Stop Anarchy in The Name of Religion

@Olleenz (3398)
February 15, 2012 12:42pm CST
Stop Anarchy in The Name of Religion Islam Defenders Front (Front Pembela Islam/FPI) in Indonesia is soooo violence. They attack everybody who disagree with their opinion and government powerless against them. Now there is community resistance to them and it starts Palangkaraya, Central Borneo. When FPI try to build power in that region, people in that region intimidate them. I agree with their decision/reason to refuse FPI in their land. And now resistance spread everywhere. I LOVE IT. Maybe Islam is great but it doesn't mean people who embrace this religion can impose its will upon others. If they still act like that, it gonna start civil war in Indonesia. Stop violence in the name of religion
6 responses
• Indonesia
16 Feb 12
they, who use violence bring religion name, is not learn their religion. all religion teach one thing: peace, and love. and just idiot people wanna do some violence like that.
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@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
17 Feb 12
iam moslem too henki and the word Allahu akbar is big meaning for Moslem if they know the real meaning of Allahu Akbar
• Indonesia
16 Feb 12
well, i was born in fanatic moeslim family. i big and learn about what is islam,of course. in fact, i still use my "gank" style. it different with people from FPI, that i see with full moeslim clothes, always scream and said "allahuakbar", but do anarchy. wth? did prophet teach about that? i never see on all of hadist shahih.
@Olleenz (3398)
• Indonesia
16 Feb 12
They learn their religion but ..... they only learn partially. I mean, they only learn small part of verse who can justify their act The real problem of FPI is they learn Islam but they don't understand it
@utopia96 (640)
• Indonesia
16 Feb 12
hi olleenz, I really do not agree to the FPI(front pembela islam),FPI always felt true,and blamed the outside community,I hate all forms of violence. peace and stop any violance in the name religi
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@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
17 Feb 12
and i dont understand the reason for removing FPI
@Olleenz (3398)
• Indonesia
16 Feb 12
I don't understand with FPI ... They claim their self as Islam defender but their attitude disgrace Islam. Don't they have brain or something ...??
@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
17 Feb 12
and i dont understand the reason for removing FPI
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
16 Feb 12
Many violence hide in the name of religion but we have to aware that many interest is interfere in that violence we never know exactly what for and who is the real interest that want FPI to be messed up just dont get into any provocation
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@Olleenz (3398)
• Indonesia
16 Feb 12
It hard not influenced by religion intimidation, specially by people who get intimidate. Remember Ambon case ...? Some people said it ethnic war but actually that is religion war and it effect still exist till now
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
17 Feb 12
Many dont dont do politic but they would do anything to defens their religion we should try to make a clear thinking when some people try to involve politic with religion
@Olleenz (3398)
• Indonesia
17 Feb 12
Indeed, that why I never agree when politic parties use religion as their main base
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
18 Feb 12
I do not know what to say about this issue. On the one hand, the FPI to do something to something that is not good, and contrary to religion, can be eliminated. But the FPI, doing the wrong thing, by violence, to uphold the truth. Supposedly, they did not have to used violence. I agree, if FPI is dissolved, if the FPI continues to use violence. I hope, FPI can change the way used.
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@Olleenz (3398)
• Indonesia
18 Feb 12
I don't think FPI gonna change their way to voice their opinion. Remember, their one of their main basic rule is "kelaskaran" which mean they gonna use force to voice their opinion.
@sql_cell (1427)
• Indonesia
15 Feb 12
Yes. They should not resort to violence in the name of religion. Religion is no excuse for violence. They are selfish people, who like them, are the people who best understand about religion, but actually, they do not understand religion.
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@Olleenz (3398)
• Indonesia
16 Feb 12
Yup, you absolutely right ...... Religion should be bring peace and happiness, not violence. FPI, who the hell think they are .... They call them self Islam defender but actually they disgraced and drag Islam in very low level. Now everyone think that Islam is violence religion. Thanks to them ...
@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
17 Feb 12
lets see the carefully the news.. i think its unfair when many of the news not is not tell the truth they tell the news based on their interest.. i feel that sometimes FPI make mistake.. but when the demonstration only for deleting or removing FPI, so maybe we must ask the same things for any security or guard of all politic party which always make some trouble too in our society
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@Olleenz (3398)
• Indonesia
17 Feb 12
Security or guard of all politic parties move because their superior (individual or organization) told/ask them and that security/guard of parties who act negatively rare to find On FPI cases, who asked them act radically ...? Most of their act came from their own believe and some of them also based on money reason (rarely found in the news but I know some of cases).