
@telmesh (1793)
March 2, 2012 2:15am CST
Time for celebration, the Robins family have the pleasure of four boys born on the 29th Feb at St Michaels hospital Bristol UK. The family already have a boy and now he has four brothers 2 of them are identical twins. These babies were conceived naturally and follows a conversation on Mylot about 29th Feb birthdays. The only thing I can think of is how difficult it will be bringing up these four little boys when there is already another boy to look after.
3 responses
@celticeagle (164984)
• Boise, Idaho
2 Mar 12
Four boys born on February 29th? How interesting. Leap year babies. I hope that they have very happy and fulfilling lives.
@telmesh (1793)
3 Mar 12
Yea and 2 of them identical twins, and to think we were only talking last week about Feb 29th birthdays and Robins family up the anti with four. Even better to have them born in my home town. I'm sure all here on Mylot wish them well.
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@celticeagle (164984)
• Boise, Idaho
3 Mar 12
i do wish them well. What an undertaking. Cool that they have this birthday to look forward to. Always special.
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@telmesh (1793)
4 Mar 12
I noticed the names of the quads are straight out of the Bible so I guess they are a religious family, I feel they will need divine assistance with their family.
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2 Mar 12
I heard about that in the news the other day, congrats to them. I'm hoping when my fiancee and I settle down will have twin girls but I dout it to be honest, you never know what you might get.
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@telmesh (1793)
2 Mar 12
Welcome luke. Wow what a quick response. Have you 2 named the day yet and remember even one child is a strain on your relationship. This family will have five to look after and one of them is a toddler. Just the feeding the babies, by the time they've finished feeding the last one it will almost be time to start again.
2 Mar 12
Both of us are going to settle down and get married before kids come along, plus our personalities should work in favour of our relationship, because both of us are pretty relaxed and both of us are fine with walking up half way through the night. (me because I used to and still want to do nightshifts at my work place.)
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@telmesh (1793)
2 Mar 12
Good plan, hope it works. I believe you live just up the road from me,I wondered what kind of work you do to work nights as I did it for more years than I care to remember. Finished up working at Airbus.
• China
2 Mar 12
Yes,the parents now have five children to provide for,they surely have mixed feelings.Where I live , a woman had quintuplets at a birth in 2006.Among the five of them,three are girls ,the others are boys.At that time,the family was given an allowance from governments at all levels.Now they five all go to government agencies kindergarten for free .
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• China
3 Mar 12
Then,some people offered to adopt one or two babies, but they declined.
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@telmesh (1793)
2 Mar 12
I guess that having five babies all at once tends to make you feel that you don't want any more.