Muslims & Christian are the Same...??? Agreed???
By Tushavi
@Tushavi (2077)
Karachi, Pakistan
February 25, 2012 5:49am CST
[b]hi to all
well, after some Research on Muslim & Christians, I Assume that these Religions are Kind of Similar to each other, I Know Muslim Believe on 1 GOD (Allah) & Christian Believe that GOD are 3, This a very common differ to both religions,
but do you know???
Muslim Believe on Marriage & Family Life, Christians Believe on Same, Christians Believe on heaven, Muslim Believe on Same, also Same Devil or Evil Believes, Same Preaching of "RESPECT YOUR PARENTS", So Guys You Agreed Muslim & Christians are Same??? Only THE BIG DIFFERENCE OF 1 or 3 GOD Believing??? or if they are not same, THEY ARE SIMILAR TO EACH OTHER??? whats your thoughts??? have a nice day.[/b]
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27 responses
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
1 Mar 12
Hi Tushavi, infact all religion bound to be the same :)
Long long back .. there were no religionS. When human was created by God there was only one religion, Which was the guide lines from Almighty God who created human kind. God has revealed why he created humanbeing , and what is the human being is created for and what a human supposed to do here and all...
When the human beings got multiplied, God has assigned more prophets in different regions and in different times to revive the people with the teachings of God. However as a basic human nature humans tend to divert and do bad deeds or invent something else to live in better way or escape from reality. So people invented several ways of life in contrast to the teachings of God. Those later became religions and ideologies. While the teachings of God to human kind in all the times, which is known as ISLAM.
Jesus don't know the word 'christian' it was named after that. Actually Jesus was one of the prophet as I mentioned above to revive the people and to covey the teachings of God, the revelations Jesus received is known as Injeel(Gospel). Jesus was preaching nothing but Islam, also Moses, Abraham, David, Solomon, Mohammad, etc. They all were teaching same basic thing, Worship only One Almighty God, do good deeds, and live life as per God's instruction and follow their respective prophets of their time. Jesus was the prophet for the people of his time, Moses was prophet for the people of his time, finally Prophet Mohammad is the final messenger and he is the prophet for all people from his time onwards till the end of the world.
So people used to follow Jesus and Moses were gradually diverted away from the actual teachings of God, Jesus informed them about coming of next and last prophet Mohammed and to believe in him once he come. Later on many people diverted, and changed the religious texts for self pride or priests and of racist mentality. And the crucifixion and trinity became the basic of Christianity. Jesus has not taough such things. Jesus was a Muslim.
The word "Islam" and "Muslim" became famous only after Prophet Mohammed, as the word "Islam" is Arabic term, there were having same term or equivalent term during previous prophetic time but it all are same with slight variations of rules as per the people and time, Islam was completely fulfilled at the time of Prophet Mohammad.
Since the Book known as Bible today might have some teachings or Gospel of Jesus, but not the exact, human hands has made it mixture of many things. See the Quran it is intact in it's original language now without change of any single word from it. Quran is the final edition of user manual for human kind, revealed by the creator of human kind for the current version of humans. That is what we have to follow now.
Because of all these origin similarities they look similar, but they are not.
Hope you got it.
May Almighty God guide us all to the right path.
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@urbandekay (18278)
14 Mar 12
"Jesus informed them about coming of next and last prophet Mohammed and to believe in him once he come... ...Jesus was a Muslim. "
No, Jesus never mentioned Muhammad. And Jesus was not a Muslim, in his day there were no Muslims and no Islam, to claim otherwise is deceitful
all the best urban
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
14 Mar 12
He told you , but you did as Jews with Christ , Islam is Abraham religion .
Christ pointed out to him , and mention the name of Muhammad in the Old Testament, but you turn it to the recipe when translated from Hebrew into other languages ??.which the name so far: hekko Mamtakim zekhlow Muhammadim , and there are many signs in

@maidangela7349 (1191)
26 Feb 12
Islam, Christianity and Judism are all religions of the "book" originating in the middle east. All three accept Abraham as the founder of their religions although he took ideas from earlier religions. Like most human activities people have their own ideas on how the beliefs should be followed for political and other reasons, So you get the 3 major sections but with them you get further divisions. Islam has two major divisions and Christianity a number notably Catholics, protestant and the eastern orthodox branches but many many more such as the Mormons and the Jehovah's witnesses. The jews also have divisions. The muslims accept Jesus as a prophite as do the Jews. In fact the Muslims believe that he is a very important prophit as it ascended to heaven bodily as well as spirtiually so will one day return. These religions are important in that some people need things like this to believe in. The problems arise when people start taking those beliefs seriously

