do u think it is safe for kids???

United States
March 4, 2012 2:56am CST
personally i feel like a chat room is not place for any kid of any age. there are so many bad people out there that can harm them and also they know how to talk to you to get you to trust them. i think it is very scary when my kids get to that age i will monitor what they are doing online! will you or are you already doing so?? what are your thoughts??
17 responses
• Philippines
4 Mar 12
Yeah, it is not only safe for kids but for adults as well. We don't know who we are dealing with out there. Sometimes when we chat, we get lost and get carried away and there are tendencies that we give out too personal information. I think it is fine if we personally know and have met the person we are chatting with but if we just met someone online, then it is not safe to be so friendly. It is not advisable to entertain them even
• Philippines
4 Mar 12
Wait, I think my grammar is incorrect. What I mean is chatting is not safe for kids and adults alike
• United States
4 Mar 12
i actually never looked at it like that and you have a very good point. there are adults who get themselves into trouble by giving out way to much info because we think we knowm more than we do about chat rooms. also i do agree if we know the person personally and we are chatting just because it is easier and we are both online that is way diffrent than talking to a stranger you do never know who that stranger really is. people lie over the internet everyday...
• Philippines
5 Mar 12
Yes, just like social networking sites like facebook. We could create a whole identity for ourselves and befriend just anyone. It is a scary world out there, as what they would say so we need to be careful with whom we are dealing with.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
12 Mar 12
You need to guard them by educate them the danger of the internet so that they are aware in what happen to the internet world. I always reiterated to my kid about this too, my friend. Because I don't want them to be a victim of this crazy world of internet
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
Yup! I agree with you, my friend. The facts also is that hard to guard our kids in terms of using the internet because they are appear to be stubborn if we stop them using it. Better to educate them always on how to used the internet properly and whom they should meet or not to entertain to avoid anything happen that not's good
• United States
12 Mar 12
you can only do so much. you can tell them day in and day out all of the dangers of chat rooms and yiou can keep a very close eye on what they do and i guess in the end you just have to hope that it was enough to keep them safe. I am very scared for kids now a days because it really is a crazzy world out there and it is very easy to fall victim to the internet.
• United States
14 Mar 12
very very true!! the more you tell them not to do something or you cant do something they will want to do it more and usually they will find a way and then they will do what parents do not want them to do. it is better for them to be informed because i am sure some will get on it sooner or later and if they were never educated about these things then how will they know it is unsafe?
• United States
5 Mar 12
Passwords that only you know are the best locks you can get for your computer. Do not make them simple like Mommy1.Uuse letters, numbers, symbols in a way that makes sense to you, but would not to the kids. Have the computer in a main area of the house where the whole family gathers. It is much less likely a child will go into forbidden areas of the Internet if Mom and Dad can see everything they are doing. Good luck!
• United States
7 Mar 12
I knew a lot of those tricks too, that's why when I go over to the computer, I check out ALL tabs, not just the screen that is showing. Parents are more savvy than they used to be to the tricks of kids. Hugs, Maggie
• United States
9 Mar 12
that is very true. i tell everyone if i didnt do it their daddy did so my kids are in trouble if they ever try to get away with anything lol. when i was a kid and i always was online i used a lot of tricka so they did not know what i was doing and i will keep those in mind when my kids get up to that age to do the same thing :) that is what makes things a little safer in my opinion the parents who did things as kids no better for their kids and so on and so it isnt so nad when we break the rules hahaha
• United States
7 Mar 12
yea many times that i make a password it is easily figuered out if you were really trying far as kids not going in to places they should not i am not sure that that is 100% true but may b times have changed and every kid is not me...when i was a kid i would pull more than 1 tab up and minimize it just as quick as i could when my grandfather was coming over to the computer. also when i was told not to go into something or a site i would do it just because i was told NOT to. now on the other hand i think that if i knew what i do now when i was a kid i would have listened to what i was told a lot more!!
@marguicha (225708)
• Chile
4 Mar 12
I don´t like a chat room for kids without a parent´s supervision. But, on the other hand, I think that is almost next to impossible the way hids are brought up these days. They have tto many rights and not many duties. So parents are not able to control them.
