What makes a person hot?

@chaze01 (185)
February 20, 2012 6:03am CST
I was having a conversation with a friend of mine about Jeremy Lin, and we came to a conclusion that he is hot. Before he became such a hot comodity, he was overlooked and traded in, so which reminds me... what are the qualities that could make a person hot 1. looks 2. success 3. money 4. brains 5. talent 6. character? What do you think? Have I missed something in this superficial list?=)
2 responses
• United States
20 Feb 12
i don't believe in dividing people into hot or ugly, its just not nice we are all created equally so why not try and sort out if people are hot or not and move onto something more important in life?
@chaze01 (185)
• Philippines
20 Feb 12
I believe the subtlety of sarcasm seems to have escaped your notice.
@smilemoon (766)
• United Arab Emirates
20 Jul 12
I think self esteem is really important and talent too. There are wonderful characteristics. Concerning looking, I think it would be enough that this person takes care of himself.