The New World Order

February 28, 2012 12:49pm CST
Anyone who doesnt understand what the new world order is should go to youtube and research it now! this is serious and people are too asleep and brain washed to see it. Now that obama has literally signed away Americas rights by signing the NDAA, thats it. the rest of us have no hope. you need to research this and spread the word! No to martial law, no to micro chips, no to the NWO! dont judge what i am saying until you have researched this yourself. The New World Order will happen and you need to be prepared. go and look it up now and you will be surprised at what you find. good luck, we are going to need it!
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9 responses
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Mar 12
And then what do we do? I've read all the books and researched all the websites. Some of what is out there is garbage, some is true but NOT scandalous enough to grab people's attention. Bits and pieces here and there, go ahead, post a few discussions on the facts and see how fast you are labeled a conspiracy nut. I've been there and done that. People want their nice quiet, safe lives. They don't want to know that things are as bad as they are. The few who do want to know, say the same thing as me; what can we do about it? There is a move to bring about a one world government, it was prophecied in the the Book of Revelation 2000 years ago.
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@Jaytech (2251)
5 Mar 12
Nice to see you Debs, hope you're keeping well :)
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Mar 12
Yes, dear friend, I am well. How are you? Missed you while I was offline.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Mar 12
Laura, I didn't mean to sound so negative. Forgive me. It's just that as you unravel how all this came to be and discover the powers behind it all, and begin telling those who need to know; you will find that along with bringing us to this point, they have planted the notion in people's heads that all of it is 'crazy' and effectively making them look like fools so they won't be believed.. I suggest you research Sal Alinsky's book, Rules for Radicals. In it you will find teachings about how to lie to people so they'll believe you, how to shut up those who disagree with you by calling names and persistently lying about them. Obama studied this rule book back in Chicago. People love the dark. I know it sounds ridiculous to say that, but they do. When you turn on the light for them, they are not comfortable. You've begun a journey into the light, I pray you'll be strong. Don't be discouraged when you're told you are crazy. If you are not a student of the Bible, I suggest you read the New Testament and study the book of Revelation with someone who understands it. God bless and protect you on this journey.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
29 Feb 12
Hi Laura and welcome to my lot. People need to read their bibles it says in there that things like this is going to happen before the anti christ comes in and says he can heal the problems with this world. And in all truth he comes in to take people to hell with him. The bible tells us to be prepared because of things like this but people don't believe that what has happened in the past is an example of how we should all take heed to what is coming. We should all be following Gods word and learn how and what to do in these end times! Get our heads out of the sand and look up and see what God wants us all to see. When the anit christ comes it will be too late for some but Thank God that the true Christ comes soon after the anti christ comes in. Those that have been taught all their lives to fly away will wake and pray for mountians to fall on them because they realize then that they have been taught the anti christ is the true christ and follow him. But when the true Christ comes we will all be changed into our spiritual bodies, not so when the anti christ is here we will still be in these human forums. Pray about your fears only God can heal us all!
@free_man (7330)
• United States
29 Feb 12
Mark 13, Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Revelations speaks of all that is going on now. The mark of the beast isn't a mark on you. The mark of the beast is in your brain. If you have been taught all your life that one day you will fly away and not go through the tribulations of the things to come then you have been marked with the beast. If you know that the anti christ comes in peacefully and prosperously and know that he is here to decieve everyone and anyone he can, and know that if you are still in the human forum and not in your spiritual body then you won't be decieved. We are here on this earth to do Gods will not our own will. When the anti christ comes in he will have a lot of people fooled, and they will believe that he is the real christ. But he only has five months to be here on this earth and in that time the True Christ will come in and we will all be transfigured into our spiritual bodies. You want to know the truth what will happen go listen to this man and he can teach you the truth about Gods word. People had better get in the comfort of Gods true word and learn what will happen when the anti christ comes. The anti christ isn't here he is bound in Heaven by Michael he will be thrown from Heaven and then he will come in trying to fool everyone and anyone. People will believe he is the true christ and turn their own family members in trying to save their soul. That is one of our missions to do for God when we stand before the anti christ we are supposed to let the Holy Spirit speak through us. And when this happens the whole world will know that he is a FAKE! Listen to that man he can teach you so much. I know all my life I was taught that some day I would fly away but that isn't what the bible says!
@free_man (7330)
• United States
29 Feb 12
Where does it say that in the bible that we will be forced to have a chip inplanted in us? Funny I have read the bible and never read that any where. The mark of the beast is for those that haven't learned that the anti christ comes first, the mark in the hand is doing satans work, promoting him as christ is the way I have leaned it. I won't be decieved by him that comes claiming he is christ, I know that if we are in these human forums that it is the false christ. The true Christ comes in after the anti christ is here a little while. What bible have you read that says that all these things will happen? I read the old King James bible before they changed all the truth of Gods word. I won't be fooled if we are still in these human bodies then it is a fake, when the True Christ comes in we will be instantly changed into our spiritual bodies!
29 Feb 12 are so right. its so clear in revolations because its exactly how it is now. "you cant buy or sell without the mark of the beast" etc. some people just arent interested in knowing things outside of their comfort zone.