@maidangela7349 (1191)
28 Feb 12
Jehovah's witnesses do use the bible but I accept they have a very odd way of looking at the teaching. If the Mormons say they believe in salvation by grace or the holy trinity then they do even if they do redefine things. I was told that the Muslims believe that Jesus ascended bodily to heaven in the big Mosque in Damascus where they have a tower where he was said to have ascended. I fail to see why religion should be of any importance in one's life as all religions are based on myths which are subject to change by many different preachers. In fact I only start taking religious beliefs seriously when practitioners start using the belief to gain personal advantage for themselves. For some reason you have taken adultery as an example and in fact I know some married couples who do practice adultery without any problems.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
29 Feb 12
Abraham is the prophet's father , he knew his God through meditation and reflection ,even he knew Him he was on natural religion , Monotheistic religions not created byhumans, but has revealed by God to the chosen of His slaves to be messengers humans .
Muslims know what happened to Christ , he was not crucified ,and that God gave a semi-Christ is someone else who was crucified in his place ,God raised Christ to him , a neighborhood in the sky ,He will bring him down to in The end of time on earth. One of the Torah prophecies point
out that Muslims will bear witness to Christ and tell the truth , about what happened to him : :
" But people will come after them will come and worship God they are a people yetunborn, and will tell people that what happened , but it is amiracle of God "Psalm 22
most of Shiites not follow the right religion which revealed by God to Muhammad peace be upon him , so please don't take your information about Islam from them , if you want to know the truth . thanks

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
25 Feb 12
I agree, they are essentially the same. We both worship one God and both believe in basic morals. With Christians it's the 10 commandments that tell us not to steal, kill, covet, dishonor our parents, etc. I'm sure that Muslims have a similar code. From what I've read we believe many of the same things. But we each have radical elements that separate from the majority. With us it's Christian Fundamentalists that rave and aggressively try to convert people and even get violent at times. With Muslims it's the small radical terrorist sect.
Most religions are more alike than people know. We should all accept each other and respect how we worship differently yet the same.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
28 Feb 12
dragon54u, have you actually studied Islam? Have you read the Koran?
Fundamentalists are those who take their scriptures or official teachings seriously and try to follow them as closely as possible.
Most people who call themselves "Christian fundamentalists" aren't true fundamentalists as their beliefs have more to do with the Republican party than the Bible.
What small Muslim terrorist sect do you mean? Al-Quaida, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban ... There seem to be a lot of them! They are fundamentalists because the Koran advocates violence in the cause of spreading Islam.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
28 Feb 12
I'm going on what I've learned from the Muslims I have spoken with. They are decent people who try to stick to a decent code of conduct that seems to be a lot like what Christians believe. The fundamentalists I've known are as far from the Republican party as I can imagine and seem to think everyone will be damned if they don't adhere to the fundamentalist beliefs.
If you take the true number of Muslim terrorist sects and compare it to the world's Muslim population I think you'll find that the terrorists are a small minority.
It's true that there are some passages in the Koran that advocate violence against those that refuse to convert but the Muslims I have talked to have no intention of killing anyone that does not convert.
@cairalyssa (1402)
• Malaysia
29 Feb 12
I maybe not a fundamentalist, and in Islam teaching. We must treat all kind of religions with respect even with Jewish. Islam dont force anybody to convert to this religion unless u do it because your heart are open to convert to this religion.
In Islam there are words that call ' munafik '. It means - people who pretends that they are muslim for bad interest. They give bad names to Islam by pretending like a muslim. But i doubt they are those who believe and understand Qoran.There are no teaching in islam that we can kill anyone. It is only Exceptional upon unavoidable war.
There are no passage in Koran that advocate violence against those who refuse to convert. I doubt you can provide me anything that relates to that.
watch this video, .. all the things they said were based on facts of Qoran and Bible

