Statutory warning..I am sensitive..

@vandana7 (101604)
February 25, 2012 10:44pm CST
So ... is it good or bad? I think it is good to an extent. I know how to avoid hurting others. But on the otherside, I can also inflict unbearable pain with simple words - a pain that lasts for lifetime and leaves me with equal measure of guilt. But drawing lines..where do we draw them? What passes on as a joke for others may not pass as joke with me. Does it mean I am a crybaby with no sense of humor? Or does it mean that the other person is pushing limits? Is that person not sensitive enough or does that person know and yet does it to get perverted pleasure? How do you differentiate between a sensitive person, an immature person, and a perverted person in such cases? So does that pain hurt any less if it is accidental? What would you do or expect before you react, if you were as sensitive as me? Oh so many questions on this one are welcome to add yours...
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17 responses
@allknowing (142658)
• India
26 Feb 12
The less you bother about what people say the better for you vandana. As long as there are no issues to sort out giving a deaf ear is the best for one's survival. I do that all the time.
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• Canada
26 Feb 12
Hear! Hear! I have a very tarnished coat of armour, on my runaway emotions...battle worn and battle weary, but surviving and winning, turning the "other cheek" and a "deaf ear!"
@allknowing (142658)
• India
26 Feb 12
There is no point in wallowing over what people say about us whether to the face or behind our backs. This mind set does not come over night but with a bit of effort suddenly you worry no more!!
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• Canada
26 Feb 12
As self-effacing I might think I am, tho there are still a few that can "blind-side me" or "pull the rug out from under me." I think it happens to remind me that I am vincible..and best touch up my armour!
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
26 Feb 12
I feel the finest thing that I have learned in life "is to read between the lines,"...and to know, WHEN or NOT to speak! Firstly, I find the friends that I do have, like you, are sensitive like ME! I treat my friends, knowing fragile as I expect to be treated! BUT I can be crusty, with those I know I will NEVER give a piece of me to! There are many in this world, as I remarked to "thesids" whose mouth is in gear, and mind in neutral, oblivious to the sensitivities of their bulls in a China Shop, just blunder thru leaving carnage in their wake! To me, it is about respect! I feel, some-one lately, has tossed you a "sour lemon," and I am sorry for the inner pain it has caused you! Hopefully, you can look at the source and dust yourself off! You are kind and sensitive!
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• Canada
26 Feb 12
Dang...just posted TWO responses, to you both...and POOF gone! Hope this one makes it thru! To both of you...I hold you both in HIGH ARE not to be chagrined or maligned---because when that is done to is done to me! And I put my "dukes" up and come out swingin! @Vandy...You unquestionably made the right choice...accolades to YOU and your never-ending selfless giving...Please don't ever let some-one, whom has NOT the right to question your kind-hearted decisions...chagrin you! YOU GO GIRL! are family! When you are personally attacked with such malice...such un-called for malice, the attack is also directed at I KNOW it is un-called for! That was BRASH outright flaming! Plse don't refrain from your light-hearted banter! BIG HUGZ from BIG SIS!
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
26 Feb 12
Well sour lemons keep coming and The latest in the list, my maid..she is upset that I have taken on the responsibility of educating a poor girl, and am not willing to do that favor to her grand daughter. It is like this..her grand daughter is not interested in studies. She has everything going for her. She does not have to work for her living. She has enough room to sit and study. And her father sends her to a good school. Despite these privileges, the girl fails. Now, this student is somebody I picked from streets. Agreed that her parents are alive, and her mother is not working. But to me it matters that a 16 years old is working and has worked for the last six years now. And that her education was stopped solely because the family couldnt afford to send her to the school. She also has a mentally challenged younger sister who needs constant monitoing. The mother stays home to look after that girl. Effectively, this child has no other chance to get the minimum knowledge. Tell me I am wrong in favoring this child. Because when I give her 10 sums as homework, she does 30 and brings it me. Agreed that some of them are wrong. And agreed that her memory is a suspect. Nevertheless, enthusiasm, and hard work more than compensate for those lapses. Just because I dont have kids does not mean I dont have a choice as to who I like or whom I want to educate. Right? Because of such selfish feelings in mothers, I generally state nowadays that I will only help those who have neither parents. But this was an exception. And I got a good dose of non-cooperation movement for that, till the beans were spilt, and the reason was out.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
26 Feb 12
@pergammano I am overwhelmed seeing you supporting me on that made-ugly discussion. As I mentioned on my box here (at Vandana's) I dont really care. I know that en has the right sense of what I said. And even if she objects, I am happy as she is that close with me. I felt odd for a while reading those no doubt because as you mention there, it was on the lighter shades. And yes, I am not going to change anyway and be myself. If anyone misinterprets, it is his or her problem and I will try to explain only to those who matter to me Experience has made me tough and open to such incidents. And I really appreciate you for being supportive of me, I will not let you down
