lazy dog

United States
February 17, 2012 3:38am CST
My pitbull Jeinx is so lazy. She doesn't want to play with the ball, she just wants to lay there and chew it up. Same for the bones. I try taking her for a walk and she just wants to go back inside the house. She has no energy ever! She's not even old yet. She's just a tad overweight now but has been on vet's diet food and has lost a lot of the extra weight. Does anyone have a dog the same way, no ambition or youthful playness? Does anyone know how to get her to be more active and actually excited to go out and play?
4 responses
• Philippines
18 Feb 12
Your dog must be super cute! I have never seen an overweight dog! Yeah, your dog must be feeling lazy to move around because he finds his weight super heavy so he cannot really move so much! I'm planning on having a dog too and I am thinking of owning whether a small dog like chiuaua or something big like a doberman!
• Philippines
19 Feb 12
Oh yeah, I should consider the place... hmm.. didn't thought of that. Thanks for reminding me! I don't have a big backyard so I think I should settle for smaller dogs. I just want to see it jump up and down every time I come home from work
• United States
19 Feb 12
LOL. The only thing cute about her being overweight is that she waddles. Yes, waddles. I can understand the weight holding her back but its annoying. I just want her to get some exercise and play. I heard Chiuauas are a little yappy but maybe if you get a puppy you can train it? Pomeranians are big time known for being yappy. When I was maybe in my early teens I had one and it was so annoying. I suggest if you don't have the yard or the time to go on walks with your dog Don't get a big dog. Just because there isn't much room for them to stay in the house all the time. Either way good luck and maybe a medium dog would good candidate too?
@Java09 (3075)
• United States
17 Feb 12
She's probably one of those laid back kind of dogs.Some dogs get there own personality like that. I had a pitt bull that was the opposite of laid back,and thats why I had to make a decision not to keep her.She was too hard of a dog for me. I tried all these training sessions with her ,but no matter what she did not see me as her pack leader. I found a nice strong guy,thats what she needed, to take her. I wish my pitt bull had a calm personality. I don't know how to make her play or anything.I think laid back is a good personality. Then they are an easy going dog. :)
• United States
19 Feb 12
I too like her laid back, especially when I am being lazy myself. She used to want to play catch and all that good stuff but I don't know what happen. Maybe its my fault for not keeping it a constant habit so she got lazy. On the other hand, that is what is causing her to be overweight because she doesn't want to do anything. Thats where my frustration is coming in. I recently have started being more active and exercising and would love for her to be active with me. I guess maybe little spurts of retraining might help? Walk for little bits of time until she gets the hang of it that we aren't going inside till I say? What do you think?
@Java09 (3075)
• United States
20 Feb 12
If it's a weight issue,I think there should be a way to encourage the dog to go on walks,maybe you should take her little by little to get her used to going.Hope it works out , she must be so cute.I think also once you get her going on walks she should like more and more.
• United States
21 Feb 12
She may be lonely. Not for human companionship but for someone of her own kind. Is she good with other animals? If you can handle it in all fashions of the meaning getting another pet/dog might help her. Our Emma was sad when we lost our little terrier mix. She wouldn't go outside or want to play. When we got the coonhound she not only ran around again she has been a very happy active puppy. If you cannot see if there is a doggy park that excepts Pit bulls 9sadly many do not out of misplaced fear) or if you know some one you can set up a puppy play date with may help.
• Philippines
25 Feb 12
if your pitbull has no bad health conditions that prevents her from doing what she wants then most probably she's reflecting what she sees in you. i strongly believe my dogs are a reflection of who i am. i have a playfull dog, grumpy looking, hyper and all. i suggest that you really take time to give her at least a 30min walk before her meal so that it will instill in her mind that every after walk is chow time. i've tried that with my pitbull and it actually made him excited to go on for walks. it also gave him the sense of duty to be fulfilled everyday and he was more looking up to me as his leader. i hope this would work with your pitbull and tell me if it does. ^_^