What do you know about Islam

@samar54 (2454)
February 20, 2012 1:56pm CST
We all know that That the three heavenly messages as down: Judaism .. Christianity and Islam, though some did not believe in only one or two, in other words religions that preceded his religion just because he does not believe in what later came down .. my question is : What do you know about Islam and the Prophet Muhammad?
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9 responses
• United States
13 Mar 12
Very little but that does not mean I respect Him less than Jesus or my G-d. I believe all religions are paths to the same Being. His/ Her name changes with all the different peoples but the Being is the same. Islam is just another path.
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• United States
13 Mar 12
Does this mean Jesus is a Muslim too? I love it , lol!
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
13 Mar 12
sarahruthbeth22 yes , all the three religions came from God , I want you to know that all prophet were Muslims , because the religion of God is one
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
13 Mar 12
Yes , If you lied to the time of his come down , you will know that its true
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@crystal11 (157)
• Malaysia
4 Mar 12
I feel that this (religion) is a sensitive subject to discuss here. The best thing is to get proper information from reliable sources and make your own individual choice.
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• Malaysia
7 Mar 12
Yes there are people like that, and no matter how much right information you have, someone will always discredit Islam or any other religion for that matter. We can't change people's view, no thanks to the media! Every religion preaches tolerance, love and peace, but there are and always be people who find fault with everything.
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
7 Mar 12
I agree , your word are true, all what can I say : God guid them
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
5 Mar 12
I give you the right information ....I have seen that there is a fierce campaign to discredit Islam campaign to discredit Islam and his Prophet, if you checked all religious discussions here you will find they are attacking Islam with or without cause
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@pumpkinjam (8860)
• United Kingdom
30 Mar 12
I can honestly say that I know very little about Islam. I began to read a translation of the Quran but (please don't be offended by this) I think I read about 10 pages and all it seemed to say was "praise Allah". Obviously, that's a major part of Islam but it did get boring after a while and I thought most readers would have got the point early on. Anyway, I know that Islam is religion of Muslim people (why is that? I mean Christians are of a Christian religion, Jews are of a Judaic religion, Hindus are of a Hindu religion, etc. so why two completely lexically unrelated words used for Muslim/Islam? Perhaps they are just translations and the words are more similar in Arabic languages. I hope you don't think I am being ignorant here. I'm just curious. Sorry, I have gone off topic. I do that a lot! What do I know about Islam? I know that Muslims believe in Islam. The holy book is called the Quran (or Koran or Qur'an). The God of Islam is called Allah. The Prophet Muhammad. I know nothing about him other than that he was an Islamic Prophet. I know a little about different celebrations such as Ramadan and Eid El Fitr. I don't know what they're all about though just that some festivals, etc. go on for a long time compared to other religious festivals and that most people have to fast at Ramadan (with the exception of, I believe, pregnant women, people who are sick, very young children and the very old). Sorry, that's about all I know of Islam. :)
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@Gordano (795)
• United States
5 Apr 12
@pumpkinjam If you want to know about Islam it is better to read a book that explains Islam to you and then you can read the Holy Qura'n because the Holy Qura'n is the sacred book of Muslims and those who understand what Islam is about, don't start by reading the Holy Qura'n but read a book that explains Islam to you, I can suggest this book: [b]What is Islam Gist of Teachings of Islam on All Important Fields of Human Life By Dr. Muhammad Sharif Chaudhry[/b] http://www.muslimtents.com/shaufi/b23index.htm scroll down to "CONTENTS OF THE BOOK" don't forget to leave a feedback in a comment here if you read the Book. thanks in advance
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
6 Apr 12
Welcome Gordano to my discussion , "What is Islam" It seem that it is a good book , thank you for this link , God bless you
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
30 Mar 12
Hello my brother in my discussion , Muslim praise God at any rate in good times and bad, for reading the pages of the Quran ,this is the beginning is good , but I hope that you continue in reading , to was the Quran not all of which is praise Allah , only, Islam and Muslim are the same words in the Arabic language, either what you know about Islam there is a good start, Allah in Arabic is God in English . there are two festival for the Muslim Eid al-Fitr and which was called this name because it comes after the fasting month of Ramadan and people eat after their fast,( Fitr In Arabic means to eat after fasting) and Eid al-Adha which come after the Hajj to Kaaba ( House of God )in Makka - Saudi Arabia If you want to know more About Muhammad and Islam , please go to the sites which I sent to you in your discussion , or ask me . Thanks for your response .
