hopeless case

@deemple (191)
February 19, 2012 1:42am CST
I have a friend who is so charitable.He monitors my country a lot especially that we always go through a lot of calamities.He then collect goods in Liverpool to send it here for assistance to those who needs.At first it was so nice,i directly gave it to the church for them to distribute to the needy.I was so disappointed that instead of giving it to the needy,they opened it and do some choices for themselves.Too sad.So i decided to have it directly delivered to my residence and ask my Fraternity to help me distribute it to those who needed some stuffs.The next typhoon that visited the country,my friend send again 26 boxes with 9 boxes sewing machines for livelihood & some stuffs.I don't know,what happened.Because until now I haven't had it.I'm waiting for another 23 boxes,and still not delivered.He send me 37 reading glasses at the postal office to make sure it comes to my reach.Gosh,when i get home i found 11 glasses ONLY.26 are missing.Shame,there are lots of "burglars" in this country.You don't know whom to trust anymore.
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7 responses
@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
19 Feb 12
Hello deemple, It is really a shame for those who do that.BTW it not only happens in Phillipines but in almost all the countries here too in INDIA it happens.That's reason i don't like to donate as it never reaches to the needy secondly people everywhere are so corrupt that if anyone want to do something for the needy they simply try to extract their benifits from it as if they think they also have share in it.
@deemple (191)
• Philippines
20 Feb 12
too bad.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
19 Feb 12
This is the problem I have been hearing too. That is why I am hesitant to give relief goods. If I can do it or have someone trusted I would send it to someone I know and declare it as a personal cargo rather than relief goods. I think if that will be the case they would not open it. There are some who says those who are helping to distribute the goods too are selecting things and keeping things for them.
@deemple (191)
• Philippines
20 Feb 12
yes enelym to shameful.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
19 Feb 12
I haven't checked which country you are talking about. I think this happens every where. When a tsunami devastated Aceh, lots of financial and materials help came from other countries. As you said, there were 'hidden' buglars that snatched the aliment.
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
19 Feb 12
Hi Deemple.. All i could say is shame shame shame on those people who gives a bad name to the country. Shhhhhhhheeesh! Perhaps it would help if you open if your friend sends them via registered cargo...
• Philippines
19 Feb 12
yes, in some country the postal office or whatever courier that s not to be truly trusted since they have interest in the cargo packages from other country. so upon inventory most of the stuff inside already s missing especially if the packages had not been tightly seal. it is important to have a tracking number from the expected date of the package arrival with coordination from the sender so you could trace the number associated with the packages.
• United States
19 Feb 12
I've had mylot friends from foreign countries that say that you can't even trust the mail because stuff will get stolen. That is way too sad... stuff should not be opened during shipping and taken like that. It's just wrong.
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
19 Feb 12
I checked where you're from and I wasn't surprised when it was our country you were referring to. This is one of my frustrations also. I mean, that some of our countrymen could even think of siphoning away stuff meant for a very charitable cause. I really don't get what goes on in the minds of those people. People from other countries go out of their way to give donations even if they don't have to and these unscrupulous countrymen of ours would only steal them. Our government should really do something about these things.