@shibham (16977)
• India
5 Mar 12
Hi .....
1. difference number one.... Muslim (the name of the religion is actually Islam as far i know) has many epics like the prime Kuran-E-Swariff, Kuran-E-Manjil, Kuran-E-Hadish etc but Christian has only BIble(old and new testament).
2. The Christians are divided into two sections of people.... Roman Cathelic and Protestant where as Islam is divided into four... Sheikh, Syed, Mughal and Pathan.
3. The full name of Jesus is Jesus christ but Mohammad's full name is Abu Bin Kashim Mohammad Eban Abadullah Eban Al Muttalib Eban Al Hasim. Here the name includes his father's name, grand father's name and race.
Any more you need? Have a nice time.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
6 Mar 12
The full name of Jesus is not Jesus Christ. Jesus's full name is not known and christ meaning the anointed one is not a name. It is more like a job description or title.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
6 Mar 12
Quran is Quran I mean inside the book is same words , I didn't understand what is the name of Quran which you sent , and this name too Sheikh, Syed, Mughal and Pathan. what is this ?
Mohammad name ( peace be upon him): Mohammad Eben Abdullah Eben Abdullah Eben AbaduAl-Muttalib Eben Hashim Eben AbduManaf
Juses name ( peace be upon him) : Juses Ben Maryam (Mary In English) Because God created him without father .
but Chtistians gave him a name and said that he was of the seed of David peace nbe upon him .
About the name Christ : this is a adjective ,

@andy77e (5156)
• United States
26 Feb 12
We believe that G-d came down to us in the form of a man, named Jesus Christ. Further, we believe that Jesus paid the penalty for sin.
He redeemed those who believe and follow him, by paying for our evil in blood.
The 3 in 1, is a difficult Christian concept. It means that G-d is one, but he has three parts of the one. Very difficult. It means that He is G-d the father. G-d the son. And G-d the holy ghost.
The best way to understand it is like a family. Tushavi family. Tushavi Father. Tushavi Wife. Tushavi Son. You are all part of the Tushavi Family. Separate but part of one family.
Still not easy to understand, but that's the best I can say it. We don't believe in many G-d's. We are not polytheist. We do not have a god of the sun, god of the moon, god of the stars, god of rain, and so on.
There is only one G-d. But He is three parts.
G-d the son, came to Earth, in the form of Jesus Christ.
I now that's hard to understand, but that is what we believe. 

@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
29 Feb 12
you mean religions which people put it ' unheavnly religions ,
thanks .
about what you believe in , I think that God is one not three , He almighty not need to son or wife ,
that is what human need not God , so He is God .
Jesus peace be upon him is a great prophet , There is a miracle in his birth without father ,
God do that befor in Adam creation ( without father or mother ) and Eve ( without mother )
What is left ? Create a human being without a father , he was Jesus peace be upon him
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@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
26 Feb 12
Christians, Muslims and Jews are all similar in the fact that they all branched off from the original Hebrews. The first few books of each's religious writings are the same in fact. At one juncture the Muslims believed that God sent Muhammad as the promised savior/profit. The Christians believed it was Jesus and the Jews are still waiting for him. Basically ( a little simplified) the big difference in beliefs. The base beliefs though or fundamentals are all the same. Family, honor, trust and charity. Withen all of these religions there branches some who lean more towards certain beliefs then others. Some more extreme and some so lax one would be surprised that the people are religious at all. This is the same for all three as well.
Also you are wrong. Christians beleive in one God. Jesus was his son, and the Holy spirit is more of an emotional aspect.

@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
2 Mar 12
Grap, The first 5 books (chapters so to say)of the Bible, Koran and Torah are the same. Over many Generation each religion and each sect of those religions have "tweaked" the writings to suit there own views. Originally they where the same. The stories are all the same but with things lost in translation as each religions words change some meaning slightly so on so forth . DO to language some names are different like Juan is the equivalent to John, Mary to Maria.
Samar, There is one God in the Christian religion. If you would like compare the lineage to King ships. There is one King and only one king. Jesus as God's son would be a Prince. As a peasant you would bow to both but God would be the only king. See what I mean.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
28 Feb 12
I don't know what you mean by "The first few books of each's religious writings are the same in fact." About 3/4 of the Christian Bible is the same as the Jewish Tanakh. The Koran makes a lot of references to the Bible but doesn't actually incorporate any of it's books. In fact it accuses Jews and Christians of corrupting their scriptures.
I look on the Holy Spirit as a sort of interface that gives you access to God and his power.

