How Do You Handle Loud And Noisy Neighbors?

February 25, 2012 2:54am CST
I live in an apartment complex when the only thing that separates me from my neighbor is a wall. It's a tiny apartment just enough for 2-3 people so one has to really minimize the sound so that the other neighbor would not be disturbed. In my case hubby and I are the newcomers to this apartment complex and my next door neighbor has been round for like 3 years. My neighbor has 5 kids plus the maternal grandmother of the kids, they tried to fit in the small apartment. The mom is so loud and so is her mom and the kids. Come the weekend the husband plays really loud music using an amplifier. The wall on my side of the apartment vibrates.Most often times I wake up late during the weekend since it's the only time I could sleep late coz hubby doesn't go to work well only to be awaken by the sound of loud music. They know they play loud music because they talked to me once that they do play loud music and wants me to accept this fact since they have been round for years. I am really pissed off by this inconsiderate selfish immature behavior. I already told them that they could play music as long as it is not that loud enough to wake up someone from sleep. But still they play loud music that most often times I cannot even hear when I'm talking to someone on the phone or when I am watching tv. I am thinking of calling the police on them since talking to the landlord did not do anything. How bout you what would you do in this case? What would be the best thing to do?
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52 responses
• United States
25 Feb 12
When we lived in a town home apartment we had that problem. At least yours one includes a family. Our neighbors were a bunch of college kids. We called up the cops. That helped a lot. Actually, it is taken as breaking law if someone disturbs their neighbor by playing music loudly. So there you go, you have a case that can be solved by cops.
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• Philippines
25 Feb 12
yeah college kids could be a headache...especially when they have a house party.It could get wild and rowdy and it is not at all pleasing. One would be forced to call the cops on them if they really would not tone down and cooperate.
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• United States
26 Feb 12
Call the cops because they are going to continualy be inconsiderate until someone of actual influence to them steps in.
• United States
27 Feb 12
Yep, creating fear in them is the only way. They have no right to disturb someone else's peace. Noise pollution is breaking the law.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
25 Feb 12
Hi Candy, Well, I've always lived in apts and so in my thinking, noise of the neighbors is just a part of the nature of the beast. I KNOW that in most cases, I will hear my neighbors and they will hear me so I'm pretty tolerant. Still, there are limits. When the music is so loud that you can't hear someone on the phone....that is just disrespectful and especially if you have told them that it bothers you. I had a neighbor a couple of years back that played in a band. My walls would shake too, when he got to jamming. I could not hear my own music and didn't even try to. I will say that there were a couple of times when my daughter had migraines and I did go over ask him nicely to please turn it down. He always did. Also he kept it within decent hours. If you have tried talking to him and gotten no where and also tried talking with the landlord and gotten no where then I would call the cops. Most cities have a noise ordinance
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
27 Feb 12
It really is. Talk to the police and ask them what their noise ordinance is in your town. If it is that obnoxiously loud then I would think that any time of day it could present a problem. There are people who work nights and need to sleep and there are babies that sleep all hours. If it is as loud as you describe, I think it might fall under "disturbing the peace". Maybe if you get a cop to knock on their door and talk to them that would help. They won't be arrested or anything, I'm sure but the cop would tell them to turn it down & keep it down. Try it...what could it hurt?
• Philippines
27 Feb 12
well the landlord told me to just solve it amongst ourselves... hmmm I think he should have a hand in it to keep the peace and order within the apartment comples, don't ya think? I play music too however I keep it toned down that I do not bother anyone who may not appreciate the kind of music I play or maybe disturbed from their sleep. I guess it's a matter of being thoughtful and respectful.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
25 Feb 12
Ohhhh once I too have such neighbors and I remember my parents were forced to call the police and it did not help finally we were forced to leave the accommodation finally and shift to better place . Its really very painful to have such neighbors so best thing is if they do not listen to your request to live calmly than best way is to report it to police. Although we don't want to go to police but in situation ,as you have mentioned ,the only option is to call police and they will take care of the problem Hare Krishna Ganesh
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
25 Feb 12
Yes I can understand your problem such neighbors are really headache instead of fighting or arguing it is better to call the police so that they can handle them rightly Hare Krishna Ganesh
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• Philippines
25 Feb 12
yeah sometimes we are forced to do what we do not want to do and yes it is such a pain in the a** having noisy neighbors. I do not wanna leave this place coz the rent is cheap and although it's a small apartment it is very cozy. It is hard to look for an apartment in this neighborhood with a low rent. except for them the place is decent and suitable for living.
