...yeah, they are jobs, but what they aren't telling everyone is that they are part time jobs and the majority of them are at places like fast foods, car washes and other minimum wage employment. Can't support ones self on mini wage.
@cash4cards (140)
• United States
14 Feb 12
Our thift store u used to b able to buy a pair of jeans for like 3 or 4 dollars now
its like 7 or 8, we even have a good will an i dont even buy in
there anymore. they have just gotten way to high. you can almost
buy new for what they want. like my at xmas
has his jeans for 8... so i just stock up for him then...its crazy.
@cash4cards (140)
• United States
11 Feb 12
Thats about a joke aint cost me 150 av. for the necessities every week an thats with buyin that same buggy woulda cost me
round 80 a few years ago...its sad we had more bills...less
money an were doin better than we are now
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
11 Feb 12
I"ll go with you savak03! People these days..especially kids, don't know what they are missing out on. I dont know about the financial part ofit, but I do remember what I did as a kid and kids these days .... they are missing their childhoods!

@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
11 Feb 12
I think it is terrible that these doctors want us to eat healthy but yet it is expensive. I went to look for fruits the other day and for a pound of grapes it was over $2.00 and the strawberries were over 3.00 a pound. It is terrible that it costs a lot of money to eat healthy. My husband is Type 2 diabetic and needs to eat healthy in order to maintain his sugars, but with the cost of healthy food going up it is almost impossible. I buy rye bread because it is healthier than white bread. I am looking for recipes that will allow me to cut back on sugars, but it is hard finding the sugars.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
12 Feb 12
I love Russian rye, but it is $4.29 for a 14oz loaf. White bread is $2.39 for a 20oz loaf. Half as much for nearly twice as much. I think "supply and demand" is hitting us....with all the healthy eating talk, the trashing fast food, Michelle Obama and her "eat healthy" propaganda and all...everyone is trying to eat there is a demand for healthy food, and as usual...when there is a demand, the price always goes up. I'd be willing to bet that once this health food craze fizzles out and something else pops up as the "hot item" of the day....prices will start coming down on the healthy stuff!
@Mashnn (4501)
11 Feb 12
Prices of most goods are going up everywhere. I remember like three years ago, I used to spend half the money that I spend today for the same grocery shopping. It is hard for everyone considering that there is limited ways of earning extra income and even for those who are employed are still having difficult time budgeting.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
12 Feb 12
Yes it is. what little money we have has been spread so thin. I just don't get why tho... the food that isn't sold is why don't they lower hte price and at least get something for it? Even if it is half what they least they got half back, trashing it, they get nothing!
Kind of like when the recession hit in 2008...resturants saw their customers to accomodate their loss, they raised prices on the meals! I mean come on...we can't afford the meal at $12.99...why do they think we will be able to afford it at $15.99? How stupid is that!
@cash4cards (140)
• United States
11 Feb 12
I wana start eating healthy so bad...we love fresh friuts an veggies but we just cant afford it most of us cant...
that is unless your on welfare an wic here in pa...I've
Never thot id be jealous of the

