The addictive-ness of Chapstick & Lotion

@maezee (41988)
United States
February 15, 2012 6:23pm CST
Okay, I've been thinking about this one a lot lately. I know it's winter, so we're all naturally dry and whatnot, but it seems as though every time I apply Chapstick, as well as lotion, I end up needing more almost immediately. I think it's a physical thing, and not a psychological thing. But I've noticed, and I use a lot of both chapstick AND lotion (several times a day, maybe between 6-12 applications of each per day), the more you use it - typically the more you NEED IT! I am considering the fact that possibly this is all a conspiracy theory, you know, to get us to purchase more and more and more of these items. It got me thinking (REALLY), what if there are some sort of "drying agents" in these so-called moisturizing products? What if it's all kind of just a scam to get us to buy more? And do you ever feel the same way as me- the more you use, the more you need? (HELP..I'm addicted...
2 responses
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
16 Feb 12
my hands are always drying out so I am constantly putting on lotion. I never got into the chapstick thing - though I know people that go through them like crazy.
@JohnRok1 (2051)
17 Feb 12
Seems like you have a notion about lotion that you're putting in motion, without too much emotion or drinking a potion. But seriously, why not buy some cheapo moisturising cream (in the UK we have Aqueous Cream and Boots E45, and then there's ordinary lanolin and vaseline) and apply it with wet hands (to avoid applying it too thickly)? Keeps lacerations down as well as anything - but then I'm a man, so I don't worry about cosmetic enhancements. Then how on earth did I land in this discussion? From following up your profile, T A.
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
not really, I don't use neither of those.