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@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
25 Feb 12
I guess the only way you can have peace and quiet is to move to another place. I don't think your neighbor will ever give you peace, knowing that they have 5 kids and the two mothers are noisy as well. You just have to move away from that situation.
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• Philippines
27 Feb 12
I just moved in 2 months ago and it ain't easy looking for an apartment at all. not to mention that it would cost us a whole lot again if we move. you know the advance payments on the new apartment paying the movers to help us our stuff.... at this point it is not practical to do so financially.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
25 Feb 12
I really don't know how to deal with them, I had one terrible neighbor so when I lost patience I started to punch the wall when she was too loud, and she would stop. It almost got out of hand. In the begining maybe the best thing is to ask them or something but there are *ss that could actually get angry with that and do worse.
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• Philippines
25 Feb 12
hahaha I do not punch the walls though but at one point having awaken from my sleep I was in a terrible mood. So what I did was cursing loudly and swore that if they did not tone it down I'd call up the local officials in the neighborhood. It shut them up but the next weekend there they go again. So frustrating really....
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@almond24 (1248)
• Hungary
26 Feb 12
Punching the wall might convince them that you are not afraid... Some years ago my roommate did the same, punched the wall with a broomstick and shouted loudly that she would call the police. It worked, at least the neighbors remained quiet for quite a long time.
@Mashnn (4501)
25 Feb 12
That would be the best solution for you right now since the landlord won't listen to you. The problem is that, calling the cop will create enemity between you and the family.
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• Philippines
25 Feb 12
yeah i know calling the cops would worsen the matter however if this would be the last recourse.
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@Mashnn (4501)
25 Feb 12
You can try to give it a trial once again by talking to them and the lardlord.Tell that your husband is having hard time sleeping after a tiring day. If they do not listen to you then I you can take that action of calling the cops.
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@BarBaraPrz (48705)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
25 Feb 12
Being there first doesn't give them the right to be obnoxious, and the landlord should know that. If he won't do anything, I'd call the police, but I don't know what the law is in your jurisdiction. Is there another apartment on the other side of that one? What about above and below? Do those occupants complain, too, or are they all deaf?
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
25 Feb 12
I would definitely be calling the law on them. They are being unfair, and to me it seems like it's been accepted and ignored for too long. Do you have other neighbors then them that can possibly hear it too? Then I'd call the police and let them know, it's gone on too long and whether or not they've been there longer shouldn't and DOESN'T matter. They know the walls are thin, and they are being outright disrespectful. Document when it happens for a few days, the times of day and the loudness on a scale of one to ten, if you can record how loud it is, then do so. Then call the police and ask them to come out and talk to them, explain what's been going on.
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@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
25 Feb 12
Dear candy.. This is my concern too... my best recourse it buy a super duper ultimate "ear plugs"
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@lil_toni (206)
25 Feb 12
It's difficult to tell them and make them understand your side and yet they don't care at all with you and the people that they disturbed.I don't know how to handle that kind of problem.Maybe, I will find and move to another apartment because I can't bear to live with those people in one place.If calling the police still won't do,then better look for another place to stay in.Although we have neighbors who are sometimes noisy,but at least not everyday.But there were times at night when our neighbor was drunk, he would really talk with a very loud voice.Our neighbor on the other side can't make her baby stop from crying.And it's very irritating to hear.I think she's too lazy to take care of her children.
• Canada
25 Feb 12
We've had that problem before but ours got resolved by talking to the landlord and he talked to the tenants but if it doesn't get resolved like this then the best thing to do would be to call the cops and they will sort it out for you...
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@hunibani (720)
• Philippines
25 Feb 12
Here in our village, my neighbors are soooo noisy! I can't imagine how ignorant they are. Sometimes I can tolerate them, but when my reached my limit I go to their house and talk about my concern, and if I don't want to bother or to have discussion to them I contact police lol
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• Philippines
25 Feb 12
and police it is huh... well guess we do not have to do that if they know what living peaceably and respectfully with their neighbors means. Unfortunately these kind of folks do not, they are like savages doing what they wanna do without ever thinking if it would hurt or disturb others.
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• India
25 Feb 12
Hi , i truly accept your problem. your neighbor should understand, Wen i get leave i too prefer sleeping for late hours . They should not disturb other people like this. You speak with your landlord again and tell them to take some action and if they are not doing anything . In every apartment they is a committee , president etc ,who take charge of everything speak to them. Give a complaint , surely they will take some steps.
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25 Feb 12
you are correct shazia the committe members of apartment will take certain action regarding this thing.. in my company also one dts sound will keep on disturbing if possible you take certain action this shazia as soon as possible....
