Do you care what people think about you?

United States
February 12, 2012 8:20pm CST
Me? I never have. Looking back I think that is why I was teased, I was different and instead of trying to fit in, I just avoided them. Now when others asked me if I'm going to do this or that and it does not suit me I will easily say no I'm not. And then I walk away and don't look back. I guess Not being part of a clique was beneficial. are you like me? Or do you worry what other people will think?
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43 responses
@Blkqueen (85)
• United States
13 Feb 12
I'm just like you. I went through the same thing now that I looked back. I was teased for wearing glasses they was saying I look like a geek. I just kept on walking ignored what they said. Now that I'm older it made me a better person about myself. I dont care what others think about me everyone is different in their own way. I do what I want to do not just because so one else is doing it like they do. I'm happy with my own style.
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• United States
13 Feb 12
I'm not alone!
13 Feb 12
I care what people think of me. I try not to but in the end I always seek someones approval. The only times I don't are when I feel tired and become unwilling to deal with sensibilites but then I end up making hurtful, asinine comments. However, my friends mostly are accepting of who I am as a person and one friend even misses the way I act when I make my hurtful comments. In other words, I care what peeople think about me but only the people that are important to me and I have no need to worry about being rejected by them.
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@himzey (1321)
• India
13 Feb 12
Hi Sarah Yeah I did care a lot. If there was some misunderstanding, I sincerely and humbly made efforts to clear it and try to make them change their views about me. But now I've given up on it. Let them think of me whatever they please to. I don't care anymore. I'll prove my self by giving my best.
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• United States
13 Feb 12
I help them along. I usually will say yes I am not foolish or yes I am going to hell and then I walk away.
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@himzey (1321)
• India
13 Feb 12
Thats good. Its recommended not to try hard to convince them or overdo it; else they'll start playing with us..
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@megamatt (14292)
• United States
13 Feb 12
In the end, it really doesn't matter I think. If I bent over backwards to make people think good things about me and to say good things about me, I'll be miserable. And a miserable life is really not just going to really be one that I am going to really like to live to say the very least. There are just a lot of times where people might have a boatload of "friends" by being a popular person but the principles that had to throw to the side. If I really don't really like something, that it shall not be done. I don't really give a flying leap if other people don't like it. There is only one person that really matters in the grand scheme of things and their opinion is the only one that holds true. That is the person that is staring back right through the mirror at me every single day, that being me.
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• United States
13 Feb 12
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• United States
15 Feb 12
Hatley, I wish I could teach you how not to care. I was born this way. It is in my core.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Feb 12
hi megamatt and sarahruthbeth wish someone could teach me that as I do try to remember that its my own opinion of me that matters most. I think if I could free myself I would not have made two losuy discussions that were both deleted.
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• Philippines
13 Feb 12
I really care about it. I'm the type of person who is really so cautious with what others think of me. But, I just realized that if I would always think of my impression to others then it won't gonna make me happy. One thing that I've learned is that what they think of me is their business not mine.
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• United States
13 Feb 12
Way to go!
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Feb 12
and too dont you think, ultimately what we think of ourselves'is more important?
@jenn88 (57)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
the only thing that worries me, is what he thinks about me... other people, i dont care... but people who are close to me and are important to me, i worry what they might think and say about me and sometimes, it hurts more than what OTHER people say... i may say i care, but not what EVERYBODY thinks only the people who are important to me, and there are only few of them, thats why i really care what they say about me....
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• United States
15 Feb 12
Sorry for the delay. I think I understand. See the moment anyone really hurts me I distant myself from them. So it is they who should worry.
• United States
13 Feb 12
The people close to me Know me , the real me. They remain around me so I assume they like me. Why bother about them?
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@jenn88 (57)
• Philippines
14 Feb 12
coz sometimes, people who are closer to you are the once who are really capable of hurting you without even blinking and thinking it twice... and besides, even people who are close to you do have a mind of there own. and u might not know what other people says about u, that indirectly might affect them.. and yes, you maybe close to them but sometimes, u just cant please everybody. thats y i mind, and thats y i only have few people around me,. sounds boring but actually its not, in a way ur secured,. u know that these people are really true.... i dont know if m making any sense to you, but the think that matters to me are the true poeple that are around me, and their opinions matter alot to me,.. though they know me through and through but still...
