who cheats more in a relationship

February 19, 2012 11:09am CST
most people will tell you that ladies cheat more in a relationship while some will say the guys are the worst cheat in a relationship. in my own opinion i know guys cheat more especially the married ones.
3 responses
• Philippines
27 Feb 12
The one who doesn't give their all and more in the relationship is the one more prone to cheating. Or the one who settles for their significant other because of their initial fear that they would never have anyone else is the one more prone to cheating. For the first answer, it's because since the person doesn't really "feel" that connection with someone, they can't fully commit. Something's lacking in the relationship that would inspire that person to give everything they've got and more just to make their loved one happy. If that factor's not present in the relationship, then the appearance of an interesting third party would make it really easy to just go off with the new interest behind the girlfriend/boyfriend's back. As for the second answer, if one only goes into a relationship with the main idea of "meh, close enough", it means that they're only going through the motions of a relationship for the sake of having a relationship with someone. But this relationship will give them confidence and make them think "I can do better than him/her" and the appearance of a third party (most likely being more attractive or interesting than their current bf/gf) showing interest in them would only strengthen that belief and make them either leave their significant other for the third party or go behind their back and cheat. Hope my answers helped. :D
• United Arab Emirates
22 Feb 12
Its difficult to tell!! Well, I think BOTH equally!! I have seen male as well as female cheating with their partners..both before and after marriage..So I really cant give a specific answer..
@jagjit273 (1754)
• India
19 Feb 12
Good and bad persons are in both genders. The question is what you get and what you expect.