
@irene66 (1669)
February 11, 2012 8:13pm CST
How many of you rememebr your dream when you wake up in morning? In my case, there are times when I fully recall the dream I had but at times I cannot remember any of it at all. Sometime, I even try to retrace how I slept but it seems no dream to remember. Why do you think some dreams are remembered while others are not?
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20 responses
@leinrix (490)
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
i always remember my dreams when i wake up some i remember all but some where just a part of it sometimes i choose not to remember it specially when its a bad dream
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@dilrajj57 (1757)
• Pakistan
12 Feb 12
yes friend you reight, some we not remember, but we not try to remember that as they can bad.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
I think that is a better option for bad dreams- not to remember it all. I also leave the unwanted dreams forgotten. If at the middle of bad dream I wake up, I try to shake my body to forget all about it.
@jjzone44 (917)
• United States
13 Feb 12
Hi Irene, I sometimes remember dreams, sometimes not. Thing is we usually always dream in REM sleep, but if we don't remember we never would know that we did it. As to why we remember certain dreams, or snippets of dreams, it has to do with how we dream, specifically what is missing in dream world; our conscious minds. Dreams originate in the sub-conscious mind, where a person is free from any external impetus. There is none of the real-world knowledge at play here. For example, I recall a dream where I was shooting my .44 magnum revolver. It was the exact stainless steel Ruger that I have, and I even cocked the hammer like I would to make an accurate shot. When I squeezed the trigger however, the hammer fell, and I saw the flash from the muzzle, but the bullet was travelling so slow you could see it! That's just not possible, as the factory loads propel the bullet at 1675 Feet per second! But the subconscious mind is unaware of any physical limitations imposed on the conscious mind in the real world. I think when we remember parts of dreams, it's when as we are sleeping, the conscious mind starts to awaken while the dream is still playing; in fact science says that we are more likely to remember a dream if we are awaken during it.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
This is exactly what I am looking for, the explanation of the stages of sleep and the subconcious mind at play during sleeping. You can be an instructor jjzone for your explanation. You example intriques me though! But of course that is only a dream in which we do not have control of.
@jjzone44 (917)
• United States
13 Feb 12
Hi Irene, Thank you for your comments, and you are very welcome. There are constant, and ongoing experiments involving dreaming, and stages of sleep. I know in several of them they hook a subject to an EEG machine that measures brain activity, and then immerse the person in either audio or video stimulation, or both. They actually try to get the person to dream of what they are being subject to. The EEG can't "see" what you are dreaming, but it can see specific increases in brain activity in areas of the brain. There is actually a quote in a National Geographic Kids magazine that says smelling good scents during sleep might lead to "happy" dreams. There is a lot of input that we process when we are awake, a lot of it we are unaware of. In the most basic sense, we can read something, but during the reading, we are breathing, blinking, swallowing; all kinds of necessary things are going on without us having to think about them. The brain is processing and acting on all kinds of information without our knowledge. One test I am familiar with is Functional MRI (fMRI). During this test, they subject the person to different audio and visual cues while scanning the brain. They can actually see what areas of the brain become active as the subject processes different images or sounds. The brain is a fascinating area to study, and it is a marvel of technology. Think a computer is smart? Actually the brain is smarter. The computer is fast at processing binary data, but if it is given bad data, it will produce the same error over and over because the computer cannot learn from it's mistakes. If you place bread in a toaster, and when you remove it the bread is still cold, that would be an error. But you won't repeat the error, you'll check to ensure that the device is plugged in. A computer requires specific input data to produce a result, while the brain can evaluate data, and make necessary changes so the desired result will be achieved.
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
13 Feb 12
I don't always remember the dreams that I have, the next morning. Sometimes, I do in fact remember part or the entire dream that I have, but it doesn't happen all the time. It depends on the night, the dream, and such.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
I think most people really do not remember all their dreams. The sad thing is when we recall much of our bad dreams If only we can choose our dream, I should really choose those good ones. But we cannot, so let it be!