@marguicha (225708)
• Chile
5 Mar 12
I don´t believe in locking hids either, but they should earn their freedom. In my house (many years ago though) I did not let the kids watch TV before their homework was done. And they also had a few chores at the house. They don´t seem to have been harmed by that upbringing.
• United States
7 Mar 12
when i say "locked up" i have just seen a family where their mom will barely let her out of her sight and its like she has 0 privacy and no freedom to do ne thing... when i was growing up i also could not watch tv or play with anyone if my homework was not done. i also had to do my homework in the kitchen while grandma was cooking dinner that way she knew i was doing my homework and not doing other things. i think every kid needs chores but some parents over exaggerate the amout of chores they made their kids do (not sayin you jsut a few people i know). i do not think that is a bad way to raise your family either lol i actually think it is a great way. when they r kids i am sure they hate it and think u are being mean (i know i did) but n the end it helps them get farther in life and we all want our kids to do well in this world when they are all grown up.
• United States
4 Mar 12
i agree many kids are just left to do as they please. if parents had a little more control then i think things would be a little better/easier for most people. on the other hand i am a full believer in if you keep you kids locked up under very strict rules with out a little bit of freedom they will sometimes rebel and rebel bad and then there will be no control left.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
5 Mar 12
Of course as a mom I'm worried about the internet and what will come of it when my daughter is old enough to use it. Me and my husband have already planned out to use parent locks on the internet when our kids can go online if they need to go to a certain they will need to come to us to get the password also to keep the computer in an open room where we can see at all times what they are doing. Chat rooms will be closed off to them till they are 18 years old. When they get a computer in there room will all depend on there maturity level and if we feel that they are really ready and can handle what ever comes there way on the net when we are not there. You got to start them young with what you can and can't say to people through text or IM's or even in a chat room. You never know who is on the other side if they are good or not. They can tell you they are so and so and not be that person. So to never really trust who your talking to online because you never know.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
8 Mar 12
I didn't mean tell when I said that. I was thinking one of us will go and do put in the computer or something. Knowing my husband he would jack up the computer no matter what. Even when a kid has a computer with passwords and stuff some kinds are smarter then the parents. I between me and my husband as teenagers we got past a lot of those parent blockers and stuff. It all just depends on what your searching for and how you word it even then it doesn't stop certain things getting throw the parent blocks and passwords. But it does weeded out a lot of thing stuff you don't want your kids going to or getting into. After a certain age you just got to trust your kids and that they will the right things even if they end up on a site they know they shouldn't be on or talking to someone they shouldn't be talking to do know what to do. My parents had trust me at 16 that I would do the right thing with having a computer in my room. I never got the computer taken way or my cell phone so that was good on me.
• United States
9 Mar 12
i agree with you. my husband and i were also kind of like that. if i didnt so it he did so my kids may be in trouble when they try to get away with things lol. and i have also noticed sometimes you type in 1 thing and you get something completely diffrent. i guess as a child gets older you know better who they are and you learn to trust them by their actions and that is when you will truely know if they are responsible enough to have their own computer and will do the right things on it when they are allowed to be on it...o ok i may have read it wrong when u said "tell" but that is the best way to do things i guess to try and protect them the best we can and that way you know the site they are going to when you have to "type" in a password for them to go on it :)
• United States
7 Mar 12
that is a good way to look at things...i think if it was me and i gave them a computer in their room i would still lock a lot of sites and like u said they would have to talk to me to go into a psw protected area and i would just type the password n and not tell it to them to use at a later date. it seems that the works is just getting worse not better and i am worried that all the inocent kids are going to fall victim to the world of the chat rooms where like u said u never know who is actually on the other end...ex they can say they are the same age as you are and all the fun things they do and they want to meet up after months of chatting and they have u convinced u trust the and then in all reality it is this older man who is looking for nuthing but will b hard for me toallow my kids online and at first i will b right next to them making sure they know what is acceptable on the computer and what is not.
@mmall69 (194)
• India
3 Apr 12
yes you are right..chatting is not safe for the don't know anything about the people around us...simply they believe what others chat..
