I feel so tired...
By winston90
@winston90 (296)
February 23, 2012 2:56pm CST
I am so sick of it.
Trying to get more money, and for what?
Every time I get a decent amount of money something happens so I have to use the money. I never get to spend the money I've earned on what I originaly wanted (new phone, or clothes, etc.) There always has to happen something so that the moeny slips away?
I haven't yet find a source of income that can provide me with more money than necessary for "unforseen consequences", eventhough I was a full time employee last summer, I had to fix my car, pay the rent, and even had to borrow money in order to manage. And if you ask yourself, no I don't smoke, I don't drink alcohol, and I don't spend money on things I don't realy need (because I don't have).
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13 responses
@TheIrishClog (985)
• Ireland
23 Feb 12
Other than smoking, I don't spend a penny on luxuries, yet we are currently living hand to mouth and it's not easy. It's a real challenge to your own sanity. I keep living and continue on in the hope and faith that some day things will change. I'm not sitting around waiting for it to happen either, I am actively trying to change my situation but nothing ever seems to work out.
I am working part time at the moment and my other half is unable to get a job since the downturn, before which he was employed as a plasterer. He is on benefits at the moment. I will be made full time in a few months when another employee goes on maternity leave, but for the extra money I will receive, he will lose his benefits and as a result with me working full time, we'll still be in the exact same financial situation... Very frustrating.
@winston90 (296)
• Romania
24 Feb 12
Frustrating, indeed.
I am also trying to change my situation, that is why I ask everybody, how do they manage to live on. Maybe someday I will understand why I am so far away from my dream right now, and I will have to do to get closer.
I wish you the best of luck IrishCLog
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
24 Feb 12
Its really hard when the job market is so tough. I lived in a city and also had similar problems. I did have a full time job but expenses were really high. I was paying off my car but could not afford to insure it. luckily my parents let me stay with them rent free for a few years because I was so low paid.
I ended up traveling and ended up in the yukon. this job was great! free room and board and the pay per an hour was $2 per hr more than what i would make in the city for the same job.
I soon learned that there are a lot of opportunities in the yukon. We have a mining boom right now. there are tons of camp jobs and everyone gets paid well. the yukong also has a lot of great benefits. The medical is great and free. I get $100 for travel every time i have to goo to town to see a docter. I now work for the local rec center full time. I also make extra money by substitute teaching, volunteer parametic, housesitting, and working at the dental clinic when it comes to town twice a year. The best part is that they mostly pay for all your training.
Anyways, I know a lot of places are facing economic hardship. Maybe look at moving somewhere where there are jobs. i know its easier for me to up and move because I am single. There are a few people up here who live and work here and their family is back in the city.
@TheIrishClog (985)
• Ireland
25 Feb 12
Monkeyrose - great point about moving to where the work is, definitely one way of staying on top of everything. I wish it was that simple for us, but it's just not possible for us to do that at this moment in time. If we were to move to find work, it would definitely have to another country such as Australia and we just can't do that at this time. I wish you the best of luck with your finances, you are very resourceful.
Winston - thank you very much, and the best of luck to you too. I really hope you come out the other end happy and comfortable, as we all want to be.
@thelmadacullo112659 (642)
• Philippines
24 Feb 12
@winston90 (296)
• Romania
26 Feb 12
Thank you!
But I was talking about something else.
I was talking about me being sick of all this rush for money.
Of all the injustice in the world, and other things.
But your advice is well taken.
I'll consider taking a break in all this race and will take a moment to breathe.
Who knows? Maybe after this I will be able to find new ways of subsidence.
@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
24 Feb 12
It is very difficult to save money. It requres 3 things:
1: hard work
2: planning
3: sacrifice
The first thing to do is to keep record of everything you spend money on for a month. Make several categories and write down everything you spend. I usually have categories such as food, smokes, telephone bill, credit card payments, and misc expenses. It will vary based on what your expenses are.
after a month look at where you are spending money and see where you can trim it down. This is a very good exercise to see where you are really spending your money. I found that I spend a lot of money on fast food. When I actually added up how much I was spending I was shocked. It wasnt worth it.