@urbandekay (18278)
9 Mar 12
At the time of Muhammad, many Arabs were Christian and the tribes where split between those fighting for the Orthodox Church and those on the side of the Monophysites.
Muhammad first tried to appeal to Jews and Christians and hoped to be recognised as a prophet but was rejected.
In order to unite the warring tribes he invented the fictional character Isa to replace Jesus, who was just a prophet and avoided crucifixion, thus avoiding the Christological dispute that divided the tribes but made the character bogus and a deceiver.
Islam, like Judaism but unlike Christianity is a rule based religion but unlike Judaism offers the world nothing new.
all the best urban

@urbandekay (18278)
11 Mar 12
Jerusalem... please do not confuse Socialism with Communism. Socialism, at least in Britain, has religious origins and some socialist strands in UK today still retain such. Indeed, many of those brave martyrs and heroes of the British socialist movement that won decent working conditions; conditions that have spread to some extent throughout much of the world were devout.
all the best urban
@urbandekay (18278)
12 Mar 12
What you say is true but the origins of British socialism pre-dates Marx and springs from different Christian roots not dialectic materialism that is why it is best not to confuse the two
all the best urban
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Mar 12
Yes, I have heard of the verse in Quran you are speaking of, very interesting in light of all the troubles.

@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
16 Mar 12
Not the same but the difference are not so much we should be killing each other. Even the Qur'an says that Muslims shouldn't argue with people of the book that all will be revealed on the final day of judgement. Not all Christians believe God and Jesus are the same being either.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
19 Mar 12
samar, when people try to prove that Islam is peaceful they often quote part of 5:32. They don't quote it's entirety because then it would show that it's a rule for Jews, not Muslims. 5:33, is the most violent verse in the Koran and makes it blatantly obvious that Islam isn't a peaceful religion (depends how you interpret "make war" - somebody actually sending an army or just saying bad things about Islam?).
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
17 Mar 12
Graptopetalum ,
You mean this verse? :
" The recompense of those who make war against Allah and His Messenger and spread corruption in the land is that they are to be killed or crucified, or have their hand and a foot cut off on opposite sides, or be expelled from the land. For them is shame in this world and a great punishment in the Everlasting Life " Al-Maaida-33
What about it ?

@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
27 Feb 12
In some respects Muslims and Christians are similar, but there are differences./ I believe the most striking difference is in the fact that Christians have free will. They may be born into Christian homes, but they are not born Christians. They must make that choice themselves after they reach the age of accountability. Still, they will be encouraged to remain Christians until the end of their life, but no one will throw them in jail should they choose to practice another religion.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Mar 12
Are you saying by this, samar that Islam allows people to choose for themselves whether to be Mulim or Christian? Why then so many witnesses from Islamic countries that say otherwise? Why do we see for ourselves the gruesomeness of the beheadings for things like merely being a Jew or Christian? Why the tapes of the mullahs who say it is good to kill the infidel? Why, in our own country are young women and men being killed by their parents because they are to 'western' or have 'western' friends or ideas? This is not merely propaganda, we can see with our own eyes the bloodshed and the laws against being Christian or Jew. We hear with our own ears the call to destroy us and Israel. I pray to God it is not true. But the evidence is overwhelming that it is true.
God have mercy on ALL of us. I truly want to believe you when you say this is NOT Islam.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
10 Mar 12
Islam does not force anyone to be a Muslim , if he was another religion and wants to remain so, says God in the Quran:
" There is no compulsion in religion. Righteousness is now distinct from error. He who disbelieves in the idol and believes in Allah has grasped the firmest tie that will never break. Allah is Hearing, Knowing."?Al-Baqara-256.
"Had your Lord willed, whosoever is in the earth,all would have believed. Would you then constrain people until they believe?"Yunus-99.
and said " To you your religion, and to me my Religion." Al-Kaaaferoon-6 .
But if you are referring to in this apostasy for those who announced his conversion to Islam and leave Islam because it is manipulation of religions.

@pahak627 (5068)
• Philippines
26 Feb 12
There's no such belief as 3 gods. There is only one God. I guess muslims and christians are the same in almost all ways. We both believe in one God however, muslims call their God Allah while christians who believe in the holy trinity, particularly catholics and other religious groups said that there are 3 persons in the God that they believe. But there are also christians who believe that God is composed only of one person like the muslims.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Mar 12
What MOST Christians believe is that God became man in the person of Jesus. That is not the same as 3 gods. It is the belief that YHWH Himself became man to redeem, buy back, the lost who were in sin through Adam's disobedience. Read the book of Ruth for the teaching of 'kinsman redeemer'. And it does matter what God's true name is. If I went around under an assumed name, pretending to be someone I'm not, would you believe me when I went back to using my 'real' name. One way God has revealed Himself to mankind is through the Holy Name. The Ha'Shem. The name of a thing carries the idea of what that thing is; so it is with God's Holy name. It speaks of His nature.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
28 Feb 12
pahak627, by definition, Christians believe in the Holy Trinity. Anybody who doesn't is not a Christian!

