Has mass media gone completely mad in search for sensational topics?

@polaris77 (2040)
Bacau, Romania
February 14, 2012 11:39am CST
Last night one of the most important Romanian TV channels in terms of audience,Antena 1,presented during its late night show a recording made probably with a cell phone,of former Romanian prime minster Emil Boc naked while he was changing in a locker room,probably after doing some physical exercise at the gym.It isn't known who filmed this in secret,and it doesn't really matter.What's truly important is that one of the most important and appreciated Romanian television channels could do such a despicable thing of showing a person filmed secretly in an intimate moment.Regardless of the political preferences of that TV station,I find this way of making journalism truly disgusting.Of course,the recording was also available today on the online editions of some junk Romanian tabloids,but that doesn't surprise me because those so-called 'papers' are always in search of scandal,but when one of the most important names in Romanian mass media does such a low thing,I wonder if today's media has any limits in its never ending quest for sensational topics.Anyway,what do you think about this way of making press?If such an unpleasant thing happened to you,would you take action against the institution which violated your privacy?
2 responses
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
18 Feb 12
Maybe it's a numbers game. Maybe this seemingly respectable channel is losing numbers in its viewership. And most probably, there was an executive out there who thought that bringing sensationalism like this on TV would bring in more viewers. Specially the ones who like a bit of scandal.
@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
18 Feb 12
Indeed,it looks like there was an executive who thought that showing that recording on the station would bring record audiences to the channel,but I think the damage created to the image of the channel is much bigger than the audiences it managed to attract.If I were the boss of that station,I would immediately end that late night show and fire all the staff that worked it,because what they did has nothing in common with professional journalism.I guess they wouldn't have any problem in finding another job in a tabloid and continue with the dirty jobs,because this is what journalism means to them.
@didi13 (2926)
• Romania
14 Feb 12
What do television for audience! I think this show should be abolished, because if it was a show of common sense, this registration does not take place. I think it's a shame he did this TV channel, respectively a painful and callousness of the man who filmed and distributed the movie, violating the privacy of this politician.
@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
14 Feb 12
Yes,I agree that show should be abolished,and if they had any form of decency and common sense left the presenters and producers of that late night show should resign.This is certainly one of the meanest and most despicable ways of trying to gain audience.