Then you have to create a budget and stick with it. Cut back on spending where you can and put that money in a savings account. Its really amasing what you can live without. I am an extreme example but I do not have much anymore.
1. I uninsured my car for the winter. Its too cold for me to drive and too expensive. I saved $260 a month on insurance and probably $100 a month on gas.
2. eat out less. I have been teaching myself how to cook and preparing meals ahead of time. this saves me a lot of money.
3. cut the cell phone bill. I downgraded my cell phone so I only have text messaging on my phone. I use work and friends phones to call locally when I must and text my friends and family long distance. I save $40 a month
4. DONT BUY ANYTHING UNLESS YOU REALLY NEED IT. This is a big one. Most items we do not really need. Before you buy something, think, can this old one do for now. and do i need to replace it.
for example: I had a laptop that was 5 years old. A few buttons came off but I could still just press the board underneath and the letter would work. I used my computer for a year like this. It was also really slow. I finally broke down and bought a new one. It was only $500. It was also Christmas time so my mom bought a lot of it as a gift.
since january the only items I bought were: fleece pants ( i needed them because it was sooo cold outside and my knees always got cold) a fleece jacket ( i had lost my other one) and a balaclava ( i walk everywhere and at -40 your face starts to freeze).... that is all i have bought other than food.
Sometimes I choose not to go for drinks because it isnt in my budget. I get sad at times and miss my car or sad at missing out on social events. I just remind myself of my goal and why Im saving money. You have to sacrifice other things in order to save.
I also work really hard. I have two jobs right now and work 7 days a week between the two. I have been able to do this for 2 months. Luckily, a fulltime position which pays way more became available. I can now work one fulltime job and make more per a month. I also do a lot of oddjobs. I housesit and dogsit for people. In december I made $400 doing this. I also do cleaning and babysitting. I signed up to do volunteer ambulance service. I get paid some money for doing this and they pay for my first aid training. I also signed up to be on call for substitute teaching at the local school.
also, i live with a family. I rent a room from them for cheap. Its a great deal because it includes everything and I dont have to buy furniture or anything. I have a home phone and internet included. However, I have a very small room and a small bed. I also have to adjust to living with two people that I dont know well. It has worked out well because these two have treated me like one of the family. I work nights and the lady works days so we arent around each other too much.
The point of all of this. I am saving up to go to ireland for 3 weeks with my mother in september. I have wanted to do this for a long time. after that I want to travel for 2 years without working to south america. Basically i am going to work super hard and sacrifice for an amasing life experience with no work for 2 years.
@winston90 (296)
• Romania
26 Feb 12
I guess you need money, in order to be able to save some.
What about those who do not get employed because they ahve no previous experience, and also, they do not know anybody in that company.
They have almost no chance in getting a job.
They always have to search and hope to find some ways to live by.
It is very hard, I am telling you.
Some of them are lucky to have the support of their family, but this is not okay either, because you have to have your own life sometimes, and not depend on someone else, even if they are your mother and father.
@yanzalong (18987)
• Indonesia
24 Feb 12
Yes, that happens to me too. When I have more money, there is always something unexpected that we need to buy or spend on.
The plan to buy new phones, and new clothes finally didn't come off.
It seems that money comes and evaporates easily.
We can hardly save it for a rainy day.
@winston90 (296)
• Romania
24 Feb 12
And after you save some money for rainy days and you make some extra something comes up and all money has to go, on something that ususlly shouldn't happen.
@sourabharoy1992 (730)
• India
24 Feb 12
Its great way to spent money. Why you are feeling tied? You can earn from a lot money if you work hard.
@winston90 (296)
• Romania
26 Feb 12
It's easy to speak when you live in a great country.
but here in romania no employer looks at you if you have no previous experience.
You can have 2 diplomas and a Phd, if you haven't worked anywhere before, or you do not know someone with an important position in the company, you have no way of geting in.
They are always employing people they know or people with experience.
So I have any reason to feel sick of it, me and the other milion young men and women out there.