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• Italy
25 Feb 12
I tell you this: I live in an appeasement were walls are thinner that toilet paper! I can hear the family next to me where there are two babies always running around. On the other side there is a family where unfortunately the daughter has religious crisis and up there is another family with one child that seems throwing iron balls on the ground at every hour! I try to ask them making less noise: "yes don't worry this is the last time, promised". Till the start again 10 minutes after. that condominium life dark side.
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@GemmaR (8517)
25 Feb 12
Sometimes, we don't realise just how much of the noise that we make can travel through the walls to our neighbours' houses. We got some new people next door not so long ago, and we can often hear entire conversations that are taking place through our walls, even when they're not shouting. It makes me embarrassed because I think what if they can hear everything that we say, and they probably can. Try having a word with them, and if they don't stop making so much noise you should go to the police because everybody has the right to live a quiet and peaceful life if they should wish to do so.
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
26 Feb 12
I did have the same problem like you before. It is a real headache and painful having to live through your life beside an inconsiderate and rude people as neighbor, i just don't know the best way to handle such uncultured people that can't seem to understand about the adage "Silent is Golden" and being a good neighbor to whoever around. These people are just plain selfish, calling cop on them may not even work out alright after the cop is gone, they may have hated you after that and resort to violent to get even with you. Unless your city has ordinance forbid loud music after midnight, chances are police can't do much to silent them. Sometime i really hope someone can get a fire arm and blow these people away for good if the noise cause me headache and having sleepless nights before i do it.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
27 Feb 12
Well, in that case, you just have to be ready and be prepared for the worst case scenario. I am no doubt selfish and holligan neighbor like yours will not stop for a moment to take revenge on you once the cops are gone. That is why i said it is a big headache having to deal with someone like that as neighbor. Sometimes be civiled with these uncivilized and uncultured people would never solve existing problem. It depend how crazy you are driven by their loud noises and how long can your brain tolerate their nonsense every night, long term under loud and noisy nights can drive someone temporarily insane according to scientific research, it all depend on your ability to hold on. Probably you need to have a chat with your landlord soon to control them.
• Philippines
27 Feb 12
i feel the same way about blowing them people... yeah you are right after calling the cops they might resort to something violent and in that case it could get worse... question is how far would they dare to go and how far will i be willing to take it to????
@vt689586 (584)
• India
25 Feb 12
it is very difficult to handle this kind of neighbors or it is almost impossible to handle them because such kind of people have no idea how to talk or how to behave with other person and if are trying to be so kind with them then they think you are nothing.i have one neighbor also with this kind of attitude and i just ignore him all the way ,this the best way to deal with them.
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26 Feb 12
When you signed your lease, wasn't there a clause about loud music or nioses. Most apartment complexes have that clause. They say you must not play loud music to bother your neighbors, between certain hours or too loud. Since your landlord will do nothing call the police, but you must do it when the loud music is playing, otherwise the cops will think you are just complaining. Looks like the landlord is not doing his job. The fact that they have lived there longer means nothing if they don't care how they behave.
• Philippines
27 Feb 12
the owner of the apartment is an old guy and not really schooled so we did not sign any contract. When we first looked at the place it was quiet little did I know that there were rowdy beasts next to the house I was going to lease and who appeared to be neighborly only to find out they were nosy and very opportunistic. It was not just the noise that really ticked me off it was also the attitude of these people. They came into my house without being invited and their eyes would search the house. They would like to ask for this and that and whenever I am cooking they were there in a heartbeat and would point out that they like whatever it was I am cooking well sort of asking me to give them.... did not mean to be selfish but i told them point blank that I have a budget to keep and it would be better if they buy all their groceries that they needed and stop asking me for anything.
27 Feb 12
Boy I would be out of there in a flash. If you can't move, keep your doors locked. Call the cops. I bet they come out there a lot. I live it one of those apartments owned by an old lady. But I am lucky, nice and quiet here. Most people work, and everyone is friendly. I guess your landlord is only interested in the money. Good Luck.
@luisaR (452)
• Philippines
25 Feb 12
the best you can do,get a new apartment. Nothing else. These people will make you lose the good side of you. They are so uncultured, you don't need to deal with them. I always change apartment when I don't like my neighbors.
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• Italy
26 Feb 12
That's called sound pollution, too much Noises all over the day is known to be not healthy for you and your sanity. So yeah, hurry up and call police and set those things up, if they selfish and think only about themselves and also think they can do whatever they want, suggest them to go live in the middle of nowhere.
• Italy
26 Feb 12
if they ARE selfish, how did I forget to type "are"? Meh, and no edit button either.