Raw Foods, Healthy?

@boylopez (382)
February 13, 2012 8:37pm CST
In plants or vegetables, we eat salads or raw foods. Vegetables is cared through insecticides and pesticides by farmers. Usually the residues of chemical substances will be deposited on vegetables. If the vegetables we eat every day, then the residue will settle in the human body. The advice, is cook the food properly.
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16 responses
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
20 Feb 12
I don't really agree. Cooking food properly doesn't ensure all insecticides and pesticides are being removed. The only way to remove them is to wash them thoroughly and in the right way. Some vegetables can be eaten raw, in the form of salads and we have have to cook them. It would be good to soak them in water for a while before washing them. The same goes for fruits such as apple, pears and grapes. Those are the raw fruits we don't cook, but washed thoroughly.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
18 Feb 12
yes I agree with you taking raw foods can be injurious to health since only few food items can be taken raw and we must cook most be fore eating to kill any germs and bacteria inside . Hare Krishna Ganesh
@peavey (16936)
• United States
14 Feb 12
Cooking won't make the chemical substances safe to eat. It may make it worse because cooking takes moisture out of the vegetable and concentrates the poison in it. The answer is to buy organic vegetables, but if you can't do that, eat mostly vegetables that are easy to wash, like carrots or eggplant. Wash them with dish soap and scrub the skins. Potatoes especially, though, can't be washed clean of pesticides and herbicides, so either buy only organically grown or limit their use. Raw vegetables are very good for us, but only if they don't poison us!
• Philippines
15 Feb 12
It really depends on what kind of foods that we are going to eat. Organic Foods are in today. People nowadays are trying to be health conscious. For vegetables, we can cook them lightly but not to the extent that we are going to over-cook them For fruits, we must clean them very well before we eat them.
@barkah69 (96)
• Indonesia
15 Feb 12
Hello boylopez, You right, and if the human body over of chenical residu, that is a disease begining. I read article that chemical in the body can be metaboliced and always turn arround follow the blood circulation and then will stop in one the organ. And the polutan will make trouble work system that organ and one of body system weakness and then damage if the polutan is pull out from. And the condition will impact to the other organ. Step by step all organ broken. The fatal error can avoid if like that. The chemical is not only pesticide, but all of essene or food flavour, food coloring all of them are synthetic. And how long did you eat? Like MSG and ASPARTAME are very dangerous? And if we look at arround of you, you see or heard cancer, diabetic, hypertention, kidney failure, heart attack, and others desease. And all of human can get it, from child to old man. Because all of them consume all of food and do not know effect. So we must select to eat of food. And better if we back to nature of food. Good luck
• Philippines
15 Feb 12
thats the best option ,to cook it thouroughly, so that germs will die.am sure that vegetables are much needed in our body, but see to it that u are washing it much.fruits are also needed for us, without cooking, but we need to wash it correctly for safety measures......
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
14 Feb 12
Better advice, buy organic or even better, grow your own veggies. A raw diet has been proven to heal the body naturally and if I could, I'd grow my own and eat more of a raw diet..
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
14 Feb 12
So, vegetable is not safe now. Can vegetable and fruit be without insecticides and pesticides? You see how dangerous it will be to our body since the residue of the insecticides and pesticides settles inside our body. But no worries. Do water fasting once a week because water fasting can get rid of toxin. Good news, bro.
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
14 Feb 12
Iagree with you that there are risks and I peel some veggies when I buy them. But the best is to try to grow some of your own produce if you have a little piece of soil. I made a couple of raised beds for veggies and I also have some in containers. I donĀ“t use pesticides, of course.
• Indonesia
14 Feb 12
actually, raw food is healthy. but it not hygienic, i mean, not too clean, it still contaminate with pesticide (if that is vegetables) or other poisoned organic. so, clean it first. just with pure water, and it will hygienic.
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
14 Feb 12
I like to eat food which cooked well,raw foods make me feel uncomfortable.I know that there are lots of raw materials in western restaurant,so i'm now learning to accept it.We should learn to eat healthy diet and it's really important.lol,have a nice day.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
14 Feb 12
Yes I think so there will be substances that we can take in especially if we are fond of eating fresh and raw vegetables. But I think it is better to soak it up in the water for some time to at least remove those chemicals from it. I normally eat veggies when cooked but does eat raw too on salad sometimes.
@hunibani (720)
• Philippines
14 Feb 12
Veggie Salad!!!!!!!!!! yUMMMmmyyyy
14 Feb 12
If vegs are to be eaten raw,we must try to wash the veg well and if possible,try to peel the skin off.
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
14 Feb 12
This is true that raw vegetables as well as fruits might contain residues of pesticides even it was harevested after the withdrawal period. My college classmate conducted a study on the pesticide residue on bittergourd (ampalaya) sold in public market near our school. Based on his study, he found out that some has still residues of pesticides even it was already sold in the market. Confirmatory tests to determine the amount of the pesticides were also conducted, but the results showed that it was not detected due to sensitivity to certain quantity of the instrument. He also corellated the environmental temperature with harvest time. His study showed that as the temperature increases the amount of pesticides remianed becomes less. This means that cooking your veggies higher than the ambient temperature would expell the remaining pesticides in vegetables. If you are still afraid with regards to raw veggies like salads, there are organic vegetables ready in the market today but a little bit expensive compared to the regular ones. Also, you may try to plant your own veggies and grown it using homemade insecticides.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
14 Feb 12
I am sure thats why we are being advisedto purchase Organic foods. it s suppose to be chemical free and no insecticides of pesticides what so ever... Fresh and clean and expensive....!!!!!