School took a little girls lunch away from her!
By kay2aT
@kay2aT (73)
February 15, 2012 1:38pm CST
Can you believe this?!!! A mother packed her little girl a nice lunch to take to school to eat. Turkey & cheese sandwich, apple juice, potato chips & a banana, I can't remember it there was more. But in my book that is a pretty good lunch for a little girl. The school took her lunch away from her & said it was not a healthy lunch, and they sent a note home with the little girl to give to her mother. Now if I was her mother I would have been very upset! The school telling me what I can or can't pack in my child's lunch! This is ridiculous! I could see if all I packed was candy & cake, etc., but this mother put a lot of thought into buying this food & then packing it for her little girl to eat. Some kids parents don't even care enough to even pack a lunch for their kids at all! Well, they took her lunch away & gave her some of the cafeteria food. Guess what they replaced her lunch with?? Chicken Nuggets! Now tell me... how is that any better or more nutritious than the lunch her mother packed? Tell me what your thoughts are on this matter.
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30 responses
@lologirl2021 (5542)
• United States
15 Feb 12
WOW i think i would be sueing or getting an attorney or something on this matter it needs to go viral for sure. Chicken nuggest are processed and not good for us to eat anyways and her Lunch was alot better than what there having kids eat. Of course all kids probably like eating chicken nuggets of course but its not healthy at all to eat. I think her mom is trying to give her something better to eat then what the shcool lunches are now a days. Im sure the shcool has cut back on that as well as other things in the school and its not much better than when i was in school im sure. Now a banana and chips and a sandwich is a perfect lunch combination for anyone to eat and its easy to make and a weel thought out and blanaced diet. OMG i could go on and its making me mad that someone would do this to a young perosn in life. She is going to remember this everyday she goes to eat her lunch now.
@kay2aT (73)
15 Feb 12
That's exactly what I thought too! Yes any kid would like chicken nuggets, but it's not as good as a lunch her mother packed for her. And her lunch cost money to buy all that she had in it. I wonder how embarrassed this poor little girl felt when this happened to her in front of all her friends! You are right in saying she will remember this everyday she goes to eat her lunch!
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@cash4cards (140)
• United States
15 Feb 12
If i was that mother thed b sorry when i got there. this like
a post i posted to a little bit ago. were stupid an dont know
how to raise our children. i would so be contacting a attorney.
it is rare my son eats school lunch. its crap plus i can buy the
stuff now almost cheaper than what they charge.
my son has adhd that im controlling only with diet...excersize..
an vitamins. they wanted me to get him checked cause hes hyper
well what for 8 yr old little boy isnt?
An nuggets? Common seriously. i aint got anything against them
but thats hardly healthy...
im all fired up i hate this crap. i swear id call every tv radio
station an attorney in town they are lucky im not that childs mother.
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@lkbalazs (1)
• United States
8 Mar 12
chicken nuggets are a meat byproduct. Everything gross goes into them and they and mushed all together and come out looking like bright pink salt water taffy, which they then bleach and then because they taste so bad they add flavoring. So how is this better then what that little girl had. A few potato chips are not going to hurt her. The USDA's food pyramid is also very messed up. I would have been at that school in a heart beat. In fact my daughter has been told if anyone does this to her she is to go to the school office and call me immediately as I will be there in under 20 mins raising hell. I work really hard to provide my family with healthy, organic, nutritious meals and I'll be damned if someone will do that to her.
@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
16 Feb 12
They did send it back to the parents, along with a bill for the McNuggets lunch they supplied. That bill should be stuffed. The nerve of that person. The whole school, if it allows this, should be overhauled to put decency back in place.
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@shaggin (74054)
• United States
16 Feb 12
A lot of schools are doing the healthier eating options and request that parents dont send in any junk food with their kids. I'm guessing the potato chips were what upset the school. Well guess what the rest of the lunch was very healthy and I think if the school did that to my child took their food away and made her eat something different I would sue the school.
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@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
16 Feb 12
The schools and government should return to the 3R's and governing and stay out of the homes. They have no right or business deciding they always know better than the parents.
In a recent gathering on Capitol Hill, a principal had the nerve to tell Congress that she and other educators always knew better than the parents what was good for the children. She repeated it twice, so I know she meant exactly what she said.
I would love to see her face if someone came along to undo everything she has ever taught her children because they were certain they knew better than her how her children should be treated.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
15 Feb 12
I think that it was very wrong of the school to have taken away the child's lunch. The only reason that I can think of around here were items from a child's lunchbox is if the school is a peanut free school.
