He violated his order of protection.

February 23, 2012 9:00am CST
Hello everybody. Its been about a week since I wrote. The last time I wrote my ex kicked in my door. I did get an order of protection. Two days after I get it, he jumped on me and I was in the hospital for three days. I have a few broken bones. The police haven't caught him yet. I think the woman he had an affair with is hiding him. First he became a snitch for no reason. We had to relocate. Then he have an affair and produce a pregnacy with her. And because I refuse to fight for him he is now fighting me. I have talked to the people for a new location and they told me the government only give a certain amount of money and our money is used up. I don't know how when they only gave my ex $5000! I have no family, no friends here. I am at my wits end. What do I do now?
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6 responses
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
23 Feb 12
I'm sorry to hear all the horrible things that have happened to you. I would definitely look up some resources in your area that can help you get where you need. Perhaps there are shelters and such that help women who are abused. And I would also get some type of protection just in case he comes after you again. A dog, or pepper spray something. I hope that you are able to get out of there soon. Do all that you can to get as far away from him as you can.
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Feb 12
I can only imagine how crazy things are right now for you and your family. I hope that you will soon be able to find the help that you need. Keep looking for your well being and that of your family. Because obviously he doesn't care anything about that. After you and your family are able to get some where safe your life will be able to calm down and you will be able to enjoy your life more.
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23 Feb 12
Thank you for your concern. I have begin to look for different resources considering I am now on my own with this. I have some broken bones so it is hard for me to get around. It hurts cause never would I have seen my kids and me in a shelter. I will do what is best for them as well as me. My kids are so angry with him right now. I just can't believe this our my lives.
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@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
23 Feb 12
What are your options, you are in a very difficult situation. It is time to start thinking outside the box, this kind of man, they are better off 6 feet under, but that is just my personal opinion, and sadly most law enforcement agencies don't agree with the directive. Were I in your position, I think I would take what I could get, however little it may be, and leave. Very far away, or back to my parents. No matter if I had to walk 1000 miles or more. But that may not be a viable situation for you. I wish you the best, and I hope this guy suffers from a case of police brutality.
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23 Feb 12
Thank you and I bluntly agree with the 6 feet under. I actually have no parents. This is something I have to deal with on my own. I am trying to get out the state that we were relocated to. Since I been out the hospital all I have been doing is thinking of what to do. My ankle and knee is broken so its so only so much moving I can do at the moment. That is not all that is broken. As far as her hiding him, she will see for herself what he does. I guess because its not her right now, she thinks she is doing what is best for him.
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@shaggin (74039)
• United States
24 Feb 12
I believe I do remember the first discussion you wrote about this how your husband became a snitch so you had to relocate. I am so shocked to see this turn of events with your husband hurting you and you having to put a pfa on him. If someone violates a protection from abuse order they are arrested. Did your husband not get arrested. How terrible because of him you had to relocate and now he is cheating on you and got his girlfriend pregnant. What a terrible person to be married to I am really sorry. There are places you can go where I live to live in a safe house where you are protected.
24 Feb 12
Yes that is my story. Thank you so much for your care and concern. He didn't get arrested yet. The police haven't found him. Now the thing is this didn't happen at my house, he followed me to the grocery store and outside the store this happened. I just got home from the hospital a few days ago. I did talk to the police and they sent a social worker to talk to me about different options. Those options I am now pursuing. This whole situation is just sad. It's sad for my kids to see me with numerous broken bones. Its sad for me to see how hurt they are. Its sad that he is the man that he is.
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24 Feb 12
Also anything else you can think of can you please send me a private message. I am taking all the advice I can. Again thanks.
@shaggin (74039)
• United States
24 Feb 12
Oh ok I remember reading that now I guess it just didnt sink in at the time. I wondered why he wasent arrested now that makes sense if hes hiding. It doesnt matter if he hurt you in public or on your property hes to stay away from your home and not within 10 feet of you. Thats how my pfa worked anyway. I think it is so terrible your kids have to see you going through this and know that its their father who they probably loved who is making you and them so sad.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
23 Feb 12
How do they expect you to feel protected? I am so sorry! I am hoping that they can change their minds and allow you more money to relocate or help you in some way so you can feel protected. Obviously he found you again and he's hurt you. He needs to be locked up and so I hope he finds him and the one who may be hiding him soon.
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23 Feb 12
I hope they find him as well. It just seems to me that once they had us out the state he snitched in and relocated us, that was it. They already got waht they wanted. I am sooooo exhausted with this whole situation. I have never seen anything like this in my life. Thanks for your concern.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
23 Feb 12
I think you better file a complain to the police authorities about that matter so that they can assist you for the violence that inflicted with your ex. If you file complain make an agreement to him so that he cannot bother you again...
@JLHolley (128)
• Visalia, California
8 Jan 20
Take your protective custodyborder and go to the nearest big city and go to a shelter there ask for the program rapid houseing or family services as long as u have an active order they will put u in housing especially if u have children