@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
25 Feb 12
Hello, Tushavi. I agree that they are similar. I believe in ONE (GOD) YAHVAH who muslims call ALLAH. I do not believe that Yashua (Jesus) is a (GOD), but the son. He did not exist before. He became the son of YAHVAH when he was baptized. The spirit indwelled within him and he became his son. Have a nice day too, Tushavi. :)
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Mar 12
Do we really believe God is pleased with all this division over HIM? Does He condone all this discord over who He is and what He wants? Does He get pleasure over men of faith killing in His name, hating in His name?
Everyone is free to believe as they wish, and for what ever reasons they wish. And if all of us REALLY TRULY believe that God is Holy, that He desires our worship, we wouldn't not see the division.
The division is there because of mankind's inante prideful nature.
I believe that God is Holy. I believe He loves me and all others and desires my worship and love and the love and worship of all of us. I believe He wants what is best for mankind, to be in His presence and under His protection. But according to all beliefs, God wants one sect or religion to kill the other sect or religion. How can this be from a perfect Holy God?
We are all here discussing this as decent and kind people. It is good to do so. But I hope it leads to more than just; I am right and you are wrong. The world is in turmoil over these three religions right now. And if we do not learn to discuss our differences under the banner of God's love, we are doomed.

@mgzg11 (139)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
25 Feb 12
Maybe Muslims seeing Christians as fanatics too. It's in a human nature to think that those "others" are wrong, and "we" are right. Anyway, you have every right to have your opinion, and mine is that minority of Muslim fanatics are not much different from minority of Christian fanatics.
And about different Gods, I think it's the same God, just with different names.
@cairalyssa (1402)
• Malaysia
29 Feb 12
i agreed with you Adhy! Roughly Muslim and Christian teaching same good life fundamental. But there are also many differences in historical way. But the core is, What's wrong is wrong, what's right is right. i believe in this world we live today, Christians, Moslems, or whatever we believe in, if we commit a sin, it will still be wrong. If we do good deed, we will get good return.
terrorist are criminals, they claimed they are moslem, but there are not following Islam teaching.

@mgzg11 (139)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
25 Feb 12
Muslims and Christians are human beings, so yes they are the same.
Just as with languages, cultures and other social and historical differences between people, we still belong to the same "species". Too often religion is misused for many wrong purposes. I believe that in the foundation of every religion is peace and tolerance toward other people, regardless of their faith and believes. And basically religion should serve as moral code and guidance in life. It's the people who are important. Without them, religion is just a idea, and idea can't exist without people. And, yes unfortunately, there are extremists on both sides (or all sides). It's them who are loudest, and accusing everyone else to be extremists, but never admit that they are just the same.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
28 Feb 12
mgzg11, have you read the Koran? It's full of passages telling Muslims to fight somebody. It's not tolerant in the least!
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
2 Mar 12
mgzg11, Some things in the Koran are very clearly advocating violence, including wife beating. Sure you can get into arguments about how things should be interpreted but how do you known who's interpretation is right? The more peaceful interpretation isn't necessarily the right one. We haven't changed anatomically for about 200,000 years. We seem to have changed mentally about 50,000 years ago (this is called "The Great Leap Forward") but some scientists dispute this. Definately there hasn't been a significant evolutionary change since the Bible or Koran was written. God certainly doesn't change.
@mgzg11 (139)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
28 Feb 12
Didn't read it, but as I said before, everything can be misinterpreted. It's not words in holy scriptures that makes difference, but the people. And if someone interprets something in the wrong way, it's not making original idea less human. Another thing that should be considered is the fact that those holy books have been written long way back in history. We have changed since, and world we live in, changed as well. We can't always take the words literally.

@manaleli101 (146)
• South Africa
13 Mar 12
The two religions are indeed similar to some extent as you and some mylotters have shown here but Muslims believe Jesus was just a messenger and believe in prophet Muhammed as the son of God, while Christians believe in Jesus as the anointed son of God. In Christianity there is no mention of Muhammed...
In practice of the commandments, Christians have adopted rules asset out in the new testament that if anybody has wronged you and begs for forgivess, he should be granted forgiveness while Muslims still practise the 'an eye for an eye' form of punishment.