• United States
4 Apr 12
very true. they only see/believe what they are told through the chat and that stuff is not always isnt safe for adults either but atleast we have a better understanding on how to stay safe. kids they just think it is fun and sometimes it can get them into A LOT of trouble!!
@angelako (280)
• Italy
4 Mar 12
Yes i agree its really not safe because in a chat room,many adults who have bad behaviour which might influence your child,even not on chat just doing online may not be good for children,its advisable to monitor our kids whn they used computer,or like in windows their is a parental control where you can decide which site your child can only go,and block sites which is not good for them.
• United States
7 Mar 12
the internet in a whole is a very scary and unfamiliar world. blocking sites is a good way to prevent some sites from being seen but sometimes that isnt enough. some kids know how to get thro that and then again they are always coming out with new things and if we dont keep up to date on all the new internet things (which is so hard to do since the internet has so much sontent in it) then there is always something that our kids can get in to out there.
• India
5 Mar 12
I also think that. It is not safe for me and kids also.
• United States
7 Mar 12
so very true :) i know the internet was creadted to help everyone find information quickly and easily but sometimes i think that it is the worst thing that people can get in to....
@dazzledlady (1618)
• Philippines
4 Mar 12
I do chat a lot online. And yes i dont think it its safe for kids of any age to be expose to chatting. I would probably make an exception for those of legal age. Because that would mean they are old enough to know what is wrong and to make sensible decisions. Though it is nice for parents to monitor their children out of concern. We cannot prevent or prohibit the youngsters to go online and explore what the adults are experiencing. I mean it is part of growing up. I think the best we can do is to remind them that not all people we meet or chat online are decent or with a good heart some have bad ulterior motives too. And keep the communication between the kids and parents. Restricting them from chatting for me would increase their curiosity and would lead to going online with out your supervision and guidance.
• United States
4 Mar 12
wow yes this is all a great point...most kids will do what you tell them not do more just because you said "no". i would rather my children do it under my supervision than to go behind my back and do it and get into the wrong people. almost everyone i know has atleast been into a chat room at one time or another. I will say that i like chat rooms because you can learn a lot of diffrent places around the world and the people from those areas (lifestyle, culture, beliefs, marraige, ect.). the same things are done in diffrent ways all around the worls it is very interesting to hear about. u may have changed my mind about how to treat the situation when my kids get to that age.. :)
@Lisona (177)
4 Mar 12
I have a 12 year old, I give my 12 year old limits on the net, have a safe block system up when they are on so the can only search certain sites. Its much much better than even 5 years ago where there was not much you could do to prevent kids visiting certain sites you do not want them to see. But if you are still paranoid about what they are writing and saying, it is best to let them go on when you are sitting beside them. Kids are clever and and figure ways around this, my son had opened up a facebook page without my knowledge this was done at a friends house. So, even with supervised checks and blocks try and keep ahead of them :0)check history ect ect
• United States
7 Mar 12
what is the safe block system? i have never heard of that... it is a little early for me to worry about but i know it isgoing to happen andi need ideas to stop it before it starts lol. i also agree with you because when i was a kid i did the same thing but i think it was with myspace. i was n a lot of trouble when they found out i had made one but after my grandpa looked at it he was ok with me having one. i am not very good with computers but i know that my husband knows how to check the history so that wil be a routine check at night. lets just hope they do not delete that to lol
• Canada
4 Mar 12
We have spoken to our children for as much as they will remember, any sites that they are on we have the passwords to. They have been preached at time and time again not to give out their age, their location, the name of their school, not to post pictures of themselves on sites. I fear they will fall victim to someone that is undesirable so we make every attempt to help that not to happen. Todays' society can be so unsafe we can only protect our children so much lets just hope it's enough.
