What Kind of World Did God Create and When Did He Create It?

February 25, 2012 7:53pm CST
On the seventh day of biblical creation what did the world look like? Would a map drawn on that day be an accurate representation of the world as it exists today? Was the world created at 9:00 A.M. on October 23, 4004 B.C as Bishop James Ussher calculate using the Bible as a reference? How old is god's creation?
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12 responses
@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
26 Feb 12
Hello, Chiang... His creation is 5944 years old. The six days represent 6000 years. Each day equals a 1000 year segment. Usshers calculations are wrong because if you subtract 4004 from 6000 you get the year 1996 A.D. Yet we see that we are past this year. If you had a camera and went back to creation, you will take a picture of the earth that does not resemble the one we see today. The earth was like a giant greehhouse. Things and people grew to great heights, and even man aged well. The bones of men 9-12 feet tall have been found, but have been supressed by museums to promote evolution. Evolution states that man came from a smaller primate and grew to be as tall as we are today. Jews show through their writings that YAHVAH (GOD) created everything around the month of September or October. This was their month of atonement. The most sacred day on the calander. If a person calculates things correctly, he/she will come up with creation being 3930 B.C. If a person follows the creation days and knew what they meant, they would come to know that YAHVAH (GOD) works in cycles and patterns. He uses symbols and the creation days are part of his symbology. A person will see that 6000 minus 3930 equals 2068 A.D. The reason 2068 and not 2070 is because the destruction of Jerusalem was not in 70 A.D. but 68. This is in concordance with the 4th day of creation. The sun, Yashua. The moon, the church. The twelve stars, The twelve disciples. It is also stated in Jewish literature that there is 2000 years befor the law, 2000 years with the law, and 2000 years with the messiah. I believe that we have until 2068. Halleys comet is returning in 2061 to show us that the time is near for the earth to burn. Halleys comet has predicted events before. Just look at its history. It is awsome.
• India
26 Feb 12
its a good post.... but u must come out of the religious belief into the reality... 47 million year old primitive fossil was found by scientists a year ago,which is said to be the missing link between humans and other mammals see old religions were answering to the mystery in their knowledge at tht time,but science is reveling the facts.
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• Thailand
26 Feb 12
I must ask one question here. If on the eighth day 5944 years ago we see a fully formed earth with 9-12 foot people how and why has the human species changed to the shorter specimen we see today in this limited time frame?
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• Mojave, California
26 Feb 12
It is one thing to look at all the facts found by scientist that that we evolved. Then dismiss it as it sounds made up. Obviously Cody you are just making stuff up and have never really studied evolution, the history of the planet, or the universe. Considering the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old and the universe is about 13 billion years old. People should be entitled to believe in what they want, but if you are going to be honest with yourself, why not look at all points of view with a open mind? You can deny the facts all you want but you would just be lying to yourself. In my opinion that would be a waste of a entire life. I guess it is what ever makes you happy though.
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@urbandekay (18278)
26 Feb 12
I believe the earth to be very old indeed, why are you quoting from a Jacobean Bishop? What is the relevance of that? In fact, what possible motivation could you have for representing the view of some Bishop from that era, as the view of Christians today? all the best urban
• Thailand
26 Feb 12
I did not mean it to represent all Christian although until the mid 18th century it was the belief of almost all Christians. Sadly there are still a number of Christian who accept this date although most who do couldn't tell you who calculated it.
• India
26 Feb 12
hi chiang mai boy,i am happy to see ur active now too,i just logged in after so many months.... For me there is no individual god who created the universe universe is created and is expanding now too by itself.the self aware universe can be said as the god.
• India
26 Feb 12
see it is a complicated one,i had tried explaining it here before too... u can read a book by amit goswamy {theoretical quantum physicist} named The Self-Aware Universe. it explains in a more scientific way
• Thailand
26 Feb 12
I pretty much agree with you but am a bit intrigued as to how the universe can be self-aware.
@urbandekay (18278)
27 Feb 12
For myself as a panentheist I see no problem with the universe being aware all the best urban
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
26 Feb 12
Let me ask you this Chiang Mai.What does Paleozoic or Mesozoic or Neozoic means ? How were the geological layers established ? Were they established according with the theory of evolution ? Isn`t this a circular argument like the Bible is true because it says it`s true ? We know the Paleozoic layer is old because we can find simple life forms in it and we know the simple life forms are old because we can find them in the Paleozoic layer.
