Science and the Bible. Take #2
By Cody Stewart
@CODYMAC (1356)
San Diego, California
February 26, 2012 12:42pm CST
Ok. It is time to show all atiests and agnostics and others who sit on the fence the TRUTH.
#1: Consiousness-- Pre existing, existing, and future existence. Something before "all" things. This true consiousness for us being framed off the speed of light. (c2). All space-time are UNIFIED to the speed of light. Everything existing in space-time is consiousness revealing systematic function built off the speed of light. Energy (speech) traveling with electromagnatism turned into mass (knowledge-laws). This "truth" is the "constant" reality of ALL frames of reference-motion, consciousness, speech existing in the now-present. --- This is ALL existence.
#2: Speech--- Reveals the "would" of energy, interaction states, the subatomic realm, quantum mechanics, experience, action, truth's the state of probability. Consiousness turned into speech (energy). --- This is the spiritual world.
#3: Knowledge--- Reveals the "would" of mass-laws. The atomic realm, classical mechanics, the state of predictability. The ability to master speech (energy) from experience or interaction states. Speech (energy) turned to knowledge (mass-laws). --- This is the natural world.
Speech (energy) = Knowledge (mass-laws) x Consiousness2 (c2-speed of light)
S=Kc2 = E=Mc2
Speech =knowledge Energy = mass
Consiousness Speed of light
Psalm 19:1-3 "The heavens declare the glory of Mighty One, and the expanse shows his handy work. Day to day utters speech, and night to night shows knowledge. No speech nor language, their voice is not heard.
A circle is all dimentional or infinite. Creation point-- Beginning and End, First and Last. Isaiah 44:6, 44:10-- Rev. 1:8, 21:6, 22:13.
YAHVAH creator PI=CONSIOUSNESS (Colossians 1:16,17--John 1:1-5) This is the conception point of life, creation. No one can truly grasp creation and all of its parts, unless we start from an immutable framework. This is the key for intelligent design. Order governs the universe. KEY: book by John Michell "How the World is Made." (sacred Geometry)
2 responses
@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
27 Feb 12
A circle is 2-dimensional and finite.
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@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
27 Feb 12
Hello. Thank you for your response. I have to disagree, but it is how it is. Have a great day. :)
@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
27 Feb 12
This is not a matter for agreement or disagreement, but a matter of definitions: A circle is a 2-dimensional object. If you have a 3-dimensional object, it's not a circle. A circle is described by a curve of finite length and 360 degrees. As such it has a finite circumference, finite diameter, and encloses a finite area. That's what a circle is.
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@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
27 Feb 12
I was also going to say that the "framework" is the Hebrew language. It consists of points, lines, and planes. Just look at the post above yours. Have a great day. :)

@BLTLife (337)
• United States
27 Feb 12
OMG dude. And I don't use omg much. You're just calling things what they aren't and placing their value in formulas to try and make it seem like it's correct.
Also, all frames of reference-motion, consciousness, speech existing in the now-present. This stuff isn't happening all at the same time. Consciousness works on a much higher speed than vibrations through the air.
I would also like to point out that speech just isn't energy. Knowledge isn't just mass-laws, and you don't know how consciousness works. No one can full understand this.
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@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
27 Feb 12
Good for you. You know how to use bad language. Speaking of language, let me show you what true language was used for the creation.
Alpha numerical languages are based on the decimal system. Each letter has a numerical value. But why is this? To know the true answer, you need a framework. Here, BLTLife, we will see that the original language was set up to creations order of existence based on NATURAL LAW given to humanity by the creator himself.
This is the key to understanding order, structure, patterns, cycles-purpose of existence. This is where it is important to understand the world of physical law in order to understand TRUE speech that governs and sets in motion all of existence.
All languages came from ONE universal language. Historiands believe this. So, if this is the case, what was it that was in that "first" language that made it so special? Language was designed around symbols. But why? It was the symbols that revealed the dynamics, fluidity, of movement-interaction, consisting of energy and mass communicating.
Hebrew is designed around symbols. Each symbol is represented by a letter. The letters name is the actual symbol. Example: ALEPH (letter) Ox (symbol). A symbol is represented, and characterized, by the ENERGY (vibrations, interactions) best suited for the symbol in the form of a physical object, which later became letters. The physical object-symbol has a detailed description that gives the letter it's voice in creation. All of the Hebrew builds words, movement, structure, order on knowing this relationship between symbol, description, and letter.
Hebrew is considered the language of LAW that governs the physical world, as we know it. Hebrew is the geography (writing of earth) and the geometry (measurement of the earth) of what has been created. Hebrew is the physics of humanity, giving us an accountability,resposibility, order, and direction of purpose for our lives, and for overall existence as a whole. This gives us a system of communication between creator and creation.