Prayers Never Getting Answered
By sukumar794
@sukumar794 (5040)
Thiruvananthapuram, India
February 21, 2012 9:31am CST
It is quite a wonder why God is letting HIS subjects suffer too much for too long. Why ardent prayers never get answered? Doesn't HE listen to the devoted souls? Why some humans are always offered better privileges? Poor souls always suffer a lot and face grim ends in the ultimate. Why things are like this ? What is thus the use of PRAYERS !
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15 responses
@CRIVAS (1815)
• Canada
21 Feb 12
I am sorry to see that you have lost faith. While I can say that I no longer practice "religiously" I still believe in God. I think that your main problem is believing that God will come to someone because they prayed really really hard, he isn't going to do that. When God made us, he gave us all the freedome of free will, that means he Cannot get involved. It is up to you to change the things that you don't like. As for the suffering part, God never gives us more than we can handle. Our suffering here on earth is supposed to be hard, it is my beliefe that this is for two reasons, 1: to show our worth and 2: To show us the value of the good in life. Think about it, if nothing bad ever happened, how would you know a good thing when you saw it. I am truly sorry that you feel the way that you do, I suggest that you talk to a priest, he will have the answers that you are looking for and possibly help you to get in touch with your religion again.
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
22 Feb 12
Oh! YOU are absolutely wrong ...I have not lost faith in fact I am an ardent believer in a supernatural element that guides us and present itself in all our actions. But the delay in answering prayers(it is but natural since I am past 60 years of age) is bound to have questions.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
5 May 12
I also think that God love us very much and always does the good thing for us. I think most times things happen to us because to show the value of something in our lives. I think suffering always teach us experience to do better the next time and also to teach the value of things in our lives. Have Faith in God and believe in God. God loves us more than anything in the world.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
22 Feb 12
never under estimate the power of prayers! I say this through my own experiences. What ever religious belief one profess, prayers are channeled to the ONE and only God, our heavenly father. No father will abandon his children in times of dire needs. He will answer all that we asked for at his own time and may not be exactly what we request for but would grant something more appropriate with the situation we are in. All he ask us is to pray sincerely and be patient as all prayers will be answered favourably.
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
22 Feb 12
Very nice piece of advice or rather opinion from your side. But this sort of extreme experimentation is unbearable. Ageing process, failing health, old age dejection., health problems to manage ...all these and many more make one SICK to the core.God's helping hand is the only solace at this moment to seek for...but what if HE does not extend support !!!!!!
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
22 Feb 12
If God is allowing His subjects to suffer too much, too long, it is all for God's good purpose and plan for them. Sufferings are meant to teach people the virtue of patience and to test how much we trust Him. Don't ever think God is insensitive to our prayers but bear in mind that God does not always answer in the positive. His answers could be either Yes, No, or Wait. Just be sensitive to small voice of God. If He is not yet acting on our prayers His answer could either be No or Wait. This is all because he has better plans in store for us. Patience is a virtue and if we learn this through prolong suffering we will surely reap the reward but we ought to faint not and show God how much we trust Him. If others are getting better privilege don't get jealous, neither question God. He is a perfect God and does not make any mistake after all. Just keep trusting no matter what and never think God is a respecter of person because He is not.
Besides if we are suffering today. How much is that suffering as compared to the one that Jesus had at the cross? But he did not complain because He loves us and willing to die for us.

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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
22 Feb 12
These Bible verses are encouraging. Just read and let these help each one who may be suffering today:
Isaiah 40:31 [i]"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
"All things work together for good to those who love God and all the called according to His purpose"[/i] - Romans 8:28 - 

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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
22 Feb 12
I think that prayers are one of those things that we have to be very cautious of. The truth is that they are often answered but perhaps not in the exact way that we thought they would be. I think that they also have a way of bringing one peace in troubled times. It is hard to understand why there are some that seem to have everything handed to them but remember..there is more to a book than the cover. The inside of their heart and home may be very different than what is displayed as privilege.
Take care.
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@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
22 Feb 12
It requires or rather necessitates quite a lot of patience to welcome HIS blessings contrived and executed on HIS own way!
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
22 Feb 12
Not all things that are happening in this life/world is God's will.
God has given us free will-freedom to choose.
If many are suffering, it has reasons behind and if they die , there is also a reason.
Maybe God let them die (those who are suffering) to make them rest and end their suffering.
Now,who knows if those who suffered most,die with hunger will live in heavens and gain eternal life (as per GOD's mercy)
The suffering in this world that we lived in should not be blamed to GOD.
The world has enough to give to everyone- but not enough for those who are greedy.
Those greedy people makes this world a miser place, because they want to own the whole world and spare nothing for the poor ones.
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
22 Feb 12
Not greedy to the core...yet what if just desires are not appeased?