Some schools are deemed to be peanut free schools because of student allergies and in those situations they aren't allowed to serve anything with peanuts in it in the cafeteria and students are also not allowed to bring anything in their lunchboxes either.
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@kay2aT (73)
15 Feb 12
I can understand some of that about peanuts & kids allergic to peanuts. But this child didn't have peanuts or peanut butter in her lunch at all! She had a turkey & cheese sandwich, with chips, banana, etc... If they are to remove every item that someone could be allergic too, they they would have to remove banana's too. My sister is severely allergic to them, she doesn't even have to eat them, she can be in a room with them & not even smell them to her noticing them, but she will start to swell in her hands & face, but the scary part is she will swell inside her throat & it could cut off her air ways! It could kill her! But this story wasn't about food allergies as the reason to take her lunch away... it was because the school didn't think her lunch was nutritious enough.
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@Rosa26 (2618)
• United States
15 Feb 12
My son is in 8th grade and I feel sad for him because the lunch he eats in the school is always the same potato chip, juice milk and chicken nugget wich isnt healtjy at all, what I do is to give him a good breakfast and dinner but I dont like the lunch they give at all.

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@kay2aT (73)
15 Feb 12
Yes these school lunches are not what they claim to be! A kid would get so tired of eating chicken nuggets all the time & it is not the best food to be giving a child everyday! Good that you give you son a good breakfast every morning before going to school! That is the most important meal of the day to help a child alert to learn well.
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@mariab2000 (740)
• Canada
15 Feb 12
Now this is very ridiculous. If I were this girl's mother I would have been very upset and would definitely have confronted the school about this incident. What the mother packed is a healthy lunch and much better and nutritious than what the school cafeteria gave to the little girl. I can understand if they had just told the mother not to pack junk food such as chips and candy for the kid but to take the whole lunch awway is just too much. This is getting out of control, I hope the mother spoke to the school about this and stood her ground....
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@kay2aT (73)
15 Feb 12
I hope she marched up to the school & let them know what she thought about what they did to her little girl. A few chips in my book aren't even that bad for you when they are just a little bit. And you know little kids are so active they would burn up those few calories very quickly with all the running around they get to do at recess. Or wait a min., I've heard a lot of schools have cut most recess out of schools. Now that is crazy too! Let them have some treats with their lunch and then let them go out and play too!
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@kay2aT (73)
15 Feb 12
I totally agree with you! This is getting out of control! And the mother packed her a much better lunch than what the school gave her! I don't understand how this can happen in a country where we have freedom! Who knows what will happen next if they don't stop things like this!
@cash4cards (140)
• United States
15 Feb 12
An you know the thing is it doesnt matter
if it was healthy or not. they have no
business doing that..probably really
embarrest that i said they r darn
lucky that wasnt my child...
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
2 May 12
I know they are picky at my kids school about such things. I would think they'd have a cow about the potato chips not being healthy, everything else you listed sounded fine. I have seen my middle childs teacher send a child back to their back pack to pick out something healthier than what they brought in the classroom for snack. Yet my eldest has reported seeing older kids in school with canisters of pringles, with all the materials they send home about nutrition I can't see this being allowed.
However, like you mentioned they trade one meal for another. My kids get pizza and I don't think that's very healthy nor is it the worst.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
15 Feb 12
That's ridiculous!
Could this be because of the potato chips? I must admit that I do put in some chips with my kids lunches, but I do put in some healthy stuff too, a banana or an apple, etc. The chips are just a treat for them.
And it's funny that they replaced it with chicken nuggets!

@kay2aT (73)
15 Feb 12
That's what I thought of too! But those little bags of potato chips don't have that many chips in them to say they are bad for you. It's not like it was a sweet snack, & I don't see anything wrong with packing something sweet too, as long as it's not too much for a kid! Hey, I like a little chips or even sweets with my food. But she had a good lunch! Chicken nuggets are are breaded too! How does that rate better than the lunch her mother packed for her? I don't think so!
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
16 Feb 12
What?? This is absurd? And which country was this in???? Sounds like some dictatorship wanting to run the private lives of - kids' lunches. And why would this school take a healthy lunch like fresh meat and cheese and fruit and juice and say it's not healthy? Why would this school replace it with non-heathy food? There's so many questions going through my mind right now, and I think this is an utterly stupid action.
