Can you pls. give some tips or ways on "how to write good web content articles".

February 13, 2012 3:59am CST
Hi Again Mylotters! I am an aspiring writer and still working to be one. Since i am still starting to learn my way around, i am a bit confused on how to search the right topics for every given subject, keywords, formatting and the content itself; how to make it interesting and convincing. I will be very grateful to all master/successful mylotter writers out there for your tips, advices or strategies to help me become a kickass writer someday or soon perhaps.? thanks in advance ?
3 responses
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
13 Feb 12
how about enjoy your self when writing when you feel enjoy, you can maximize your feeling and your energy for focusing writing and the result will be good
@Mashnn (4501)
13 Feb 12
Hi, welcome to Mylot. I think the most important thing to do in order to be successful in writing is to find topics that your are very familiar with or what you enjoy writing about. If you think you are good in articles about real life experiences, then go for such articles. About keywording is a different topic in SEO and needs you to have some knowledge on how to go about doing it.
@egdcltd (12059)
13 Feb 12
I'm a member of InfoBarrel (link in my profile) which has an active forum of writers, with lots of tips, plus many articles on the site itself regarding all aspects of online writing. Take a look, you might find something useful.