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
11 Feb 12
I know. Fresh fruits are high. I just got strawberries for 1 lb for $1.50...good price, but you can only buy so many before they rot. I would like to buy enough to dehydrate but I couldn't afford it! 1 lb of anything dehydrates into 1/4 lb and with water fruits...even less. So I'll just eat them now and when they go up next without! I just don't get why they raise th price...the produce that isn't bought is they loose...why not lower the price, make a little as opposed to making nothing?? Just dont' get it!
@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
11 Feb 12
I am on food stamps and I cannot afford veggies and fruits. It is hard to feed a family of 5 on 200 a month. My mother and I end up sharing the cost of food and even though it helps a little, but not a lot.
@cash4cards (140)
• United States
13 Feb 12
I dont wana get into a debate about welfare....but u must
not live were i do...this is family mind u im not dissing just sister has 3 children single mom..she gets 600 in food stamps wic which pays for more milk an cereal eggs
an cheese any family could possibly eat an now they get
a fresh fruit an veggie allowance so om guessin that would
add up to 800-900 a month. she gets so much she gives
it away. Not only that she got free schooling...a free car every 2 paid for
On occation they paid her rent...yes they make her work
but she will tell u thats hers..she always has her nails done
an that 100 pair of boots ive been now she gets
a free cell phone. its didheartning that when we cant afford
it we go without..while her groceries rot in her fridge that
technicly we paid for....
Be glad u get 200 atleast your getting something..we get nothing an im ok with that. ive lived b4 on less than
a 200 grocery bill ramien noodles for a month. lol
oh an dont forget the free the
10000.00 refund every year. while i buy my kids stuff way
too big so it lasts 2 years or more. its hardly unfair that
we are paying for her lifestyle an ours an we r struggling.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
11 Feb 12
You are right. The prices are going up, the coupons are changing to having to buy two or more to get money off, so the savings are already not as great. I started buying my meat at a local meat market that also butchers their own meat. The prices are less than the stores. I am shopping only the sale items at the stores, and planning accordingly.
@cash4cards (140)
• United States
14 Feb 12
I really dont bother with coupons anymore. unless you have to
buy named brand...its a waiste for me. i can buy genric alot
cheaper. i been buyin my meat too at a butcher they run a sale
every two wks in the paper an i try to stick to the sale items.
they also carry dent items an such...for very cheap..if its
not to banged up sn im gona use it soon i get those.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
11 Feb 12
I used to think that I will be able to manage household funds, especially groceries, because it's just for two people. But recently I have noticed that I am paying around twenty percent more than what I was usually paying for groceries. When before I could buy food for a week with only P500 (around $12). Now I am paying for the same amount of food for P1000, which means that most prices have doubled. This week I was able to save because I did not buy any groceries because I just ate oatmeal that has been sitting in my pantry for a few months now.
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
11 Feb 12
Prices of most essential commodities are on phenomenal increase making it real tough for people who live on a budget. The price spiral seems never to come down .On the other hand, food grains,pulses,vegetables,meat products,milk and what not ...all record a steep rise in price.Living is made tough on account of this phenomenon.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
11 Feb 12
It is getting worse and worse! But I am fortunate to have a dollar store in the neighborhood that sells good food items that would cost $3 or $4 elsewhere. They used to carry nothing over $1 but recently they started selling 1 gallon milk for $2.98 which is a good price hereabouts, and it tastes just as good as my favorite organic brand. Everything else seems to be costing more but coming in smaller packages at regular grocery stores.
One way I save is by making a lot of things out of oatmeal. For example, instead of buying snack bars, I make scottish oat cakes with my own healthier additions, such as sunflower seeds and flax. Here is a basic recipe:

@cash4cards (140)
• United States
14 Feb 12
I shop around an know my we have a dollar tree..3 dollar a family dollar. A ealmart an savealot an giant eagle
I used to shop at giant eagle to get free gas...thier higher prices paid off at the pump but come
to find out thier gas is crap an it caused me big mechanical problems.
I get alot of my canned an frozen stuff from savealot...hygiene products an beauty products an holiday
decorations all cone from the dollar tree were everythings a dollar an even gifts come from there
silverwere an dishes an sometimes the canned goods are cheaper cause the cans are bigger.
cleaning supplies depending onwhat i need comes from the dollar general or family dollar. depending
on the price i sometimes get clothes at the family dollar......whatever i cant get here iget at walmart.
our walmart is just not was...till it ran everything else the prices are high.
i dont drive outta my way cause thats stupid just to save a dollar an spend 3 in gas...but its gettin
harder to keep up with the prices...i try to grab fliers for the nxt week they are usually goid for a few wks.
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@cash4cards (140)
• United States
14 Feb 12
I like to take advantage of those...only i dont have a deep freezer. i think this year im gons
buy one of those little ones an stock up when things are on sale. last year i put up a garden
an canned 30 spagettisauce...20 jars of chili sauce an meat(burger was onsale) 20 jars of tomatoes
pickles...relish..and 3 types of jelly. im hopin my boys get a deer this year an i can can
that i got the jars an what ineed it wont cost me much this yr
@vistavasanth (45)
11 Feb 12
hi friend...
what you said is very much true:) as people eat thrice or four times a day. groceries is also became costlier. there is no other chance we have to buy it for a mean time....
@Ernnesto (180)
• Slovak Republic
11 Feb 12
This problem is everywhere, not only in America. In Europe the prices of all kind goods are still going up. It starts to be intolerable. How people can suvervive with prices like that. Economical crises are everywhere now, people are loosing their jobs, and prices are going up. I think that every week it is worst and worst. I really dont know where this world is going....
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
11 Feb 12
My husband has been getting quite the reality check on things the past couple of weeks going to the grocery store. It's getting very hard to keep track of prices anymore like you said every week the prices go up but our income does not.
Gas is what they said was a big factor a few years back, but when gas goes down the prices continue to climb. I think consumers are being played by every angle possible, if not taxes, inflation, GMO, gas, income, jobs ect....
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
11 Feb 12
This shows how little control our government has on inflation it is the same trend here in India and people here are very angry and upset against rising inflation even some of individual has defined Indian government as corrupt group and are protesting to remove our present government .....
Just think of poor people how would they manage to eat and live thats shameful aspect that a 1dollar good is being sold at 5-10 dollars ......thats rediculous
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