Here in Canada and USA we try to promote healthy eating in our schools, but I've never, ever heard of this incident happening here in North America.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
16 Feb 12
Wow, United States? But I thought that was a "freedom of expression" country just like Canada? I was thinking of Japan because I heard once that they're treating obesity as a crime...but then again, they wouldn't be serving chicken nuggets at a school cafeteria.
@Robswife2006 (1208)
• United States
15 Feb 12
If you ask me these schools are getting just a little ridiculous when it comes to telling parents just how they can raise or feed their kids. It makes one wonder if parents are left with any rights at all.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Feb 12
I know! I saw this on fox news channel this morning! This really worries me when my kiddos go to school. I would be going to that school and raising holy you know what!!! How dare they take her food away and then send a bill home for the bill of the girls lunch! The mother already packed a lunch for her!!! Which she paid for at the store! Why should she have to pay for it again??? It is NOT the schools job to determine what our children should eat. In my opinion schools are taking over WAY too much. Parents have almost no rights anymore and it is very sad!
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@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
16 Feb 12
I agree with you totally about that seemly like a pretty good
lunch...maybe not the chips but I am sure it wasn't a hugh bag
of chips...But that is ridiculous..
I tell you what, had that been my child, I would have veen up
to the school the next day....and chicken nugges? are you serious?
OMG, I am upset that it even any child,,, there are so
many children who's parent dosen't even prepare a lunch...why
so everyone try to raise our children,,,,
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@Ernnesto (180)
• Slovak Republic
16 Feb 12
Hello kay2aT,
I know that it is really important to eat healty food. Expecially for young and little children, because there are just in development. The reaction of the school was exaggerated, It is not a way how they should show children and their parents what is good to eat for them. The role of shool is in education procedure, they should show them and learn them importance of healty living manners. Such behaviour can have an opposite effect, and it is not a good example of learning how to eat healtier.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Feb 12
kay2aT hi I am in agreement with you.thats just way out of line
as I thought the food in her lunch was more than adequate
and what right have they to take a child's lunch away from
them? this is outrageous. chicken nuggets are not good food
for anyone.I think the school needs to revise its policy.
wrong wrong wrong.

@garson (884)
• United States
5 Mar 12
Can I ask where was this happen? If this is US, I see no reasons whatsoever to take the lunch away from her. Like what you and many comments here, the food packed into her lunch are healthy enough for consumption. There has to be other reasons besides claiming that the lunch was unhealthy. Or this school is probably looking for trouble.
I read an article online few weeks ago about a 16 or 17 year old girl in UK who had to be admitted to hospital. It was later discovered that this girl had been eating chicken nuggets daily since she was a little girl. Lots of it are from McDonalds. Her mom claimed that she had tried to have her daughter eat other kinds of food with no success. In my opinion, the mom was not trying HARD enough. I forgot what was the sickness of the daughter.
Like many people, I like chicken nuggets, but I would not want to eat them every day or so often. Lots of time, they're not really filling. I would rather eat salad, vegetables, and lots of fruits. Of course, there are always great alternatives to having healthy lunch and dinner.
@JohnRok1 (2051)
16 Feb 12
What was the rest of the Chicken Nuggets meal, anyway? A couple of leaves of lettuce, half a tomato, a bit of cucumber (negligible fibre there, compared with a banana, and not much in the way of vitamins, either), and lashings of mayonnaise that contains more oil than a bag of chips and pasta or rice or boiled potato or potato salad (fatty mayonnaise)? With cake for afters?
@SassyBrat (463)
• Canada
17 Feb 12
So let me get this straight..... a parent makes a well planned out lunch for her child and a school personnel takes her lunch away? So what did this child have for lunch then?
If I were that little girls' mother, I would have gone straight to the school and spoken to the one who took the lunch away, in front of the teaching staff that were in ear shot including the Principal!!
Failing that, I will go to the school board! How dare "they" who ever they is, decide what my child can eat!!
@superbadx (484)
• Malaysia
18 Apr 12
I guess the mother should sue the school for doing that. I think the girl is also upset with this kind of action took by the school. Her mother sure took her time in preparing those things to her girl, they should at least respect that. Why the hell they should even concern what mothers gave to their child as lunch ? They didn't even know what the mother gave the last weekend didn't they ? They should at least gave the lunch for the kid to enjoy and just sent the letter to her mom, but they have to take it do they ?