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@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
13 Feb 12
Oh, I am so conscious about this one thing that I actually forget myself at times, in meeting 'their' expectations about me... I admire your ignorence to others thoughts about you.. That is the surest way to go ahead and get success... I have become a failure because of this one thing... :(
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• United States
13 Feb 12
You are not a failure! Don't Ever demean yourself to me! It makes me very angry. Yes this time is sad and har4d but you are a great worker . You have told me how you are respected at work , right? Then that Is not a failure. Now if you are talking about your parents expectation of this marriage stuff? Then to them it is bad you are not married but it is Your life , not theirs! You need to love your wife first. Hard for them to understand. So please don't let therm get to you. I still believe She is out there. And she is either an American who Loves Indian culture Or an Indian woman who believe in love matches Before marriage and loves the U.S.A. just as much as you do. What mom and dad does not remember is that you are a male and you can have kids at any age. There is no rush! So Follow your Bliss! If you ever need to talk, write me.
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@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
13 Feb 12
not me. i do what i want to and don't try to fit in. in fact, i would rather be different than anyone else and not fit into anyone's 'mold'.
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• United States
13 Feb 12
Exactly. The thought of even trying to fit that mold makes me want to scream!
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
13 Feb 12
I don't really worry about what others think...if they don't like it they can lump it.....I do my own thing....either fly with me or chose your own path.
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• United States
13 Feb 12
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
13 Feb 12
I am not one to be part of a clique either. I just do my own thing. The fact that I don't follow others and have not always "fit in" with particular groups has actually benefited me in many ways.
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• United States
13 Feb 12
Looking Back I see this too. I can and do say no I will not do this Or No I will not do that!
@free_man (7330)
• United States
13 Feb 12
Not me don't give a hoot what people think about me. I am the way God made me and that is good enough for me. I am one that choose my friends by how they treat others. If they are disrespectful they are not in my friends list. If they love the LORD and can keep their opinions about those that are less fortunate to themselves they could be good people. I never judge how someone is or isn't I respect others with the same respect that they show to others. That is what is called spiritual decrement. Do unto others as they do unto you. I never was in a clique either and will never be in one either. I am too old to change my ways so accept me as I am or leave me alone is what I say to anyone and everyone. I am just plain ole me!
• United States
13 Feb 12
" I am too old to change my ways so accept me as I am or leave me alone" Is what I said when I was about 3, lol. My mom told me when she brought me home from the hospital my attitude was I don't care what you do or when you eat or sleep I'm doing what I want! I guess nothing changed!
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
13 Feb 12
I think in this life we learn what we live daily. I was poor all my life and never had any of the luxuries like the newest or the best. My parents brought us up with what ever they could afford and I am thankful that I wasn't spoiled or rich I don't know if I would be the same person I am. I learned to respect others at an early age and learned how to take care of what I need. Thank God I had the parents I had. I am too old to change my ways. I know if I trust in God daily HE will guide me through this life! God made me and I like how God made me and if I please God then I am happy with it!
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@sjvg1976 (41247)
• Delhi, India
13 Feb 12
Hello Sarah, It depends if someone close to me says something i surely think about it and for those who are not so closed don't bother me much.I cannot just think and bring changes in myself for others i do what i like i can't change for others at least whom i don't know much.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Feb 12
hi sjvg its not so much about myself alone as about older people, I mean if someone makes unfair remarks about well any class of people it hurts me as thats not playing fair.I realize that being too sensitive is stupid but I am a human being and I hate it when someone says I am such and such and it is just not true.I was much better when my husband was alive. but now in older age I do get upset at times as feel a sense of loss of respect for older people even here in nylot.
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@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
I care about what people think of me. This is why I try to do things the right away. However, if I feel like I have made choices that I am happy about and hear people's bad remarks about it. That is when I start not to care. I think that as long as I am happy with what I am doing and there is nothing wrong in what I am doing, I don't think people have the right to tease me or comment on my decisions.
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@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
Yeah you are right. But as I said I have made decisions for myself as well without considering others opinions and fought for something every one is against at.
