Ignoring!? Is it easy to do?

February 12, 2012 12:48am CST
We cannot please all people. And it's not right to burden yourself by doing what everybody wants or expects you to do. That kind of life would be so stressful. But have you noticed that no matter how you do things right there are still people who are against you, spreading rumors or gossips about you because they envy what you do or have and that they are much happier hurting other people's feelings than minding their own business? If we let ourselves be affected with those kinds of negativity, it results in stress, depression, or other health related problems. Is it easy to ignore such things? It's easier said than done but it could be done. We are much happier when we try to ignore those who put us down, those belittling or degrading words said by a relative or friend,or those who never appreciate our efforts. Whew, I wish it could be easily done, but I will try to ignore anything or anybody that tries to destroy my day. Good day!
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14 responses
@sjvg1976 (42007)
• Delhi, India
12 Feb 12
Hello lyn, I never pay attention or listen to the people who have the habit of gossiping about me behind my back and try to avoid them. i know it gives stress when we come to know about rumours some has blown about us.That's right its not in our control only thing which is in our control is to neglect them and forget it as if nothing had happened.
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• Philippines
12 Feb 12
When we do ignore them, they just get tired of it and stop, but some will just keep on annoying you, wanting to see if you will finally explode. Yes, it's best really to ignore them and not pay attention, because when you do, you are going down to their level. Thank you, sjvg!
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
For me I don't mind people that I think would never ever appreciate me no matter what i do. There were people who were happy talking about others life & spreading malicious things about them, it is their nature anyways. For me I just let them feel that I don't like them either & don't mind them at all. After all what ever I do they will still say something about me. I won't take the risk of getting stress nor depress because of their big mouth instead I mind my own business & let them feel that I am not affected at all.
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
That's the spirit! It doesn't help paying attention to them. And I like your username Thank you, post2sawa!
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
you are right, we can not please every body around us and for that i am learning to ignore them and just pray to God to bless them for what they deserve. i really can't understand why there are such people who wants to always pull people down. is it really difficult to be happy for the success of other people? life is too short to waste on other people's life so if they love throwing stones and drools about other people's success then let them be. just ignore them because that what they deserve.
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
Right. They're hypocrites, too. They make it look like they are the ones who are righteous and wonderful people by destroying others through slanders and gossips. Thank you for the helpful comment.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
13 Feb 12
hi neelia, I must say that I have just the opposite feeling about people who are constantly talking about me and spreading rumors or just all up in my business... I think first you have to know yourself and believe in what you are about...if you have the self esteem that you should have, then no one can bring you down at all...You have to live your life and soar on the wings of God, how can you go wrong... People will always have something to say about us wheather its good or bad, and there is nothing we can do about that, but we as people must be strong and live our lives for us and not others...
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
Yes, you are right. We should be like the eagles and not the crows. But sometimes simple things really annoy me like when somebody go around making me look as if I'm stupid and an idiot because of a post I made. He could have said it directly by explaining further when he replied to the post. But I said to myself "Ignore!" and that I did - 95% Thank you, bjc!
@jenn88 (57)
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
it's annoying to ignore them,. but think of it this way, they are belittling you because no matter what they do, they can never reach you or be you, so the only way they think that they can break you is by hurting you using snide comments, so when you would break down and fall and they'd be standing way up and looking at you through there nose then they would feel happy because they are now higher than you. but think, they reach the top by not doing it right, you reach the top by being right. so no matter what, the verdict is, that you will always be the winner and them the losers... :D either way you win and they lose,.. so be happy people tends to hurt you it only mean you are way above there reach and standards... :) heheh
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
Thank you, jenn88! You have very good points here. I'd remember this and think of the situation as you have suggested. Very helpful and wise, thanks again! Have a nice day!
13 Feb 12
In my current and continuing experience it's only easy to ignore negative actions like rumours if you don't know they exist. During Middle School, everyone would say I was gay, which while true was used in a deragotory manner, but I didn't know about it until a friend finally thought it fit to inform me. It hurt to hear and I always thought about it. Recently, in High School, I dislocated my knee and apparently some guy saw fit to say I "sh*t my pants" but no one decided to inform me of that for months. It didn't hurt to dislocate my knee but it did hurt when it was put back into its socket. The negativity hurt until I was distracted by something else but it always showed up again. I recently read an article on CNN.com that said negative emotions affect us easier than positive emotions and because of this we spread the hurt feelings. It's always easier to be hurt than to show resilience but good friends will help you through it even if you feel like killing yourself one day or just hurting yourself to take away the emotional pain. It's also easier to give in the urge to retaliate than be the better person. However, it helps if you don't know or care for the opinions of the people that attack you and have friends that feel the same. I feel like I'm rambling now so I'm going to stop.