• India
12 Feb 12
I remeber my dreams if they rae significant or have significant components. A few years back I kept a dream diary- in fact I had bought a new special kinda book for it. Initailly there was excitement towrite the dreams as much clearly as possible. But then as time passed my interest to [B]record[/B] waned. But I still remember very well my dreams.
• India
13 Feb 12
No, I don't think it has anything to do with IQ or memory. The need to remember dreams may be more indicative of the necessity of a conscious correction. There are dreams that do occur but they are not remembered clearly, try as you may, for that musta been a small sequence for relaxing our minds fixated on a problem.Nothing more than that! When such a thing happens, feel happy that you forgot that dream. If a particular action/idea/concept needs correction rest assured that that dream or the same in various shades would recur. So, it is my conclusion that a dream to be meaningful enough to drive one into action need to recur in one form or the other.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
Wow that is a good practice of yours to record your dream. and good you can still remember your dream. Do you think it has to do with memory or IQ? Until now I am still trying to recall some of my past dreams but cannot account it in details.
@dlpierce (495)
• United States
13 Feb 12
I have that same problem so I'm sure many do. I wish I could remember the dreams as I know they are sometimes warning signs for the dreamer. I often find real meanings to dreams even though it may not be what I want to know.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
Just like any one else, I also find meaning to my dreams. One time when I was dreaming, I dreamt I was falling down the slope of a road and hurt myself. I however managed to get up and walked back to the street. After 3 days, my 4 year old son fell down from a second floor of my sister's home head first. His skull was fractured but thank god he was able to survice the surgery and is now living normally. Dreams might really be a form of signals however in other ways.
@jenn88 (57)
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
if u are connected to the medical field you would know the reason to it.. dreaming has cycles from which when you wake up in a stage from which it is to end of a cycle you may remember it, your dreams. but when you wake up from the 1-2nd stage of the 1st cycle then you most certainly will not remember it. but that's from the perspective of science but when it comes to other field, lets say religion, they have a different say on this case... on every case in fact... but what i believe is that dreaming is like watching a movie but your the director and the narrator, while you let your body rest, and at times, you could remember it because it is you who made it in your head and at times you forget because you never created a dream while sleeping.. maybe you are bothered by other things that dreaming is out of the question at that moment..,
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
How come I could be the narrator and director of my dream when in fact at times I do not like my dream to end but it ended. Other times also wish my dream to end but it went on and on and on until I became exhausted. This is why I hate dreaming How I wish I do not dream at all. Is taht possible?
@jenn88 (57)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
i dont know if its possible.. i haven't tried it pa.. but if you tell your mind, mybe it can happen.. have you ever tried saying to your mind, that you should wake up at this designated time, then the next thing you know, your up and you were not awaken by your alarm coz, u wake up before the time that you set your alarm to go off... if you havent,. you should try it.. and mybe, just maybe you can will your mind not to dream... goodluck.. let me know if it worked :D hehehhe
@yanzalong (18987)
• Indonesia
12 Feb 12
As soon as I wake up, I seldom remember my dreams. A little part was clear but most was blurred. The dream I had was a series of unrelated sequence, so they just wasn't connected one another.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
Dreams of unrelated sequence happens to me too. Some parts are remembered but others are not. Sometimes, the first part of my dream is scary and other part is funny. So I also wake up smiling or laughing. Dream dream dream! !
@Hazelrose (2179)
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
Hello irene66,Yes I am a person who always dreams if I'm sleeping even at day time.There are times that i can recall especially the nice and inspiring dream.I can even recall until now.By the way i had also a dream that I don't want to recall because it was scary.There were also instances that I could not recall,even though i like to recall maybe it's natural to a person.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
14 Feb 12
yeah, so let us keep those scary dreams in our cabinet. let it stay there for so long until it is forgotten forever. let us dwell to the good ones and hope it would really happen in real life. so sweet dreams tonight anyway. Today is valentines day so do not dream of the bad ones.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
hi, there are times that i can not remember my dreams when i wake up in the morning,but there are some dreams that i can remember too,sometimes i remember it but the people in my dreams is i cant remember.
