I don't remember you...

@Cranos (273)
February 24, 2012 9:59pm CST
This week I was in my hometown for the first time in a few years. I ran into a lot of old acquaintances from high school, but I also ran into 4 people I couldn't remember at all. It's not just that I didn't remember their name, nothing about them ringed a bell. Two of them kept asking about other people from high school I was supposed to know. Worst of all they were acting really excited as if we were old friends. =/ Had a couple of pretty awkward conversations... Anyway, do you ever run into people you just don't remember anymore? What do you usually do in those situations?
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11 responses
@obe212003 (2299)
• Philippines
25 Feb 12
When I visited my hometown, a guy called me by name, came towards me and shook my hand. Surprisingly, I can't remember where we met, but as he mentioned we were in the same school way back 35 years ago, lol! Although, it seems awkward not knowing him, all his stories with regards to school days were worth reminiscing. When he showed me some pictures during those days, i could not believe that he is the guy I used to pick on [bullied], lol!
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@tommyj (45)
• United States
25 Feb 12
I was in a grocery store and had a guy come up to me with his girlfriend said how long it had been since he had seen me. I could not for the life of me remember who he was.
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
25 Feb 12
Yes, it happens to me all the time, though not lately. I hate to admit it, but Ii act like I do remember them. I ask them how they're doing and all that. I guess I don't want to hurt their feelings. Recently I was at a library and this girl said hi to me and said I've wondered what happened to you. I couldn't remember who shewas. But the next day, thinking about it I'm pretty sure she was an old girlfriend. It's a sign of getting old.
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@Cranos (273)
• Belgium
25 Feb 12
0_o yes an ex girlfriend does sound like the kind of person you'd usually remember. xD
@jhuddith (222)
• Philippines
25 Feb 12
I've been through that situation also. I attended the wedding of a closed friend who happened to be my class mate back in college. Then during the reception, two of her wedding guests approached me and they were somewhat excited to seeing me too. I can't seem to remember their names but their faces are familiar to me. We chatted and chatted stuffs about the newly weds with me not remembering their names, the good thing is that they remember mine. When I got home, I immediately got hold of my college yearbook and look for their names.It was only then that I remembered their names.
@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
26 Feb 12
I run!!! No, I had a situation where the other guy continued telling me that he knew me from this and that place, and I never went there. He even got upset with me because I didnt remember. He got my first name right, but was thinking of another guy with the same first name but different last name. I was introduced as Cody Stewart, but I think that he didnt really hear it. He was sorry. For me, I am not around anyplace old friends are. I moved out quite early, and kept to myself. I have not seen an old friend in over 15 years. There are only a few people whos names I remember. That is sad, but I remember that I just wanted to get my life moving.
• Canada
25 Feb 12
I have been in a similar situation where I meet people that I don;t recognize but they act as if we are old friends. It makes for a pretty awkward situation as I don't want to seem ignorant enough to knot know that person. Sometimes I try to act along and see if I can remeber anything from what they say...
• Italy
25 Feb 12
Actually for me it is the opposite. i always fear that other people don't remember me so the result is that i don't say hello to anyone while walking outside. That makes me very rude i think.
@Cranos (273)
• Belgium
25 Feb 12
I don't say hello to anyone I don't really know well either. For me it's because I find those brief conversations meaningless though. I prefer to just go on with my business and not be delayed. Still, people never think I'm rude. I guess I'm good at the "Oh, I didn't see you there" act. Thing is, you don't know what other people are thinking and if they don't start a conversation with you there's no reason to worry about whether they think you're rude or not.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
25 Feb 12
Yes I do, when I'm in that situation I also greeted her but with a little confuse in my face. And then they will tell something about her reminding me things or situation way back. But sometimes too many reminders has been detailed to me yet I can't still remember I just act that I do remember her. For I don't want to embarrass her.
@prinzcy (32305)
• Malaysia
25 Feb 12
I've met a 'friend' that claimed she went to the same kindergarten as mine. Kindergarten! That was 24 years ago! I didn't remember her at all. I had hard time to recall someone from secondary school, let alone kindergarten. But I pretended that I did remember her. Fake smile always work in time like this. Besides, she asked typical question like my work, my life and whether I were married or not. It was pretty awkward though.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
25 Feb 12
yes, many times. usually those people who have taken care of me when i was a child. i just smile, nod and listen, secretly i ask my parents who they are. that way i won't hurt their feelings.
@vt689586 (584)
• India
25 Feb 12
this situation is very mi and vibrating because when we try to remember those person that are missed by you but you did not get any answer form yourself.well in situation like that i talk with other friends and try to figure out those people from their conversation.and usually i get some hints about them and after that i try my best to find them.
@azi1147 (21)
• Philippines
25 Feb 12
I did went into an event once where 3 people approached me and began discussing bout things I'm not even involved of with as I remember. Just when I knew that they thought I was their friend because to them I look just like her, t'was a funny experience though. But, before their so-called conversation have gotten too far I already acknowledge there unawareness though. I did explained to them in a polite manner who I was and that they might have mistaken me from somebody else whom they really know which was the real situation. I guess, it all just bares down on how you will handle yourself in such situations like these, right. :)