my friends slander me

@iklananda (1202)
February 17, 2012 1:34am CST
omg all my friend slander me what should i do with this way. And the worst things is that my parent trust them. Please help me my lotter, any of you ever have situation like this before ?
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7 responses
• Indonesia
17 Feb 12
oh my god,i cant feel what you feel.its bad situation.try to tell the truth with your parents.What the real happend with you.Make them trust with you.Tell to them to trust with their own children,dont trust with other.If you feel didnt like with all of your friends,try to forgive them,Maybe at this time they do fault with you.Dont care whatever they said.Ignore them.Give them your sweet smile.
@iklananda (1202)
17 Feb 12
cannot a lot of people influence my parent and they all stabbing me
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
20 Feb 12
If someone in slandering you, then that is the kind of person that you don't need to be around. In the short run it really does hurt to have to leave your friends behind, but people like that really aren't friends at all. I have found in my own life that the people that aren't kind to us aren't friends at all. There are far too few people in our lives that are actual friends, but we have to do what we have to do to find those people that really will be our friends.
@GemmaR (8517)
19 Feb 12
If your friends treat you like that, then I am tempted to say that they're not friends to you at all. I don't think that I would ever remain friends with someone who treat me like that. Have you told your parents that your friends aren't nice to you? If you haven't, then this might be why your parents trust them. If you were to explain to them what's going on, I am sure that they would understand and support you if you felt as though you needed to talk to them about the things that have been going on between you and your friends.
• United States
18 Feb 12
I had an instance once where I had gone out with a friend and partied. I wasn't allowed to go to bars, so we said we were going to bowl. I was not at all experienced with social life. I was barely allowed to go anywhere. But my parents trusted and like my friend cause they knew her parents and her sisters. We ended up at a bar. There was a motorcyle gang there. We ended up with them. I couldn't get my friend to go home or take me home. We went to this house where several were staying. She went to the bedroom with one guy and I went with the leader of the pact. He understood right away that I felt I needed to get home or I'd get in trouble. Well, it's a long story, but to make it short, she lied. I told the truth. They believed in her. I got in trouble, and I wanted to beat the crap out of her. Sometimes there's nothing we can do it. That was what happened in my case. Sorry!
20 Feb 12
if your friend is talking about you and saying bad things.. they aren't a friend. so ditch them. if your parents don't trust you, then i would consider trying to work on your relationship with your parents.
@Ernnesto (180)
• Slovak Republic
17 Feb 12
Slander is bad, but I must conffess really common habit for many people. People are interested in slandering, so try to take it easy and do not respond to their slander. I am never worried about slandering, I know that there will be still poeple around me who really enjoy it and I do not have a time to even think about that. No one is perfect, and everyone do a mistakes so if there is someone who thinks about itself that is perfect, o.k. Do not worry about it, I know it is not a pleasure be a subject of slandering for someone, but as much you care about it, as it is getting worst and worst.
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
17 Feb 12
dear iklananda, it is sad to know that your friends did that thing towards you. knowing the fact that they are your friends. aside from that, they are the people whom your parent known and met. that, it is somehow difficult if you will stay away from them since they are the friends to whom your parents trusted as your confidante. but, what to do, if they have slandered you. it will be best to tell them straight away to your parents and better to stay away from them and try to look for another set of friends. for sure, you are a nice person and deserve to have more in the future. hence, sometimes, it is not worth to have a million friends if you cannot have them in times of thick and thin rather, it will be best to have one or two if you can have them in times of thick and thin.