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
That's what is wrong with people sometimes. They prefer talking behind your back instead of telling you directly what is wrong. Yes, it helps if you wouldn't care about their negative comments, but even if you know what they have been spreading about you, it is still best to ignore them (their hurtful actions/comments) and just keep on enjoying your life. They only serve to make us a stronger person but if we let them affect us, then we, too, are making our lives miserable. Just keep you chin high Cheers!
@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
12 Feb 12
I had alot of people that loved to do that to me in school. They always spreaded rumors about me and i had people that hated me too but i wasn't popular in school. I ignore people that are like that because I know better. I don't like to cause drama. I just live life for me and go on with the friends I do have and my amazing boyfriend and I don't let anyone get in between of what I have to put me down and lose everything I got. Those kind of people obviously don't have a life and have to much time on their hands to spread things about other people and cause harm to them. That is called bulyying and now that is illegal to bully they could be punished for doing so. But yes it is easy to ignore those kind of people.
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
Great! Don't let other people put you down. Why waste your life on them when they only wanted to hurt you in any way they can? Enjoy life, Blondie! Thanks and have a great time
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
when i was younger, i tend to be affected by the rumor mongerers. these busy bodies identified by their cravings to talk about other people will never change unless something bad will happen to them that becomes the talk of the town. ignoring is a preferable choice.
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
Right. We're just like banging our heads against the walls if we pay attention to them. So ignore and just be happy Thanks, bingskee!
@allknowing (141602)
• India
12 Feb 12
There is a stage in one's life when what others say about them is given a lot of importance. With maturity one realises that worrying about what others say will only make matters worse.
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
Yeah, that's true. Ignoring without being rude is the best option. Thanks!
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
13 Feb 12
On a level to the outside world it is very easy to do. You can really just keep your mouth shut and not say anything. Those with a minor bit of self control, that can be one of the most potentially easiest things in the world to do. It is just something that a lot of people really do have trouble in doing. There are times where people rise to the bait of degrading words. Mentally however, it is another matter. There are times where in our conscious mind, we might be able to block it out but in our unconscious mind, it really does eat away at us. To the point, where we are plagued by it and unable to really focus on much of anything. It really does play right on our minds and right in our thoughts and also haunt our dreams. It might be easy on the level that people can see, but on the level of your mind, it does take a great deal of effort to block out the hurtful words.
@tiina05 (2317)
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
Hello, Honestly true because something after all the thing you done for them they srill think that you are nothing. It is really hard to please them all but we have to because we cant live alone. I think i can relate myself experience here but i wont elaborate that much. I will just prove you that it is true and it is really happening to other people. I just cant sleep becAuse i am thinking of them because i start ignoring them.
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
People may not appreciate you or you may not always get their approval because most of the time they only think what makes them happy but just ignore them. We'll just be happy because we know we are doing things right and not hurting other people. Besides it's not them we have to please but God, am i right? Cheers! Thanks for sharing, tiina05!
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
12 Feb 12
Hi neelia_lyn You are right! Plain and simple you correct especially about those who will never appreciate our efforts. It is a shame I think that people walk around like zombies, ignore each other like they were objects rather than other human beings with feelings and passion. I think it is shame people will not listen to each other, be understanding or apologize to make someone feel better. Do not think I disagree here because I do not, ignorance is the way to handle situations, just saying it is sad that it must be that way.
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
It's not good to ignore other people and treat them like they are objects that we have to pass along the way. But ignoring people's negative remarks about us, or the rumors and negative things (that are not even true) about us help us to live a much more peaceful and happier life than when we let them belittle or hurt us by their rude and hurtful actions.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
I know how hard it is to ignore people who are trying to put you down. I've been through that and might be in such situation still. Sometimes it is just so easy to say that we have to ignore people but because people have different personalities. There are some of us, who can easily not mind those people degrading or unappreciative of us.. but some of us finds it difficult being in such situation. We can find help ignoring people if we have a good friend whom we can share such problems. If we keep it to ourselves, it can only be much more stressful.
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
Thank you, enelym. Sometimes we don't want to hurt those kind of people and we try to please them and do what they like, and they should be thankful for that. But they only tend to do worse when we just let them belittle us, so ignoring is one way not to let them affect us. Good day!
@hunibani (720)
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
We also reach our limits of ignoring. When tat person is bullying or annoying too much then, for now you can ignore but there will be always a time that we will lose our temper. Hmmp !!!! Things happen.
• Philippines
12 Feb 12
Oh no, that's what I don't want to happen - to finally give in to them! It's hard to do things you might later regret Thanks hunibani for your response.