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@Jaytech (2251)
4 Mar 12
You need a sermon from Pastor Barry Smith, he was warning about all this stuff long before the internet came along :) & you can read a collection of his books here....
4 Mar 12
thanks i will take a look at this.
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@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
28 Feb 12
i have to research on this new world order that you are talking about. i am not familiar with this news. what i know is that i need to work hard to make me better and contribute to the betterment of society. if there is a new world order that is not agreeable, then my efforts will shift to resists and oppose it.
29 Feb 12
good for you. we need to make people aware of it but unfortunately people dismiss the idea without researching 1st.
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• United States
29 Feb 12
I'll agree that the NDAA was wow too far, and it will likely be brought down the supreme court in the not too distant future. Quite frankly, actually using the power of NDAA would actually create a national disaster of epic proportions. It has the power to create a situation in which the government no longer acknowledges it's citizens rights; in return, the people will no longer acknowledge the authority of the government. In this day and age America can't afford what would basically amount to a civil war. It's the one war no government can afford to wage, and would basically send us back into the stone age. Anyone with any money who has a vested interest in America not being the next Libya will do anything to keep that from happening. I don't buy into the media, political rubbish, or anything else. On the same token, I highly doubt there's any highly powerful and super secret hidden organization. That's not to say that secret societies don't exist, but for them to take over the world, even they would be overestimating their abilities. We may be lazy and products of an over-privileged, dysfunctional society but that doesn't mean everyone is so weak as would be required. Throughout history every great empire with armies across distant lands has eventually fallen, and history never changes, but when one empire falls a new one is born.
• United States
2 Mar 12
Got any links? I've looked into a little but not on youtube since it's not always a reliable source of information. I have seen a few specials on such things on history and discovery, they make you think; but its more circumstancial evidence than of proof. If anyone has the power to change Americas fate its China and OPEC. It definitely makes for an interesting topic, but it more of an idea than a reality. Either way, I do think there are some powerful groups that influence a llot more than we think. But I don't think they have much to gain from changing a system that already works in their favor.
29 Feb 12
i would really advise you to look it up on you tube. there is so much on there that will open your eyes. there are sihns of the illuminati and 33rd degree freemason all around us. just make your mind up until you researched it.
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3 Mar 12
its for power and more money. if they have more money, then we have less. therefore we are a more vulnarable society and that gives them more power. watch "the obama deception". i have been researching this for over a year now and was skeptical at first at how true all these claims are. but after researching and researching and researching, i found that people do not usually joke about this subject. these are not a couple of kids on the internet making stuff up for a laugh. everything you see can be backed up by other things such as journalists, researchers etc etc. my advice to you is to watch "the obama deception" and take it from there. the things they discuss on that film cannot be denied and they explains the basics really well. good luck on your path to waking up.
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@magester1 (148)
• Argentina
29 Feb 12
What the hell is wrong with micro chips? Do you even know what a micro chip actually is?
29 Feb 12
are you serious? there isnt anything wrong with micro chips but theres plenty wrong with having them in you!dont you want freedom?do you want to be chipped like cattle? its people like you that will allow this to happen and bring down the rest of us!wake up, they are not for our benefit, they are for theirs so that they can have complete control. research it. the government is corrupt and evil. dont follow them!
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@Tushavi (2077)
• Karachi, Pakistan
28 Feb 12
Hi laura, I am sorry I am not a native one, well you mean a NWO, that makes human a slave of machines??? are you in favor or against of NWO??? I am ofcourse the against of NWO.
28 Feb 12
against!i am not american but its going to affect everyone in the world.
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@crossbones27 (50156)
• Mojave, California
28 Feb 12
We know what the problems are, we are just to greedy to fix them. The problem is when you start talking about these types things, people just think you are trying to take away their freedoms, or take their money and give it to someone else. The other problem is this type of stuff gets people scared and they start freaking out. This in turn makes people start acting selfishly and doing things they normally would not do. Everyone starts looking out for themselves and things start spiraling out of control. Then you have other people who will use these scare tactics to take advantage of people to gain power. It basically comes down to this, we all know the planet is in peril. Some of of us do not want to admit it, but if we keep lying to ourselves we will never fix anything. All we have to do is start working together and use the knowledge we do know to fix the problems we created. If we can't do that then it curtains for humanity. Right now maybe that is what Mother Earth needs, a fresh start form our madness.
28 Feb 12
thats it.people are too blind to see or understand the truth. they brush it off without even thinking that its possible that the governments can kill their own people, enslave us etc. we are brought up to beleive that this pretend world is reality and most people are unable to comprehend anything outside of this bubble they have lived in all their lives.
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@loboluke (34)
• United States
28 Feb 12
Yes Laura, you are very right! I tottaly agree People NEED to wake up... if they dont no one will have a chance. Including you and i both that know what is going on. People RESEACH...GET OUT OF HIBERNATION. now is not the time to sleep, get active in politics and dont always trust the news like i said always, always research... God bless america.
28 Feb 12
i know completely what you mean. i am not american but it we are all in danger. once they have sorted america, they are going to take over britain no problem. i am glad that there are more and more people waking up to this.