Do You Believe An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor away?

@boylopez (382)
February 11, 2012 7:02am CST
Apple tree is originated in the mineral rich mountain ranges of Kazakhstan, and is now being cultivated in many parts of the world. In the market you can find Apple in different variety. There are crunchy apple and others are not, you are like eating camote. My mom introduced it, if your so tired because of stress, eat an apple and it will be gone. Try it. Because “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Do you believe in it?
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12 responses
@longbangod (1785)
• Philippines
11 Feb 12
I do believe in saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Though it just also symbolize that we need to eat healthy foods so we could get away from sickness. Together with proper exercise, healthy habits, plus an apple a day would surely keep us in good shape. Far from having the need to see a doctor.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
11 Feb 12
I think you are right...eating healthy is the key and an apple would be considered something very healthful!
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
12 Feb 12
first of all. I've never heard anyone sho can attest to this myth...But if you say so....I just don't believe as nutrient as apples are..I doubt if its enough nutrients that a daily requirement...
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
11 Feb 12
I don't eat apples unless they are in a pie or other dessert. I am not really fond of picking one up and eating it...maybe I ate too many when I was a kid....but I am not ever something keeps the doctor away from my door but I am not sure what it is!
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@Anne18 (11029)
11 Feb 12
I'm 48 years old and I have heard that saying for all my life... so I suppose it must have a ringing of truh in it!!! But I think these days it can apply to any fruit or veggies. I think it is a well wored saying like "I'll put the kettle on and make a cup of tea" when people hear things have gone wrong/or are happy etc.
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@dharanil (319)
• India
11 Feb 12
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" quote will also suit for gooseberries i.e My uncle used to say " a Gooseberry is equal to an apple " and Gooseberry is cheaper than apple. Apple contains Vitamin C and it Prevents Heart Diseases,Prevents Cancer,Prevents tooth decay,Protects brain from brain disease and so on. I read this in a website...
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@ajalitus (127)
• United States
11 Feb 12
I don't really believe it. I think it's just a general saying that has a different and non literal meaning. I eat 2 apples every day and i'm not perfectly healthy. A more accurate phrase would be: " 1 apple , 2 bananas, a strawberry, 10 grapes, 4 slices of bread, and some carrots a day might keep the doctor away. :)
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
12 Feb 12
I dont know if it really will keep you from ever getting sick hence keeping the doctor away but maybe it helps keep you from getting sick as much. I know that they are a good source of fiber so it helps with people who have constipation issues. My kids love apples. I like them with caramel dip but since I dont want to spend the extra money on the dip or eat junk food I havent had that in quite awhile.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
12 Feb 12
Sure. I have proved it. Your blood preasure will be normal. An apple a day improves your cardiovascular as it eliminates toxins. Don't hesitate to eat it.
@Yheart (496)
• Indonesia
13 Feb 12
I believe it. But it's not jus apple in my opinion. Do you know figgs, kiwi, and olive? They're really good too.
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
Wow that was very informative I never know that apple originated in Kazakhstan I thought it was originated in Israel where the two first people first live as the bible says.Never mind I really love to eat apple and I believe that it really helps in improving our mood.I also learned that apple is good for diarrhea.But I don't know the other benefits of apple I thinks it is also rich in fiber which is good for our bowel or intestines which is good for preventing colon cancer.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
11 Feb 12
Yes I believe that apple is healthy. Although for me if I eat it everyday I will have trouble in digestion and would want to seek for papaya after that I can eat apple but maybe at least twice or thrice a week only.
@Ernnesto (180)
• Slovak Republic
12 Feb 12
I think it can help prevent you of deseases but It is not everything what you can do to keep you in good healt conditions. If you want to be more healtier, good is doing some outdoor activities too, eat vegetables etc.