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@momof3kids (1894)
• Singapore
28 Feb 12
I think Islam and the Prophet Muhammad are being sabortaged but I do not know why this is happening. It is common where I live that a competitor tries to disminish its competition by sabortaging it by spreading lies about it and whatnot. If the competitor tries to diminish its competition by cheating, doesnt that show that it is not good in the first place? Dear muslims, I apologise to regard Islam as a competitor (because God knows we muslims arent competing, more so by obnoxious remarks by a certain famous terrorist) but I receive an email from a dear Christian friend who told me what is going on secretly, lies and distorted views about Islam to be circled around. I have never received emails that warn me against other faiths, I can judge by myself with my own eyes and the guide of Islam. Why cant other people with other faiths do the same, spreading what is good about their own faith rather than spend precious time writing lies about Islam?
@urbandekay (18278)
28 Feb 12
Why do you call Muhammad a prophet? He doesn't meet the conditions of being a prophet all the best urban
• Singapore
28 Feb 12
Why does he has to meet your conditions when he had met Allahs conditions?
@urbandekay (18278)
29 Feb 12
Muhammad first appealed to Jews and Christians hoping to be recognised as a prophet. Now if someone is not recognised as a prophet that could be the problem with those that fail to recognise him or it could be that he is not a prophet. So we need to ask, what are the necessary conditions of being a prophet. In other words what properties are common to prophets so that we might know if that person is a false prophet or whether those Jews and Christians that rejected him were wrong. Generally all prophets have that in common that I have mentioned. Muhammad just doesn't. Finally, Jesus warns us about false prophets and advises us to judge them by their fruit. What fruit does Islam bring forth? 1. Islam was spread by the sword 2. Islam suppresses those of other belief, this has in the past been true of both Judaism and Christianity but unlike Islam they have grown out of this 3. Islam has fostered regimes that have been aggressive to the internationally recognised state of Israel 4. Islam fails to foster self-criticism of its adherents Now, what good and novel benefit has Islam added to humanity? (Please do not say the Qur'an because that is only accepted as of value to Muslims all the best urban
@bostonphil (4459)
• United States
20 Feb 12
A little bit. One of my hobbies is studying religion. I find religion interesting and fascinating. So I have researched Islam and have been open to learning about it. Like every other religion, Islam has its pluses and its minuses, in my own opinion. Again, in my opinion, it has its strengths and weaknesses. And that is how i feel about every other religion or spiritual path. I have attended different types of religious services. I have not tried to attend a muslim one yet because I am not certain that I would be comfortable or welcome. I prefer services where men and women sit together and there is music and singing. I know a little bit about The Prophet Muhammad from my studies about Islam.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
21 Feb 12
bostonphil "Islam has its pluses and its minuses What are its pluses and its minuses in your opinion?
