where does your baby sleep?

February 21, 2012 1:03am CST
i have a 10 month young :) baby who sleeps in his crib in my room. how do other mother /parents carry the transition of the crib to the babies room? what is the right time for that?
8 responses
@berting600 (3453)
• Philippines
21 Feb 12
A baby denotes that you are becoming a big family.Babies needs more sleep to make them strong and grow so proper handling of your baby needs more timing and preparations.When your baby was already sleeping then you must take advantage of the situation to transfer him to his crib slowly and safely.You must take note that some babies like to face in their left or right sides only,so you must not let it be like that because there is a tendency your baby do not have a balance sides of their head. You have to put some sort of soft pillow that is intended for babies so that their head would be shape equally.Some mothers put their babies in a swing that molds the head of their baby to become round.You must also make another bottle of milk preparation so that the sleep of your baby must never be interrupted by giving him the bottle of milk previously made ready.
• India
7 Mar 12
well, i agree and actually follow the same. my baby sleeps in his crib. thats not a problem. he is very comfortable. i was wondering as to when can we place the crib in his room. how did u do that transition...thanks for sharing
1 person likes this
• Philippines
7 Mar 12
When your baby starts to become talkative and also knows how to walk,that is the time you have to closely monitor his guidance.That is the time he adopts the actions from adults.The time you like to transfer him hie own room and of course with a good nanny to follow him well,then that would be when he is already 3 or 4 years old.Just remember this that these age of your child needs your proper attention because he is molding his identity whither he becomes a man or a girly.All sorts of interest enter into his doubtful mind and he needs guidance from either you or your husband so he can ask many questions that he sees and he is a good observer so be cautious of all your actions.
@aejey322 (1004)
• Philippines
17 Jul 12
I have a 5-month old baby. When he was younger, I was hesitant to put him to sleep beside us on our bed because we also have a son who just turned 2 last June. We were afraid the elder one might run on our baby. So we put him to sleep in a crib. It was too hurting for me to see him being separated from us. But i have no choice. Here in the Philippines, most of us are used to have babies sleep beside the parents, or at least the mom. Until we found a position that can make us all 4 fit on the bed. And he is now big enough (or at least mature enough to complain if ever his big brother can hurt him). So we already have him sleep beside us. But what is happening now is the opposite. His big brother is the one complaining everytime our baby rolls towards him. lol.
• India
17 Jul 12
thats very interesting. your younger one is naughty i must say. thanks for your participation it is very common in india also to have babies sleep with the mother however, in our case we bought the crib and somehow ensured we made use of it. it felt bad initially but was ok thereafter. now it is the most comfortable for all three of us (my hubby included ) that our baby sleeps in his crib...:)
• Philippines
6 Mar 12
As what I remember, for the first 3 months, we put our baby on the crib whenever he sleeps. After that, during nighttime, we let the baby sleep on our side. But on daytime, he still sleeps on the crib. 10 months onward, no more crib for him because he's now too big for our crib. :)
• India
7 Mar 12
yeah i am facing this problem now. my baby stands in this crib and that is actually very danagerous..we are planning to adjust the crib to ensure he sleeps in his crib.
@laura1991 (177)
22 Feb 12
my 10 month old daughter sleeps in a cot in my room. she doesnt sleep through the night though. she wakes up at random time so i dont want to put her in a seperate rooms in case i dont hear her when she wakes. my two year old though, was sleeping right through the night from about 5 months so she went into her own bedroom at about 7 months because i was confident that she wouldnt wake up until the morning.
• India
17 Jul 12
thanks laura, m sorry for the delay in the reply. i somehow missed to see this response. i apologize. anyways, my baby also sleeps in his crib in my room and since he still akes up at night i do not plan to shift him in another room as you mentioned the reasons. he is 1 year old now and would probably taken another six months to sleep through the night. i would take a call then. thanks
@ErinCW (37)
• Canada
17 Apr 12
My son slept in his crib in our room from the day we brought him home until he was 6 months old. To be honest though, I would have only kept him in there until he was 3 months old had it not been for needing to re-arrange bedrooms of 3 other kids to make room for a nursery. My son is such a light sleeper than any noise in our room would wake him up. Just tip toeing in to go to sleep at night would cause him to wake and then he'd be awake for hours! Once we moved him into his own room he started to sleep much better and so did we :) I think it's totally up to each parent and what is right for each child. I don't think that you can really compare two different situations as everyone is different. My baby is very independent and doesn't like to be held much. Another baby might be very sucky and need a parent near them for a long time.
• India
20 Apr 12
yeah i agree, my son still sleeps in our room in his crib but yes even he has a light sleep. we are now thing to move him to his room...time to prepare his room now. my son is my only son and has completed 1 year yesturday
@Daisy_22 (1229)
• Philippines
17 Jul 12
I can't really say much information but as what i've noticed my neighbor, she usualyy let her baby sleep on her arms then after that put in the baby crib and then if it will cry she will carry again...sometimes it cause her sleepless night,
• India
17 Jul 12
thanks daisy, i do the same myself. Mother's touch is the best soother for babies. my baby sleeps in his crib after i put him to sleep in my arms. it is a great pleasure. i enjoy it. thanks for participation
@mauve02 (133)
• Philippines
21 Feb 12
At first, when we first brought my baby in our house, we let him sleep in his crib but my baby can no stand the cold in our room so I ended up sleeping beside my baby on our bed. from that day until now we sleep together in one bed.
• India
21 Feb 12
hmm, i can understand,i went through the same phase , but somehow managed to ensure baby is comfortable in the crib. it was difficult let me tell u upfront though. NOw, when do you plan to use the crib or for that matter plan to shift the baby in his room. how young is ur baby now?...
@mauve02 (133)
• Philippines
21 Feb 12
At first, when we first brought my baby in our house, we let him sleep in his crib but my baby can no stand the cold in our room so I ended up sleeping beside my baby on our bed. from that day until now we sleep together in one bed.
• India
7 Mar 12
hm, i m sure ur baby is comforatble besides you. we also faced the same problem however managed to ensure the baby is comfortable in his crib. thanks for sharing