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• Philippines
13 Feb 12
it seems that you do things "right way" just to please other people or to hear good comments about you. You should do things because you like to do it & that you are happy with it not because of what other might think or say about you. This is just my opinion.
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• Philippines
13 Feb 12
I do care much to people and that's the reason why I easily get depress and it stresses me out. But compared to the previous years, I am more stronger now and I can easily cope up with stress because I have my means of coping up. People used to tease me a lot way back when I was still in high school and elementary and as I went to college, I learned how to handle them and I learned that you just need to go with the flow in order to survive yourself from those kind of people. Perhaps, what people think is really very important to me until now but as time goes by, it lessens. Have a great day.
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• United States
13 Feb 12
I refused to go with the flow. Luckily I was less strong back then. If I had the strength I have now some people wouldn't be living now!
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@GreenMoo (11834)
13 Feb 12
I do care in that I don't like to be misunderstood or people to make assumptions, but I lay myself open to people thinking I'm a bit peculiar by living a fairly unconventional lifestyle. I'm not concerned about that in the slightest.
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• United States
13 Feb 12
All I do is say my piece , listen to how they respond and correct any misunderstandings. I never lay myself open. But I am more open but a person has to ask first.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
13 Feb 12
Hi behen It depends on who is that "People". Anyone important to me? Then I do think for a while. If anyone not that important - who cares, I move on. If my behen, my family, my friend(the close ones) say something to me - I know they are telling me because I might be wrong or I might become better. So I do think on what was told. Sometimes, they are right, I accept, try rectify myself; if I am right and they are wrong, I prefer discussing, clearing up the air between us and of course... after this move on. If they are the people who dont mean much to me, and I see them misinterpret me or anything, I do think, try to get to their point, and move on if it was genuine, I might try to correct myself. However, there are a small set of areas where I will not consider anyone and do just what I want.
• United States
13 Feb 12
Hi Bhai! I can't see you doing anything wrong or risky. But I do promise to always tell you my view. I will always support your decision. I see you as the kind , loving man you Really are!
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• United States
13 Feb 12
I like to do my own thing as well. Still, its a little bit lonely to be on your own. I may not enjoy something but I do enjoy the company of others much more so I might sacrifice something small and benefit a lot more just by having fun with everyone. I do tend to wonder how people see me. I wonder if it is different from how I view myself. If so maybe i need to make a change, not a change where i change who i am but one where i can have a different perspective of how i look.
• United States
13 Feb 12
Wow1 I guess I was lucky. I never was meant to feel welcome so I never tried to fit in. So I remained alone and I still had a good time. So now if someone doesn't accept me , it is ok.
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@Rick1950 (1575)
• Lima, Peru
13 Feb 12
May be the time before, because I was looking for recognition, like as many others. Somehow we are searching for recognition, we like to be accepted. Therefore, we take as important what other say about us. Now I try to not care about what people think or say about me, although I haven't it achieve as whole. I think we need to have patience and to do what our Lord wants we do. That's the most important.
• United States
13 Feb 12
Oh no! Since school I just assumed I would Never be accepted And that I was all alone so I never tried to be accepted. As for The Lord, He Knows that I will rather just fade away or die than do Anything that is uncomfortable so all the choice is mine alone. If I have to be damned so be it!
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
Back then I was too afraid of other's opinion about me. I would try to act the way I would see others would want me to act. But later on as I realized that I'm starting to lose the freedom and pleasure of just being myself, I made a resolved that I would never measure my worth by other people's standards. So what if they don't like the way I am? clearly I realized that there's nothing really wrong by being different as long as you don't feel different because there is a great difference between those two. I came to know ask myself: " Why do I really strive to fit in when I was made to standout?"
• United States
13 Feb 12
I have always felt and thought differently from others. when teased I would just write them off. I alwayus thought if I Had to be like them I rather die.
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@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
13 Feb 12
hi sarahruthbeth, I don't really care how people think about, I di care how they treat me...If I don't like someone I just don't be bothered with them, they don;t have to guess,they will know because I will stay away from them... I am happy you have the way to use your own brain and make up your own mind...and in doing that, if there are any problems you can only blame yourself not anyone else..and the good you can take as your own doing as well...
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• United States
13 Feb 12
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