• United States
4 Mar 12
I think that what you are doing is a great way to protect your kids and keep them safe. i am sure they think it is unfair and mean. in then end they are home safe where they belong. one day when your kids have a family they will understand you were doing it out of love. i had to have permission to go on any new site and/or download ne thing (mostly the chat bars yahoo,msn,ect). i hope it is enough to keep our kids safe sometimes i think they should take the chat rooms away. i know people use them a lot but may be put better restrictions on how you qualify to be on. i know sounds like a lot of work so itll never happen but its a nice thought. :)
@TheIzers (680)
4 Mar 12
Chat room for kids... for me a big NO NO... it's not safe and people in the chat room sometimes using vulgar language
• United States
7 Mar 12
that is sooo true. i have gone into a chat room here and there and the 1st thing people want to know is your asl then if ur single and then all the profanity and nasty talk comes...y is that all people think of in a chat room? cant people just go there to have a nice talk and enjoy themselves??
@JDaw2006 (428)
• United States
4 Mar 12
I feel the same way. A chat room is not for children. The only reason that children should be allowed to go into a chat room is if the parents are sitting right there beside them. And when a child is making there profile there should be more into making it as well. I think it should be just like a credit card you should have to send in all kinds of info. The parents should have to make it for them. Including the parents email address and phone number. That way the parents can get a phone call and a email to make sure that e=they are the ones that made the account. And i noe that it is kinda invading childrens privacy but i think that everything that the kids say in a chat room or just a plain chat should be emailed to the parents so that they can monitor what there children are talking about and who they are talking to. I think that would prevent alot of things different. I think that would not take care of the problem but at least narow it down alot!
• United States
7 Mar 12
i agree for the most part...when we were kids we werealways in diffrent chat rooms talking to diffrent people and we gave out way to much info at times. i think that having the parents make the account and like the credit card thing would be a great way to narrow out the bad people but there will always be a few that know how to work the system and get away with it. as far as emailing the whole conversation may b there should b a flag if they talk about something certain or volgure stuff may b then email it to the parents i am not sure that emailing everything is the best choice but then again it would b a great way help with the problem and possibly stop some very bad behavior before it gets out of hand.
• United States
7 Mar 12
Children pretty much be should be monitored all the time. Online and offline. Personally, I would not allow my children to be online, until they were the age of fourteen. Then monitoring of their communications would take place. Giving children free range on the internet is a very scary thought! go into a chat room, make sure you set up borders, and be able to monitor all communication. Most children don't know how to even type, yet alone know how to keep their information safe. A child could think they were talking to someone they knew, and actually be talking to some kind of pervert. Keep kids safe. Don't put them in danger. If you decide to let them make sure you montor them. There are so many other things that children could be doing, other than hanging out on chat rooms. They miss out on so many other things when they spend to much time sitting behind a tv, or the computor. Parents should be guiding their children. Watching over them. Just as Jesus guides and watches over us.
• United States
7 Mar 12
this is a great point and i agree with everything you just said. i will allow my kids online but i will b watching very closely. i think there should b some kind of law that says kids under a certain age are NOT allowed online or atleast in chat rooms because sometimes schooling involves the use of the internet. when i do allow it they will b givin a time limit and they will get off when the time is up even if they are not done talking...i know sounds mean but in all honesty they already will know the limit and they should earn there time on there and b safe all at the same time and i will check the history right after to make sure i didnt miss something because i know when i was a kid i would hide some of the tabs from my grandparents..
@venkit (2955)
• India
4 Mar 12
I believe that chat room is not a place for kids,even the adult should use it carefully. some may be real person with nice attitude, but sometimes it may be robots to fetch our personal information so we should aware of issues in chat room before we enter there.
• United States
4 Mar 12
i never thought of this side of things before. many chat rooms do want a lot of personaly information for your profile. who knows what they really do with all the information.
@gmkumar08 (396)
• India
4 Mar 12
Even the adults get addicted to chatting.Then it is obvious that there will be a deep impact on kids.So,i feel it is not safe for kids,..
• United States
4 Mar 12
that is very true i have heard of a lot of adults who do nothing but stay online and chat to people in chat rooms..
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
4 Mar 12
That is true. people in chatrooms can actually cheat adults like us... so it won't be impossible that kids can be fooled too. And since some kids sometimes easily believes in people they are talking with - it is really better to monitor what they're doing online.
• United States
4 Mar 12
very true...many kids can be fooled way easier than the adults so you have to be way more careful with a kid and who they are talking to.