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
26 Feb 12
Hi Vandana! A very complicated topic.! Where do we draw lines/ Hmmm! I honestly do not know. We like to be nice and friendly and pleasant with people but ' it takes all sorts to make the world 'and this is where we fail to make proper assessments of people ; this makes us get hurt because our desire to be friendly makes people take us too much for granted and cause them to make unnecessary remarks. Some people cross their limits be cause they do not care. Many people call this unintentional and make us look "crybabies' but this is a smart cloak to hide their insensitive nature. People calling us 'cry babies' do not take too well to similar criticisms or uncalled for remarks. We cannot find out what sort of persons they are and frankly speaking, I also have realised it is a big waste of time.I too keep giving excuses for such behaviour but this only ends up in our being hurt. We cannot keep finding out the type of person someone is and try to find reasons for bad behaviour. No one has a right to hurt others , intentional or unintentional. I expect to be hurt and I try to be careful .I do not talk much with the person.This is my only precaution.If i have to I make up my mind to give an answer that befits the remark.I am not too good at thsi but I hope to get better.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
27 Feb 12
Well; I do admit that you could have put it better but this was realized only in hindsight.We are all human beings and would tend to react like this when provoked beyond a point.However, I still feel that if teasing a person because she has no children or even pointing out that is right then shooting a counter reply however rude and uncalled for, is right. Who started the transaction? People cannot get away all the time. Vandana! There is no need to feel guilty; just go your way. But , never start a transaction; what I mean is never start a conversation on these sensitive issues.If someone starts it, fend them off by just postponing the issue because you do not think it is imminent.You can tell them thAT you do hope to live long and would think about some good solution and there is time enough for thAT.
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
26 Feb 12
"No one has a right to hurt others , intentional or unintentional." I do kala. When things get out of hand, I dont know what switches on in me, but I do. And I can be really nasty. For example, one of my colleague was frequently asking me to write properties to her child "since I didn't have any". Now, that hurts. I explained it to her a few times. Then I started walking away. But the hurt stayed! So one fine day, I told her that her daughter was not good looking enough. I dont know from where that came. But it stopped me being teased. However, there would have been a better way na? Like I could have said that I will only help those who have neither of their parents, or children who have no choice but to earn their living. Not a child of parents who already have jobs! The message would have gotten to her, and all those who tried to joke around about my childlessness. In fact, such a reply would have been very witty. Nobody would have treated the matter as a joke. And everbody would have thought of it as rational thinking. But I didnt. :( So things only got worse..
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@vandana7 (101604)
• India
27 Feb 12
You know for a long time I justified my action to me. I said the same things that you said to me. "People cannot get away all the time." and "It will make others wary as well", and "People will learn how to talk and respect each other", and "Now this will be discussed at home of all the colleagues and they will behave better with other people who have no children". Yeah, such lofty justification for my nastiness. :) it justified to hurt a person that much? The words are simple arent they? I think even using a bad word is something forgetable and cant create anger and rage and pain in the heart because it is just a bad word. But everytime that colleague looks at her child or buys her a dress or jewelry, she would be reminded of my words isn't it? Hell, everytime I buy some clothes for me or buy some nailpolish, I remember my nastiness. I cant forgive myself for doing this to her. My mind tells me, ok - so was that the only way you could have repaired the situation? Nope. Hindsight yes. Wish it was something that had struck me before.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
26 Feb 12
Hi Brownie, Well, I can take a joke and quite a bit of getting picked on as you know. Still, I am very sensitive and sometimes people do go too far either with the picking or critical comments that aren't helpful in anyway...just out of line. I don't think it matters whether they meant to be hurtful or not. I am guessing that most of them don't mean to be hurtful but it feels the same no matter what. What do I do? Well, I don't cry in front of them. I either let it go or if it is an ongoing inssue with a person, I might say something to that person. Why? did I hurt your feelings , Brownie?
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@vandana7 (101604)
• India
27 Feb 12
No blondie you cant hurt me and you didnt. Between you and me, I think I am the one who needs to be chided. I am always picking you and saphy isn't it?
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
27 Feb 12
Now that you mention it, you are somewhat of an evil little brownie. good thing we love you!
