The love of my life.

United States
February 19, 2012 6:55pm CST
Not really sure how i need to start this one off. But my boyfriend is out in the family room of his parents room and leaves me in his room to do mylot and this stuff but i did ask him to come in here to watch a movie with me. I also asked him if we could do a resume for me so he could go look for a job this week. He wants a job and i want him to get a job. Would you come in the room with your girlfriend if your at your parents house? Or would you not care and watch TV in the family room by yourself? I think its quit weird that he doesnt want to lay in bed with me at times and i feel like he should with me and want to cuddle with me and im not sure why he is like this at all.
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11 responses
@duke1000 (100)
• United States
20 Feb 12
Well I will be bluntly honest. You are old enough to have a man that is financially stable. I assume that your boyfriend is close to your age but living at home? You need to give him the ultimatum of finding a job so he can move out of his parents house or you will move on. I mean think about it.......You get married some day....where are you gonna live his parents house?? Even if he doesn't get a job he should have enough respect to spend time with his attractive GF. I would defiantly question his motives. You say he wants a job...well the military is always hiring.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Feb 12
I asked my husband what he thought as being a guy. He said if its a new relationship maybe he feels uncomfortable being all over each other in his parents house. Or he said it could be something as simple as he is really interested in whatever he is watching and it might not have anything to do with you at all. It could be several things but we don't know because we don't know your boyfriend.
• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Feb 12
Most guys are simple minded. We read into things so thats why I decided to ask my husband because I probably would have read so much into it like you. I think its funny how different men and women are. Lol
@duke1000 (100)
• United States
20 Feb 12
I will only kinda agree. I wouldn't say simple minded as many men have great minds. The thing is many men are not Emotionionaly stable. In his case he is not even financially stable. I mean she is 26 and her BF is living at home. When I have kids there will not be a kid anywhere near that age in my house unless he is there to work on my lawn. She is obviously ready to settle and he is still playing mama's boy. It is the hard truth but what else is there to say really.
@starrm (124)
• United States
20 Feb 12
I'm honestly not sure how anyone is coming to any concrete conclusions that men are either simple minded or emotionally unstable. I don't think either trait is more common in men or women. And, it's hard to infer exactly what his financial situation or his relationship with either parent are given the information above.
• United States
22 Feb 12
He's your boyfriend, and you're in his parents' house. It's weird to want to be all over a boyfriend in his parents' house. I know what my response would be if I had a child whose date came into my house and wanted to "cuddle" with him/her in the bedroom. Of course, I also plan for my children to go to college and, then, get their own places where they may do as they wish. Once there is a ring, my child and his/her spouse may share a bedroom when they come to visit.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
20 Feb 12
Definitely I won't leave my girlfriend alone in my room. I have to keep her company at least, nonetheless, it is my parents house, not my house. I would think that this way would make my girlfriend a bit comfortable. That is my opinion. Probably your boyfriend thought that, since you will be part of the family, you shouldn't be feeling uncomfortable about it.
• Canada
20 Feb 12
I'm not quite sure how to answer this but I think that maybe he is really interested in watching whatever it is on the television and it probably has nothing to do with you or your relationship with him. It might not be as complicated as it looks or sounds. Maybe you could go to the family room and sit with him there and spend time with him there. However, it is best that you talk to him about this and explain how you feel left out and tell him your feelings on it and then see what he tells you. It might not be too complicated...
• United States
29 Feb 12
I feel that your boyfriend might not be comfortable cuddling with you at his parent's house, but I do agree with you that he should at least keep you company especially since you are a guest at his parent's house that he invited you to so he should play host to you and keep you company. Even if he doesn't want to cuddle he should at least sit with you and do the resume with you.
• United States
20 Feb 12
Some people are not cuddlers. I used to not be a cuddler at all until I met a guy who started changing me in many ways for the good. I firmly believe that alot of it has to do with how you were brought up. Was there or was there not alot of hugging and all as a child and growing up? We have always said 'I love you' , but there was never any sittin' on the couch with parents cuddled up or anything. My daughter complains about the same thing and it bothers her real bad at times. Her husband is great in so many ways, but she needs that also. I feel bad for her about this. If they watch tv, they are in different rooms always. This is something that hurts her alot, so you might want to think if he is really what you want.
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
20 Feb 12
Its not wise or fair to expect your boy friend to be besides you all the time. His parents are important to him too just as you will love your parents. Give him some free space.
@starrm (124)
• United States
20 Feb 12
Hi lologirl2021, This is kind of tough to answer. As many MyLotters as there are can respond to what they would do in his situation but it's not going to change what he's doing. My best advice is to communicate this to him. Tell him how you feel and how his seemingly indifferent actions leave you feeling. Don't attack, just communicate. Tell him that you want to spend time with him and that him being comfortable either way leaves you feeling the way that it does. You might be surprised. Some people, men and women, just appreciate their own space and alone time. He might not realize that you really want to spend time with him or how it makes you feel. Good luck.
• United States
20 Feb 12
He either just likes to watch tv on the couch or he just gets uncomfortable laying in bed with you at his parents'. I don't think you should be too worried. Are his parents strict? Maybe that's why he doesn't stay in his room, or he could just like it better in the living room. Everyone's different and I know that my boyfriend and I prefer to watch tv in a bed laying down and I prefer this even when I'm by myself.
20 Feb 12
if you were invited round to his place then i would find it very rude and disrespectful if he left me on my own whilst he stayed in another room with his parents, so yes i would be annoyed and i would probably leave and have him do his own resume