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
6 Mar 12
Hi sukumar, he will hear to our prayers if you really pray without selfish. We always pray got for ourselves, but prayer is not that mean, prayer means it is like talking to the god as if we are like friends sure he will hear to your prayers. God is the one who can understand the best.
Donot loose your heart pray and pray.
Have a great day.
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@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
22 Feb 12
God knows best. He tries to ould us in the way he wants us and He is our creator. Cast your cares and he will answer to prayers based on his plan. Stop worrying for everything happens for the best.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
1 Mar 12
I know even with everything that I go thru, it never has hurt to Pray and know God is in control and will answer all Prayers, even if it takes a while. Like for instance with healing, I feel that God is in control. Most of the time it does not always seem fair how some people are healed or blessed immediately even when you feel they do not deserve it, while others are not. But for me I keep believing having Faith and know good things will happen.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
31 Mar 12
God never let his children suffer in life. Like a father who wants to solve the puzzle, God want his children to solve the various puzzles in the life. God never give any suffering that his children cannot handle. I think there will be testing time in our lives, but God will certainly take care of us because he is a loving God and love us very much.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
21 Feb 12
The reason, I believe, is because He gave us free will. People starve and die because we don't help them, don't force our governments to do the right things and carry out our will. For instance, we might elect to send food to Africa to help people who are starving but our government allows the food to fall into the hands of warlords who keep it for themselves or sell it. That's not God's fault, it is ours. We choose not to demand a program of accountability because we allow corrupt officials in our government that give us free stuff in exchange for re-electing them.
God rarely answers prayers like "please give me a new car because mine broke down". He will, however, answer the prayer "please show me the way to raise money for a new car, allow me to recognize opportunities to better myself". Then you might be selected for a grant to further your education and make more money or you may find that you have the opportunity for a promotion that will bring you more money. God will rarely send a free car for you!
Your free will that He gave you means you have choices. Your neighbor might have more money because he chose to go to school and get an education while his neighbor chose to become an unwed mother or get married and have children, only to bemoan their poverty later. Our choices determine our lives. God will present opportunities even when we make poor choices if we will only recognize and seize them.
Parents don't run out and get their children everything they want--that would be bad parenting and the children would never learn anything or be independent. God is our parent, a good parent, and allows things to happen in our lives so we will learn. He does not want grateful sheep, He wants people to love Him because they want to, because adversity has strengthened their faith and because they feel His love through their struggles and it gives them strength.
Because we have free will we are also confronted with evil and we can accept it or fight it, as in my example of the starving people and the warlords. Our choices can make the world better or make it miserable.
I may not have explained my opinion well but I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
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@kheydia (882)
• Philippines
22 Feb 12
A prayer is a tool to communicate to our maker God the father it's a way we can talk to Him pour out our heartfelt thoughts and desire, He knows what are our needs. Prayers have three answers it could be YES, WAIT, or NO, no because it is not ours or He has something better for you to give, wait because maybe it is not the right time yet, and yes because He knows that that is good for you, We just need faith to rely to Him and not give up, Everything is in order according in His timetable and not ours, For His thoughts are higher than ours, His mind is higher than ours we just need to continue to exercise faith in Him. Though sometimes our prayers were answered already, we just do not recognize it because we are expecting something or our way how God would answer it.
@craziestqueenever (1819)
• Philippines
22 Feb 12
God answers our prayer in three ways. First, he says YES, you deserve to have it. No, it's because it is not the right time. Never, it's because He has a better plan for you. I may not know what was the thing that you've been praying but all I can say is that God answers our prayer no matter what happened and what will happen. All we have to do is to believe and wait.
@sishy7 (27166)
• Australia
22 Feb 12
All I know is God knows best. If we get what we want, it's because He knows what is good for you. If we get other than what we want, it's because He knows what is better for you. And if we do not get what we want, it's because He knows what is best for you. So those who seems poor in this world may end up with the best things in the hereafter.
@almightybong (186)
• Philippines
22 Feb 12
I would have a long answer for this but most of the people who sent in their responses pretty much covered what I wanted to say. But this I will say, for as long as you are alive, there is hope. To paraphrase Andy Dufresne from the movie The Shawshank Redemption, hope is the best thing that a man could ever have. God may not answer your prayers at once. He may not give you all the things you ask for but there's always a reason for that. And one thing I would like to emphasize, His timing is always perfect, there's no denying that.
Things happen to people and it is in God's plan and grand design. I have been through tough times myself and have questioned a lot of things. Nothing is ever evident at first but when you find yourself late for work and for a very important meeting, fixing a flat tire, in the rain, and into the cold, soon enough you'll find out that an accident happened two streets down, and if it hadn't been for that flat tire, there will be no future meetings to look forward to.
Have hope, friend. Hang in there. I guarantee you this: One day, you will look to this day and say, "Oh that's why God gave me that test..."
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@celticeagle (173140)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Feb 12
I don't pray. I meditate and use what was given me to deliberate and figure out and make choices. I don't leave it up to God and expect him to do it for me.