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• Thailand
27 Feb 12
The Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Neozoic are all different aer all parts of the geologic time scale although to be accurate the Paleozoic and Mesozoic are a part of the larger and longer Phanerozoic Eon. The actual hierarchy includes eons, eras, periods, epochs, and ages. They were not established according to the "Theory of Evolution". We know that the strata Paleozoic Era is old as the result of observation and radiometric dating. We know that fossils of simple life forms found in the Paleozoic strata are old because of the same radiometric dating.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
27 Feb 12
Funny but Paleozoic means old life , Mesozoic means midlife and Neozoic means new life. Look here : " The identification of strata by the fossils they contained, pioneered by William Smith, Georges Cuvier, Jean d'Omalius d'Halloy, and Alexandre Brogniart in the early 19th century, enabled geologists to divide Earth history more precisely. It also enabled them to correlate strata across national (or even continental) boundaries. If two strata (however distant in space or different in composition) contained the same fossils, chances were good that they had been laid down at the same time. Detailed studies between 1820 and 1850 of the strata and fossils of Europe produced the sequence of geological periods still used today."
• Thailand
27 Feb 12
Funny you should mention this. I am reading Simon Winchester's book "The Map That Changed The World' which tells the story of William Smith.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
26 Feb 12
So you found someone who calculated the exact day and hour when God finished his job ? According with the bible at the end of the creation the world looked very good.What difference does it make if the continents are moving or not ? It`s good if they are not moving and it`s very good if they are moving.
• Thailand
26 Feb 12
When did the creation end? Was the world fully formed at that time and populated with all the species that will ever be?
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
27 Feb 12
Chiang_Mai_boy , God created the universe in six days ,created the heavens and the earth ,blessed it ,placed therein firm mountains ,and As much as its sustenance
@erjnsimon (1191)
• Makati, Philippines
26 Feb 12
it looks like you want to study the bible. i really don't know the answer and no one knows the answer maybe. this things in life are just mystery and i think it will remain the same.
• Thailand
28 Feb 12
samar54 I do believe in the gods, but not in a creator god. I do not think that the universe created itself or was created at all. The available evidence, aside from theology, indicates that it was not created in a six-day creation.
• Thailand
26 Feb 12
I am not so much interested in studying the Bible as I am in studying how it influences the thinking of people.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
27 Feb 12
shivram123 If you do not believe in the existence of God ? this is your business , but do you think that the universe had created itself ? and how this system so that everything is on track without hitting the planets to each other , or the heaven to fall on earth ... God has given us minds, man!
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
26 Feb 12
God in fact has created everything in a perfect order. But for the inhabitants who made things into turmoil there would never had been a thought for heaven. The HEAVEN should definitely have been in existence on this earth .But alas! we have missed out on everything and lost realizing the meaning of peaceful living.
• India
2 Jun 12
God created perfect wotld . but man polluted it.
@marguicha (225707)
• Chile
14 Mar 12
I donĀ“t ask myself those questions because the only way I can answer them is by filtering the truth through my poor human capacities. So let the trascendental be there and let me humbly live my libe as best as possible.
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
27 Feb 12
World being earth and all in it I presume... Based on whatever I came across in one of your previous discussions, I'd deduce there are two aspect of world creation...one is the earth with some life forms, and other is crashing of some meteor or other spacecraft on this planet bringing a few life forms from other worlds. :) So we didnt exactly evolve..all of us.. Sorry Charles Darwin. :) Some of us are products of evolution, or are evolving rather becoming immune to somethings..slowly and steadily. But others, are living materials from other planets! So all those tales about Methuselah and really really old folks may not all be wrong. Perhaps a lot of content in bible relates to a planet similar to earth but not the earth. So even the calculation of B.C. may be wrong because they possibly mentioned the time with reference to the planet from where they arrived here. Eden? Only a couple sent here? Sounds like a space ship story to me.. Creation - I'd stand by big bang theory for now. :) But there is a creator of big bang too. So as far as I am concerned god is there.. :)
@BLTLife (337)
• United States
27 Feb 12
I like how everyone always overshoots what is in their face. If God is all powerful and what not, why does he need to rest after making the cosmos? And I don't understand why people continue to believe that the world (let alone the universe) is only some thousand years old when there is clearly enough evidence to support otherwise. From space radiation, carbon dating, and even the stars themselves.
@BLTLife (337)
• United States
27 Feb 12
I would also like to comment that if this evidence was "premade" by God then why not make us "premade" to be better? Why was Satan "premade" to fall? Why were we "premade" to fail? I have a hard time believing in a God that already knows who is destined to fail and does nothing about it but punish. This is why I tend to reject the idea that things are the way they are because God did it and we can't understand until it's too late.
@BLTLife (337)
• United States
9 Mar 12
I like people like this because they only explain to me that God doesn't know what it is to experience life.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
27 Feb 12
God can not feel what is felt by the people of the need for food or illness fatigue ... Etc., if Torah was as been distorted , and attributed to him the Almighty that he is tired of creation , and in the seventh day he rested,He replied in the Quran that He created the heavens and the earth and all between them in six days and He was not touch Him by fatigue .
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
27 Feb 12
The first man - ?Adam peace be upon him - was a 60 arm
• Thailand
28 Feb 12
Say what?
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
28 Feb 12
The height of Adam was a 60 arm