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
27 Feb 12
Opposites poles attract.. You are the blonde and the world knows what that means. So they automatically infer that I am you know the intelligent one.
@vijayanths (7877)
• India
26 Feb 12
Vandi, It's difficult to draw a common boundary line for all. It happens to everyone people crossing your line unknowingly and knowingly. You can't help it and that's life isn't it so? People who cross your limits are immature including the perverts. It's better to ignore such people, they are not worth your attention and time you know.
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• India
26 Feb 12
Sorry, I can't ignore you.
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
27 Feb 12
I know..
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
26 Feb 12
But I too behaved bad na..
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
26 Feb 12
Hi vandana Someone called me a TROLL HECK! I dont care. But there was another who joined in, a senior, and I admire the lotter.... I explained and am waiting for response. Moral - Be sensitive (is a great virtue and at the same time it is a Pain...) But then, it is all upto you how you handle it. Personally, be sensitive, but have a brain to understand that people will be people, who will not even try to understand you or the why of anything... they will just be as they are and spill out whatever they can wherever they can no matter whether they know you or not. Now if you have only a heart - you are going to be more in pain but if you have a brain too... you can segregate and keep things and sentiments under control. I believe you can call the one with only a heart as immature and the one with both (heart and brain) as mature or in this case, sensitive with a rationale. The balance or rather how one handles this sensitivity defines the sensitive or immature. Now I believe something or someone here or somewhere has hurt you! If I could be of any help
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• Canada
26 Feb 12
dear picked up on that, too?? That was going to be my first question..some-one, somewhere, has taken a painful swipe at our dear friend. I find this whole "mouth in gear...mind in neutral" a very generational cult! Growing up...the mantra was; children should be seen, not heard..and we carried that agenda into adulthood, and words were dispensed like they were wealthy!'s a childs world...and we are meting out wrong influences...IF they ARE NOT SEEN and HEARD! No matter the consequences..speak! Just my take on things!
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
16 Mar 12
Me too...
@SViswan (12051)
• India
4 Mar 12
I've wondered about this same thing...especially when family says mean things.My mother often would say that she grew up listening to her mom say such things and she never took it to heart. I also see cousins and friends who take these comments in their stride. I wonder why I can't. I also know others who can't. Give respect, take respect is my motto. I suppose each one of us is wired differently and some of us are more sensitive than others. The ones who aren't don't realize how much their words or actions hurt us. Or they do it intentionally to hurt us and then expect us to just forget/forgive because they are family or friends. I don't understand how that works....but I've seen many ppl like that.
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
4 Mar 12
I'd say that almost everybody has that soft spot in their armour. But few people are able to hit out at the exact spot. Some spots are obvious so people hit out at those when they are envious. Then there are those who play offense is the best defense. Ignoring is certainly not helping in reducing the problems. There is a way out of each one of those, and that does not mean be equally nasty. It just needs to be thought of in depth I suppose.
@hora_fugit (5862)
• India
26 Feb 12
I am quite a touchy person, and people around me know that very well. But still they don't refrain from passing comments or 'jokes'. And that really confuses me.... I don't know where to draw lines... Maybe on first instance of such insensitive remarks. Because I may laugh at first with them (in spite of making an objection) but they are sure to be target of my sudden 'bursting up' sooner or later. That's why I said everyone knows I'm quite touchy. Now analyzing this, I could have handled these situations in better manner so as I come out as 'rational' one instead of too sensitive. But I fail every time, and surely that makes you feel guilty. I let them push the limits and then they just get intolerable, still it's me who is at loss in the end. For the two incidents you told about, I don't think any decision taken or reaction given by you was wrong. Maybe you should just tell them that their behaviour shows them in quite poor light... really how do people find these remarks so funny?? In the end, a note on accidental cases.... one of my friends had features like a chess knight piece... hmmm... horse-like features, and everyone found it soooo funny. They never missed a chance to tease him. (Especially his room-mate whose humorous attitude I liked and who could be the most unintentional insensitive person I've ever met.) Whatever, I made it a point to never take part in such humiliating remarks and that's why this particular person trusted me. One day, with everyone present, I asked him innocently something something. Unfortunately, this something something was not so innocent in the context, and a fresh round of 'jokes' took place. My friend was stunned. Some people egged him that I too had started to tease him at last. Given the constant harassment he faced those days, he could have done anything harsh, justifiably. But he just cooled down, and said he knew me well. That my question was indeed innocent, if wrong-timed. Wow! If only I too could control my urges like that in my weak moments! I apologized anyway, personally. But the thing here is he COULD differentiate. As always, I don't know my response is relevant or not, still I go ahead as I surely do matter here Could have added more of blah blah but then I may loose my post. So here....