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
21 Feb 12
1 For things that you do not like in Muslims, not in Islam (because there is a big difference between them) , conflicts between the followers of different schools of thought that I want you to know that Islam is the right which Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him told his friends about it , and followers applied the teachings of Islam in their lives .. Then started the various teams began to appear , that the defect is not in Islam as a religion but in the changes some people from Islam enemies put it in religion , some Muslims sincerity and spread it between the rest of the Muslims and invented what is not in the religion, unfortunately, what changes are revealed by God Almighty and His Messenger peace ,be upon him .. There is many of Islam teams the whole of the scholars of Islam said that they came out of Islam any disbelieve in God because of what they think and do things from has . predicted Muhammad peace be upon him that the Muslims will scatter to different teams when he said in the Hadith "diverge my nation to seventy-three sects"
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
22 Feb 12
what do you mean by this words " I do not always like how women are treated." ? please explain to can understand and reply reply
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• India
20 Feb 12
Although i am a hindu but i have many friends who are muslim and i know a bit about islam. Islam is a good religion alike other religions of the world but i wonder why islamic people practice practices like FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION and CIRCUMCISION. Why are these practices being done in the name of ALLAH and RELIGION even if the holy QURAN STRICTLY REFUSES SUCH PRACTICES TO BE DONE. Quran says that EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD MADE BY GOD IS "PERFECT". This statement concludes that we have NO RIGHT to change or alter or modify what god has already built. I saw a few videos on youtube few days back and trust me,since then i feel so bad for those small kids who need to undergo such traumatic procedures.:(
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
21 Feb 12
FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION and CIRCUMCISION. For the circumcision of boys :the first circumcised is the Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him , doctors confirmed that the circumcision of a healthy child is useful to him ,the scholars of Islam said that it is a duty . The circumcision of girls have differed concerning it, some of them said that it is the duty and some of them said he was an honor for the girl and the doctors confirmed that he was in favor of those that interrupt the fatty secretions that lead to inflammation of the urethra and the subject of reproduction .
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• United States
22 Feb 12
I did not know that Muslims practice female genital mutilation and circumcision. Is this done by all Muslims? I think not. Is it done in all Muslim countries? I have never heard of this until now.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
23 Feb 12
Yes dear , ther are some Muslim countries do the circumcision of girls , but the circumcision of boys it must be do in all Muslim countries ,
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• India
2 Jun 12
It came from God.
• United States
21 Feb 12
Not much. My understanding is that its first precept is "There is no God but Allah..." and that is enough to know that it is a religion to which I do not and will not subscribe, as I believe there are many, many Gods indeed.
• United States
21 Feb 12
I'm not sure why you're surprised: if I think the religion's first principle is correct, I'm not going to think anything that follows from that first principle is correct either. Islam lost me the moment it asserted monotheism. You illustrate this perfectly with the rest of your post: You say my Gods are false, I say they are true. Your claim that they are false rests entirely on that first principle that I've already told you I reject. This is not, as you suggest, a matter of monotheists not telling the rest of us about monotheism -- one cannot get through a day without hearing about monotheism. It's not that we haven't heard you, it's that we think you're wrong.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
21 Feb 12
I read your reply , and surprised me !!! said that you do not know much about Islam and then you said : "I do not and will not subscribe " , I know if I decide something like this I have to be studied this religion and I read it very well , If I not like that , then decided not followed . Not agree with me in this? or am I wrong? As for the many gods that people worship ground gods because not been for God the Creator of the universe , the creator of human beings and other creatures as we all know . Since the beginning of creation , people worship idols, trees, sun, moon, there is who worship humans and animals as well .. Man is by nature feels he needs to worship God and pray , talk to him , Of them knew his Creator, and of them did not know Him and worship other. I think that this responsibility of the heavenly religions followers because they did not informe them that there are God , send them messengers to instructs them to thier God
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
21 Feb 12
"You say my Gods are false" meaning that you has more of a god, right? I do not know your religion or gods is it possible to explain to me?
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@barkah69 (96)
• Indonesia
21 Feb 12
Hello samar, I'm muslim and I still learn more about my relion "islam". And prophet Muhammad saw is last prophet. And he is best figure all about of his life. And we have to follow him. In my holybook Al-Qur'an stated that islam to make perfectly all religion formerly and Muhammad as last prophet and no more prophet after that. Islam had given rules all of life. About relationship to god and relationship to other human. How to pray, how to make relationship to other people, how to eat, how to drink, how to wear a dress, how to my parents, how to married, how to family and many rules on my religion. And all of rules to make human good life in the world and after. And many others... That are a few describe of islam
• Indonesia
21 Feb 12
Hello samar, With learn and walk on rules of islam, I knew purpose of life. Purpose of life is not in this world, but after that. With islam as my way of life, I found a cool in my heart and calm. All of rules for life any there.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
21 Feb 12
I,m happy that you found a cool in your heart and calm , God bless you broth.
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
21 Feb 12
what are the greatest thing you learn from Islam ?
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