@urbandekay (18278)
20 Mar 12
In his book Religion and Life - Modern Everyday Fatwas, Egyptian Mufti Dr. Ali Gum'a wrote that the companions of the Prophet Muhammad would bless themselves by drinking his urine, and described an incident of urine-drinking from a hadith: "Umm Ayman drank the urine of the Prophet, and the prophet told her: 'This stomach will not be dragged through the fire of Hell, because it contains something of our Lord the Messenger of Allâh...'
Clear deification of Muhammad by Muslims
all the best urban

@maidangela7349 (1191)
26 Feb 12
Islam, Christianity and Judism are all religions of the "book" originating in the middle east. All three accept Abraham as the founder of their religions although he took ideas from earlier religions. Like most human activities people have their own ideas on how the beliefs should be followed for political and other reasons, So you get the 3 major sections but with them you get further divisions. Islam has two major divisions and Christianity a number notably Catholics, protestant and the eastern orthodox branches but many many more such as the Mormons and the Jehovah's witnesses. The jews also have divisions. The muslims accept Jesus as a prophet as do the Jews. In fact the Muslims believe that he is a very important prophet as he ascended to heaven bodily as well as spirtiually so will one day return. These religions are important in that some people need things like this to believe in. The problems arise when people start taking those beliefs seriously
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
26 Feb 12
Islam is the same as Christianity as much as Christianity is the same as Judaism, or as much as Christianity is the same as Mormonism. They're all just sequels, they start from the same stories, and make continuations. They all have the same monotheistic properties, but with plenty of differences...
Saying they're the same, is like saying that a Macintosh apple is the same as a Red Delicious apple. Yes, they're both apples, they come from the same place, and have lots of similarities, but they're still completely different. It all depends on how close you look.

@urbandekay (18278)
15 Mar 12
Christoph... to continue your analogy, if I have a golden delicious apple in my mouth I will spew it out, it is repugnant, if on the other hand the apple in my mouth is an English grown Cox's Orange Pippin I will experience delight. Both are apples, in that they are the same, yet one is delightful the other abhorrent
all the best urban
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Mar 12
Samar, we have attempted to show you that you believe false things about Christianity, yet you persist in your false assumptions of what we believe. How is that any different in Christians holding false or ignorant views of Islam?

@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
25 Feb 12
if you compare all of the worlds monotheistic religions side by side you will see that they all are basically they same
they all worship one god just called a different name
they all have basically the same moral and ethical teachings
they all feel that their religion is the best and only true religion
even most Pagan religions bear similarities to monotheistic religions they just worhip more than one deity
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
28 Feb 12
Any story can be summarized as: Somebody tries to solve a problem. Does this mean that all stories are the same?
Have you studied all the world's monotheistic religions? Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Jehovah's Witnesses etc. all have some common ancestry, hence similarities. Are there any others? The Dinka's (an African tribe) religion is monotheistic but I don't know much about it, is it a Judeo-Christian religion?
Not sure about having the same moral and ethical teachings. Jehovah's Witnesses will die rather than have a blood transfusion but the others won't. Islam allows polygamy and easy divorce, Christianity is generally monogamous and tries to avoid divorce. Then you can get into all the eating laws, circumcision and things and probably get into arguments about if a common practice is really part of the religion (e.g. is female genital mutilation really part of Islam or Santa Claus really part of Christianity?), do you count the Talmud as a definition of Jewish doctrine or the Hadith as defining Muslim doctrine etc. What about all the different sects?
@barkah69 (96)
• Indonesia
28 Feb 12
Hi tushavi,
Before long discuss here, I want to know your position in here. Are you as a muslim, christian, or hindu or budhist or you are a scientist?
If you are as a scientist,
For a bit discribe both religion, I think we are not fear if we said the same. Maybe any some, but its really really diffeent.
I think to get conclusion both religion same or no, we must learn both of hollybook bible and quran.
After that you can compare both of rules.
You will know and you can say conclusion both.
And we must becareful to say thing about religion.
Because that is sensitive thing.
@barkah69 (96)
• Indonesia
2 Mar 12
I think islam is the last religion, so old religions formerly were absoluted.
And should the people follow the rules of islam. Islam is perfect religion.
And islam carried by Muhammad saw of the last phropet.
Normally the human if use the health mind its will follow the perfect religion.
So if you really muslim must learn more holybook to know more.
So it will know that islam is not same with other religionm