• India
26 Feb 12
VICTORY!! I succeeded in posting it!
• India
28 Feb 12
ok.... I'll give you an advantage-of-doubt (or whatever our dear courts call it!) Well, he was already my friend. I wouldn't have made that silly comment had it not been so. Actually two of us plus one more person always went in group and we had a lot of things common. Though I care a lot for looks(how did you figure it out?), it wasn't the basis of our friendship. Only thing I wanted to help him with was his speech problem. As for his looks, I liked it :) and so did he. No question of feeling sorry. As I said, we three had a lot in common. Being placid was one. And the third person was a master in it, ....I can tell you more about him if you like. Sadly enough, our college got in some technical problems and we were transferred somewhere else. While all the others accepted it, I didn't. And thus ended this could-be lifelong friendship.
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@vandana7 (101604)
• India
27 Feb 12
Hora - what am I going to do with you kiddo, you are after my heart. To make a mistake is so natural - we are humans even if we are sensitive. We all get carried away in one context or the other. To justify it as "Joke" to me is adding insult to the injury. But to apologize - as you did - is so perfect. So you earned yourself a friend for lifetime! And it is relevant - very relevant because it gives an indication as to what should be done to calm the situation. Why people do not realize that they can be on the wrong side of the fence, and what they are today they may not be tomorrow? Good looking guyz can get some acid thrown at their faces, right? It is consideration that comes from within that bowls me over. In your case, I might add - I would go with the person only if I was comfortable in other aspects. I mean I need more than looks - good or bad - to develop a rapport. (I dont mean money). :) You see - something in common - liking similar music, loving same type of food, and understanding each other's point of view - finding the person logical in behavior and so on and so forth. Just because everybody is teasing a person, and I feel sorry for the person does not become a good basis of friendship with me. Feeling sorry - is a feeling that evaporates at some point of time - I mean I couldnt constantly keep myself aware that this guy looks like this so people treat him bad and so I must be there at all times with him or her. That would make it a burden for me. You on the other hand are cool with it. So we do differ some. :)
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Feb 12
You do your best, you hope the person understands, sometimes it doesn't work out....
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@vandana7 (101604)
• India
26 Feb 12
Yeah when it doesnt work out it gets so messy...especially in my case. I develop self-loathing for trying to defend my sanity! Come on who wants to be reminded constantly that they dont have kids. When people laugh and suggest that I adopt them, I am forced to use ugly words. Ignoring it only increases their guts. So when I give it back, they do back off, but bicker behind the scenes, and in any event I feel like I did something wrong, and perhaps there was a better way to handle it all.:(
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
26 Feb 12
Hello Vandana, A very relevant post indeed. This is undoubtedly difficult to judge people's sensitivity at one sitting. Your level of sense of humour might not be the same as that of mine. What you consider serious I may not. Besides there are cultural nuances too. Usually I understand a person from his/her input in his/her post. The choice of vocabulary and the construction of sentence itself reflects the bearing of the person. Two to three encounters would suffice to clean the dish.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
29 Feb 12
yES, REAL LIFE MOVES FASTER THAN THE REEL LIFE OR SAY THE VIRTUAL LIFE. I agree that when we respond or comment we think on the nature of the input of the person. That gives alert as how we should proceed. If we try to maintain that the hurting thing would not much be there. But ironically things do not happen as we wish.
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
29 Feb 12
We do understand people from their posts. But when we write here, we are not responding without prior thinking. So it is not a real time response. We get ample time to reflect on what we think or want to say and how we want to word it. In real life that does not happen. Life does not move in slow motion or at a pace that they show in art movies. Isn't it? :)
• United States
26 Feb 12
This is difficult to answer for many reasons. The biggest reason, though, is that the "lines" tend to be fluently moving and often blurry. One day a person might take something as a joke (the way it was intended), and the next day if the very same person said the exact same words in the exact same manner, the person might be offended or get his or her feelings hurt. Why is this? It is because our moods change, things happen in our lives, and the way we relate to things keeps changing. Therefore, all we can do is to do our best to keep from hurting or offending others while trying to keep in perspective what others are saying, especially when we are feeling vulnerable.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
1 Mar 12
Well said though I would like to add one thing.Not only the mood but the repetition of statement is likely to tilt the scale. If someone says something once we let it go but if there is the similar offensive statement cropping up again and again, then we take exception.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
26 Feb 12
Different people has different opinion and thoughts on other people's verbal wording in communication. We react differently and interpret the meaning in different ways. So, if I knew my friend long enough, I knew what I should say, and what I should not say to him to avoid misunderstanding. That is how I should communicate with my friends. As to strangers, I would choose my word carefully and not to offend anyone.
