By chardyme
@chardyme (1631)
February 18, 2012 9:11am CST
It was almost 2 months ago but I think it was still good to share, as a proud father of my son Wacky. So why "Number 9...Number 9...Number 9...", first off the title was a ripped off from a Beatles filler song "Revolution 9" from the album "White Album" in which that track started with "Number 9...Number 9...Number 9..." then followed by various sounds and whatsover stuffs on the filler. Moving on, enough of that, this was not really about that filler, it's about my son!
Number 9, Wacky was among the outstanding student in his class "Junior Kinder - St. Anne", he's in number 9 spot in their 2nd grading period. He was not in the Top 12 during their 1st grading period and out of nowhere snicked in to top 9 in 2nd grading period. What's his motivation? Just promised him to buy his desired toy that time, the "HotWheels Wall Track" and a trip to Manila Ocean Park & Star City during the Holiday break. And guess what, it worked! He's in the 9th spot!
He was also been invited to join their school's Academic Contest held on January 24-27 (24th-English, 25th-Math, 26th-Science, 27th-Filipino). Somehow we got disappointed when he got elimated at the first round in all those contest, seems that he was not yet for contest like that. He really needs to work on his concentration on things that he have to do because he has tendency to be destructed so easily in people around him. Nevertheless, I'm still happy with what he had achieved so far, I did not really expect him to make it to the Top 12 in his class and was just asking him to do his best but he did exceed our expectations.
Right now they are already in their 4th grading period, I haven't seen the Outstanding Student list for the 3rd grading period yet because it wasn't posted yet in their bulletin board but we already saw his grades for the 3rd grading period. Sad to say that he dropped a notch in each of his 3 subjects (Filipino, English & Science) but amazingly raised 4 points in Math hence his 3rd grading period average actually increased a point and may lead him to stay on his current spot or rise a bit or even more. So it may not be just "Number 9...Number 9...Number 9...", we'll see... 2 months from now.
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