19 Jul 12
I cannot really say how many, but for sure there are lots of dreams that are vivid for me (even the names (written and mentioned) and other details). Sometimes, these "vivid dreams" can be made into stories (I just don't feel like writing, lol). Sometimes, they can be disturbing (like the one I had last night when I was at a certain unfamiliar mall with my schoolmates from highschool, and there was a bomb threat, which turned out to be a hoax, plus my ex had a hunchback which looked really odd), and some can be really nice. I don't know what influences the clarity of dreams, though.
12 Feb 12
i also can't to remember all my dream when i dreamed one night , i thing God just gave us little memory to save all about dream in our mind so we can't remember all of our dreams.there is the secret behind the secret .
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
You are probabaly right. God might have given us the limitation to remember so that we keep our dream to ourselves I think it is better that way at times becuase if we divulge it to someone else, he /she might interpret it badly It makes my day bad if that is the case.
• Montreal, Quebec
12 Feb 12
Usually when you remember a dream is because you wake up while it is happening so it remains in your head (or something I read on dreaming once..) I hate that! When you know you had a dream but can't remember a thing about it. Or you know 1 part of it, for example: if you dream of someone and something happens to you and them, but you only remember the person and not the other part. It really bugs me! Sometimes when that happens, i remember the dream a few days or sometimes weeks later, it's really weird..
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
I think so because it is still fresh. However, there are really times when you remember your dream even if it happened the first hours of the night you slept. I also do not like it when I cannot remember my dream. This is espeically when i have a good dream How I wish i ccould recall all of them.
@Leocen (178)
• China
12 Feb 12
i rarely remember my dream when i wake up.if i do,that must be a bad sleep,the morning i wake up ,i'd feel a heavy head.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
The same here with me at times but I do not have a heavy head. I always wake up fresh and well rested. I only have heavy head when I drink the night before. But so far that is only occasionally.
@dilrajj57 (1757)
• Pakistan
12 Feb 12
hi friend, the dream ofter i not remember too. but some dream as to kiss any one remember to me.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
That is funny dilrajj To me if a beautiful dream is disturbed, I always say to myself how I wish it did not end. But if it is bad how I wish it did not happen even in my dream. That is if i remember them
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
12 Feb 12
Personally I feel there are many times that we dream that our dreams are not of that much importance, so that is why we never remember them. Then there are dreams we have that could be Gods way of encouraging us about something, or a way to motivate us so we can remember them, and even sometimes write about them or reflect on them as something of importance that we might want to work on improving our lives on from there.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
12 Feb 12
I think that about one out of about every ten times I dream, I do tend to remember them with any great clarity to say the very least. There are just going to be a lot of times where I wonder if I really want to know what I am going to dream a lot of things about. There are times where my dreams are so weird and out there that it is kind of hard to remember. Then again, that's most likely why we tend to really remember some dreams and not so much with others. As we are going to really remember a lot of things that just simply stick right out in my mind. It is quite amazing to say the very least. Of course, just because I remember I dream doesn't really seem to have it make any more sense than normally. However, there are many dreams that just happen. Or are muddled bits, that my mind is trying to make sense.
• India
12 Feb 12
Hi friend, We can't remember all of our dreams.We will forgot most of our dreams. We will remember only part of our dreams. scientifically it's proved one...
• Indonesia
14 Feb 12
Mostly, i can't remember my dreams. Only a little last piece of it. Sometimes it intrigue me so much, i want to know the complete dream of mine. But i just can't. Or maybe none of us can't Nice explanations above from jjzone. I'm also interested in how dreams (and brains) work in our body
@Mashnn (4501)
12 Feb 12
I do have the same experience. I do remember some of my dreams while others I do not. I just do not know why it happens that way.
@ajalitus (127)
• United States
12 Feb 12
I remember my dreams when on the day before a test. It's weird but it happens every time. I never dream about something unrealistic though, so it's never a fun dream. I think I don't remember my dreams because I sleep for the entire night. I don't wake up in fragments or anything of that nature. But when I'm gonna take a test I get worried and can't stay asleep.