@ariel_babyann (2)
• China
24 Feb 12
Exactly. I feel so so so tired and stressful lately. Not enough salary.Lot of bill to pay. And earning is much harder than spending.
@winston90 (296)
• Romania
26 Feb 12
I know what you mean.
Thay say "Easy come, easy go", but i say "Hard come, easy go".
I don't really know a safe way of getting money easily, so I guess there are few ways you can earn money just by snaping your fingers.
Also, it is much easier to spend the money you've got easily, because you didn't have a hard time earning those money, so you do not care for it, as much as you would if you have worked a full week for it for instance.
@winston90 (296)
• Romania
24 Feb 12
What is it that we can do to change that?
There has to be something we can do. I mean, there has to be something we can do.
Many rich people were born poor, so you can not blame it on bad luck that you haven't got enough money.
I really wonder, what can we do?
@crimsonladybug (3112)
• United States
23 Feb 12
I have that same problem. I've been trying to move to a new city for several years. I have a goal of $3000 to cover moving expenses (deposit, first month's rent, utility hookups, groceries... etc) and every time I get almost to that goal, I lose my job or my computer breaks or something else happens and I get to start over.
Good luck :)
@rarora144 (34)
• India
23 Feb 12
i also have same problem i want to buy a web server for my website and thts costing around 450$ per yr so i hav started looking for some ways to earn cash fast so tht i can buy my web server....
good luck to both of u. :)
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
24 Feb 12
I am finally in a place where I am starting to feel financially secure. The rise of gas prices has me a bit worried, but right now I am working close to home, but the high cost of fuel will also increase every other expense.
i do understand the feeling.
@winston90 (296)
• Romania
24 Feb 12
I am very happy for you, and I wish you better!
I just hope that some day I can say the same thing about my life, and I willbe able to buy my children everything that they want (well, almost everything)
@winston90 (296)
• Romania
24 Feb 12
Welcome to the club.
I believe all mylotters are here to make some extra money, the question is, how much.
@woolscupiee (185)
• Philippines
24 Feb 12
In this situation of your life right now do you feel that you missed something to get you where you wanted? It sounds to me like you are working so hard to earn money yet loses it right-away to restore your health. When everything seems so tough, ask help from God. He alone can give you all you wanted in your life right now.
@winston90 (296)
• Romania
24 Feb 12
And how is God going to help me?
If you've read the whole Bible you would have discovered that having a life close to God doesn't make your present life better, but your AFTERLIFE. It is your afterlife that will be eternal and full of joy, not this life.
I am not necessarily losing money to strengthen my health, but to repair the things that break down,such as my car or other expenses that come.
@thornhunt (57)
23 Feb 12
i know how this feels, i was saving up to buy a new tv, i eventually got it on finiance because i wanted it sooner9big mistake) within 2 days i had to get new work clothes compleatly, there not cheap. 5 pairs of trousers and 5 shirts eventually works out abit, needless to say i ended up loosing the money for the tv, a year and a half later its still biting me in the butt. though i suppose we learn from our mistakes
@winston90 (296)
• Romania
24 Feb 12
I worked all summer long full shifts, just so in september my car would break down and all the money I have saved has to go to the repairs, plus more.
So I worked for nothing, almost.
@khashknight (33)
24 Feb 12
I know the feeling, Ive got the same problem, I do 12 shifts throughout the week and still have no money by the end of payday, perfect example (landed on the right day) today is my payday, after tax and stuff Ive got £912 then Ive got my rent, clothes, nappies, food etc.. for my son, Ive got my partner to look after and myself, I havent even got a car.
What Ive been looking at is ways to make money online, in some cases it is possible but it pays so little, there is a a formula though which makes things seem alittle easier when trying to earn money online, find something quick and simple that you can do over and over that will earn you a dollar a time, do that a million times and you're a millionaire. Stupid and simple but potentally worth while.
@winston90 (296)
• Romania
24 Feb 12
I guess we just wasn't lucky to be bborn in a rich family, like other people. Don't get me wrong, I love my family very much andI wouldn't giveup on them fro all the riches in the world, but I am just saying that other people are born with everytthing and other with nothing. We are somewhere in the middle.