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
27 Feb 12
Kingparker you are so right..people differ in the way they communicate. It is one thing with people who are close, and another thing with strangers. But honestly, it is people who are close, or people you feel you know that go out to hurt you. Strangers rarely do that.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
28 Feb 12
It depends on how much of influence this is on your life, your own feelings. If you are able to shut it off also it's a good thing.
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
29 Feb 12
Actually, it has a lot of influence. Even a slightest adverse remark can send me justifying my stand or actions. Not a good thing. But then, I dont go about commenting on others so why dont they give me equal respect.
@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
26 Feb 12
That is what makes us unique. I am a sensitive type as well and I just got my heart bruised tonight. I think that it also has to do with the mood we are in. I know of times when someone said something and I didnt like it I felt bad. Then other times it does not bother me. It has alot to do with timing as well.
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
26 Feb 12
I think so too. Timing matters. :) And so does intimacy with the friend, tone, and our personal feelings at any point of time.
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@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
27 Feb 12
I'm also sensitive that I easily get hurt or affected, though it depends on why I got hurt or affected. Perhaps they had said something that irritates me or an insult or maybe things that would offend. I could feel if what they are talking or doing pertains me so I would be affected. Sensitive maybe that we could easily sense that there must be something wrong that affects us.
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
27 Feb 12
Yeah, I was like that. But I changed the environment. Now, I am the one who gets to do the talking and they get to squirem. lol. At least, some of them. :)
@maezee (41988)
• United States
26 Feb 12
I am the opposite as you. You are totally sensitive, and I'm actually pretty insensitive. I like making jokes. I try not make them at other's expense, and if I do, I make sure they are the type of person to not take it personally or say "just kidding" afterwards. If someone is making a joke, I don't think you should take it all that personally just because they were trying to make you laugh.
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
29 Feb 12
Maezee, that just kidding hurts as much if you are a sensitive person. I mean, I had colleagues who said "Since you dont have children why dont you adopt mine". The first bit is so cant possibly write it off as a joke. I would rather call it a ridicule. It made me retaliate ..I eventually told the colleague that her daughter was not good looking enough for that. Now, once I say that, it stops her from repeating that "since you dont have children.." stuff. But it also earns me an enemy, right? For no fault of mine! So there has to be a better way to handle it. I had many relatives and colleagues say that to me, and each time I did take that route. Much later, much much later I realized what my response should've been. I could have told them that I would only look after a child who has neither parents, or a child who was struggling to be the breadwinner of the family. Not somebody whose parents already had jobs. Isn't it? Same effect, without getting any enemies saddled on me. Pity this one is a hindsight.
• United States
26 Feb 12
I am the same way. I'm way too sensitive and care way too much about what others think. i'm working on being more positive and not letting things get to me so much. The problem is, my dad , whom I am very cose with, tends to say things that he thinks are funny, when they're actually very far from , and borderline mean. He tries to say he's joking, but it comes off as putting me down. Then he tells me I'm too sensitive. I really don't have any advice for you since I'm in the same situation. It's hard for me to tell whether I'm being a crybaby, or if the other person is being rude.
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
29 Feb 12
Yeah - funny thing is we never do it! I mean, I know one friend, who is good with snide remarks, and honestly, she hurts. But I dont retaliate with her and expect her to be the most understanding because she knows me in and out. It is in their blood I guess. Joking is nonsense. They dont know how to behave. Social liabilities if you ask me. They hurt others and call it a joke! If they were to be careful with their words, then others would not feel agitated and hurt and not suffer with mental agony and associated health problems. But there are no laws against such people. Instead, people expect us to be able to shrug it off. If we retaliate, they hurt and act like martyrs. But ElizabethNorth, there is a way out of it. Trust me on that. I too realized it as hindsight. Like I was being teased by my colleagues, who said since you dont have children, why dont you adopt mine, or why dont you write your properties to mine. Now, that hurt. After crying, getting angry, aching in and out, and explaining that it hurts, a million times, I told them their kids were too ugly for my liking. Much later I realized I could have told them that I would only opt for somebody who had neither of the parents, and nobody in the world. Isn't it? They would not be able to say I am selfish. They would not be able to taunt me thereafter. But I was so locked in self pity and need to hit back at them that I couldnt come up with a way that would have made them all shut up and earned me some social respect as well.